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How do we understand those around us who don't care about global destruction? Deliver the message and move on. Many are waking up. Mainstream media keeping up the normalcy bias. How to get involved.

2 Responses

  1. I couldn't make out the name of the website that the caller named Peter apparently runs– is it possible to list the name of this website somewhere here where we can see it? 

    Here's another angle for someone out there to take on:  What's being done to translate articles and videos from this kind of website into Spanish?  We have thousands upon thousands of Latinos here in the U.S. right now who are very much onto the ruse and are every bit as concerned, if not more so, about the climate manipulation, because this is a very family-oriented group of people who have moved to the U.S. in order to create better opportunities for themselves and their children.  I believe that we are going to need armies upon armies upon armies of environmental lawyers coming online now to knock the idiots-in-charge out of the control room– no more kids allowed in the control room, and become adults enough also to understand that we must then work all the time to keep them out: "The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance," said John Philpot Curran in a speech given in Dublin, Ireland way back in 1790 and paraphrased by many others ever since.  It's too bad that this is no longer taught in most of our schools.

    From Huffington Post Germany:  Lies about Greeks and bankruptcy, by a GERMAN author:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/07/01/greece-germany-bankruptcy-_n_7707620.html?cps=gravity_2684_-7186841677636197958 

    The Infinite Economic Growth Paradigm comes to you complete with built-in suicide clause.  Using a model from biology, the only thing that believes the b.s. about infinite growth is.. cancer.. and NO, Bill Gates, humans are NOT a "cancerous growth" on this planet; the people who created the Green Revolution, using petrochemical fertilizers (Rockefellers), are the very same people who created the "population explosion."  And "They" do not need to genocide seven billion of us in order to get this planet back to some kind of magical "normalcy" that really only existed in Their pointed little "superior" heads.  Doing so will only create more "lost" Will, the reflection of which will still have to be faced by victims and perpetrators alike.

    Too bad The Monkeys absolutely won't get their hands out of the not-so-Cosmic Cookie Jar– how very, very sad.  By insisting on continuing to use this lower primate survival tactic as our main "go to" behavior we are really just helping ourselves more quickly to our own demise.  To paraphrase the late Michael C. Ruppert (author of Crossing The Rubicon:  The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil), who also had nothing to hide:  "Change the way money works or you change nothing." 

  2. We have allowed our guilt, both personal and collective, to tell us that it's okay to let bullies and monsters over-run this planet and now they are running it.  So sometimes it feels like you're on the "wrong" planet, when in truth it should be a Paradise.  Well, we need to TAKE OUR POWER BACK and get the monsters OFF the planet.  They are too dangerous for us to allow them here any longer.  Here are some very fundamental foundational things that we can and need to do:

    1. Move our denied feelings around all of these issues.

    2. Raise our children differently and DO NOT reward bad behavior, including the insane notion that one gender is somehow "superior" to the other.  Can't do that?  Don't have kids.

    3. Educate our children properly.  Change our educational system in order to raise truly smart and aware kids, in service of correctly used scientific facts, of the life of our planet, and NOT in the service of Corporate Uhmeruhkun Agendas.

    4. Serving God, or a Higher Power than our puny little personal egos, should be broadened to include saving His (Her?  Mother, where ARE YOU!) Creation.

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