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Many battles about resources. Elevated atmospheric CO2 results in higher plant nitrogen levels. Congressional aids now turning against geoengineering truth. Don't run from the issues. Face it head-on. Calfornia approaching 120 degrees. The reality we have known is over, but don't be adverse to it. How to get involved.

2 Responses

  1. To my ear it sounds that Glenn Miller, the very famous Big Band musician and leader, was trying to tell us something here with this song: 


    Don't Talk About the Weather–SHHH!  It's a Military Secret!!! 

    Glenn Miller served in the U.S. Army Air Force Band.   We are told that he was on a plane that disappeared over the English Channel. The actual circumstances of his death have been questioned over time and there are a few speculative versions in addition to the "official" version– a typical pattern of behavior by the Military Industrial machine that sucked him in.  Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. 

    Through our own apathy, this time around they're going after the entire planet.  Question is, what criteria are they using to decide when their "mission" is accomplished?  Where do the perpetrators propose to go, underground–?  Knowing how these entities deal with long-term planning I'm sure that THAT'll work out just fine. 


  2. I received an announcement from PG&E, our northern CA utility provider, that tomorrow, Thursday June 25, 2015, will be another "Peak Pricing Event Day" for those of us holding commercial property accounts, meaning that we will be charged at a higher rate for electrical usage between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., because it's forecast to be a hot day… 

    I am "just" a music teacher and I notified my subtenant teachers about these events, 15 in all throughout the year, encouraging them to share with their students that we all have to conserve energy and keep costs, along with resource extraction, down. 

    I also wrote back to the account manager for the program that we will need heat in the winter, you can't play music without warm hands, and that, BTW, we will soon likely be living in a state that will be facing summer temperature highs of 120 degrees fahrenheit– where will it stop– ?? and I included the link to one of Dane's radio programs announcing these kinds of temps, along with a link to the report, Air Force 2025:  Owning the Weather in 2025:  Weather as a Force Multiplier, the Air Force's "Plan" for YOUR atmosphere, and that we all need to educate ourselves to the reality of climate "management" via aerosolized nanoparticulate toxic metals that are destroying our health by destroying ozonosphere, letting in dangerous levels of UV and gamma radiation, and infrared, heating everything up– wouldn't you think a utility company would be interested in stopping this?? 

    Also, I sent links to real estate professionals I know to inform them about the reality of geo-engineering and what it's really doing, and have proposed a Real Estate Professionals for Sane and Healthy Land.  Or something like that.  There MUST be R.E. Agents, brokers and lenders who understand what's going on– WHO is going to want to buy land on a planet that's being baked to death, with no water, because we continue to allow the air to be filthied, the water to be stolen, then dumped excessively elsewhere on the planet?

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