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Artificial weather manipulation continues. Public officials continue to lie to the public. Some people feel the situation is hopeless. Using common law to battle tyranny. How much longer do we have? How to get involved.

4 Responses

  1. This is a response to the caller "Ellie"? "Allie"?

    Can I ask a very simple question? Who exactly is it you think is going to enforce any judgments, should you obtain one? Also, I tried to find your post to GEW Facebook page and can't. If the International court you speak of is the International Tribunal on Crimes Against Humanity? WE, the US are not a party to the agreement. Thus, not liable/culpable for any finding against the US in particular. At the end of the day if you do get a court to find the US liable and there are no enforcement authorities how do you get your judgment enforced?

    I would think WE(me you and all others) would have to go and arrest the people responsible. No matter the outcome of any legal proceedings, yours or Danes, who will enforce the judgment? Not to say these proceedings are not worthwhile; I'm only saying we need to spend the majority of our energies preparing for the inevitability of what is going to stop this madness. Us taking back our rightful authority over those who think it belongs to them.   Us, again Us.

    If the police, legal system, EPA, Congress, the President, Greenpeace, AMEG, Al freakin Gore etc. etc. were going to save us they would have already done it.

    Expecting slime to grow a spine, pointless. They won't and never will.

    I can only re-state the obvious and with all serious understanding of what this means; NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE US, PERIOD. We will have to save ourselves. NOW, not after a summary judgment. NOW, not after they admit the programs. NOW, not after all hope is totally gone. Stop being LAZY and looking for some "other" (thing, aliens, person, court or God) to save you.

    People, please step up and be the solution you are looking outside yourself for others to be. It is HARD, very hard to DO for yourself what you think others should or could do for you. However, it is the only HOPE I have left.

    Myself, for me, for today, I choose to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I choose to let go of faith in a corrupt system. I choose to stop listening to the "media". I choose to write letters and e-mails to those who are covering for the PTB. I choose to call out my professors when they lie to the youth of our country. I choose to hand out flyers to everyone I come in contact with. I choose to let go of friendships and family members who choose to ignore the uncomfortable truth. Most importantly I choose to be an active, positive, and forceful foot soldier for what matters most at the end of the day, OUR CHILDREN.

    Sorry to rant on, but I am so tired of hearing; can't someone else do it?

    Wrong question; of course they can, but will they? NO! If you can't hear them tell you no by their inaction and complicity. If the increase spraying and increasingly hostile environment don't say no. If the militarizing of the police, EPA, postal employees, dog wardens, etc. don't tell you no, I don't know what will.

    Sadly, the powers that shouldn't be, are; because we allow them to be. Complicit in our own demise. Still voting, suing, working, paying taxes, watching tv, playing games, buying their poison products and ignoring the noose that is, at an increasingly faster rate, tightening around our necks.

    We do these things to our own detriment. We allowed this to happen. We are the only hope to stop this. 


  2. last summer we had thousands of wild bee's Dane. they were every where. they were not domestic commercial bee's either. there was a wild hive somewhere close by. 

    This summer they are gone. the clover that used to be covered in wild honey bee's no long are visited by any bees. We used to have thousands of them in our fields. now we have yet to see a single bee. Wiped out by their SAG campaign i am sure. They have been hammering us to the point it is difficult to breath most days. 

    The bees, bugs, snakes, birds, squirrels. and other wild life are badly affected. not to mention people. most people i know are sick. they chalk it up to a virus but it is sinus and breathing issues. I am sure we know what it is from. 


    the time is short to get this stopped. These monsters in human clothing will not stop spraying us. They will not stop following their 'orders' or stop taking money to poison people from the air until they are forced to. not sure how that can happen but i am certain they won't stop until nothing is left alive on the surface or they are stopped by people that have had enough. 

  3. This is for Jacqueline, in the hope that she reads comments.  Jacqueline, I absolutely share your frustrations with regard to the world situation, and the enormity of the difficulties that we face.  You expressed, too, your worry that a lot of people are going to die.  Maybe it would be helpful to separate the former from the latter. 

    Without a doubt, we are facing possible extinction – but so is every other species.  That we might, by acting now, be able to salvage a life-support system for even a few of earth's creatures is reason to keep fighting.  As for any individual's fate, or even billions of individuals' fate, it's helpful to reverse the statement "I am going to die" into "Against the odds, I am still alive."  Because any one of us could be the person, on any given day, who falls victim to a fatal accident, who develops a terminal illness, etc.  That we were born at all is an incredible gift, and every day that we live is another.  We were all born under the proviso that we'll die, and the best we can do is to make life meaningful, and to celebrate each morning on which we wake up to another day of life.  Another day to carry on doing our best for, and by, the planet.

    I'm not trying to go all New-Agey here; I absolutely reject the notion that every little thing that happens in life is a gift.  I cannot see Morgellon's, for instance, as an opportunity; to me it is a crime against humanity (like the Tuskegee experiments on a global scale).  I think that the so-called Serenity Prayer says it best: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  Death is one of those things we just can't change, but the quality of life is (to some extent) in our hands.

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