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Big wheels are turning. Important allies are becoming involved in the fight. Heat in India melting road surfaces. Flooding in Texas is related to climate engineering. Today's technology can determine virtually any weather condition. Mainstream media is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. How to get involved.

4 Responses

  1. Another great show, Dane and Russ and all the trully motivated! I just tell people to go to this site and leave it at that! This last article says it all!  Wow! This is what people need to be aware of! Says what I feel and have heard Dane yelling from the roof tops for years! They have been playing chess for a very long time and they never stand still! Focused! As I followed one of the many convoys here in CO I witnessed a person in the back of one of the many urban assault vehicles wearing a full face gas mask! It looked like the one in the mural at DIA! And many? 7+ Blue Bell ice cream trucks with the convoy? What a great, fun time they must plan on! When not at war they practice! Practice makes perfect! As you have brought to my attention! The American Empire is everywhere! All over the world! They want it all! Yada, ya, ya! Thanks!

  2. Regarding Kim's point about the organic farmers.

    A major local organic farmer here on the Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia refuses to deal with what I shared with him.

    His comment was something to the effect of, humus is really amazing.

    One of his people at their stall actually laughed in my face.

    Ignorant fools.


    1. Hi Trish. How well do you know this farmer? If you do not know this person very well or have not been a regular customer the approach you take to introducing people to Climate Change and GeoEngineering should take this into consideration. I was talking to a woman (I had never met before) who is married to a farmer. I talked about the weather being overcast appearing like it should rain. I then mentioned it’s too bad the bee colonies are collapsing due to all of the spraying. This led to a deeper discussion. I then mentioned global dimming, that the oil particulates from the thousands of daily commercial flights attach to dust particles in the upper atmosphere and are more reflective. Because of 9-11 when flights were discontinued, scientists noticed that the global temps increased slightly and there was more solar light penetrating the atmosphere. Did she recall Eric Holder mentioning GeoEngineering last year? It’s a no brainer that pilots seed clouds to create rain, pilots spray pesticides. It’s a relatively simple process to spray the sky with particulates to create SRM (solar radiant management) to increase global dimming. Had she noticed that the sun feels so much hotter, it’s easier to get sun burned. I have yet to meet anyone who disagrees with this. Why is the sun tan lotion UV rating now so high? I talk about how as a kid I would run around outdoors all day during the summer and would rarely get a sun burn. Again she agreed. I told her if she wants to get a full picture of why all of these things are happening look up at the sky. Google GeoEngineering. It was a friendly, not agressive, two way conversation. I don’t tell people about geoengineering, I create logical observational conversations. I don’t know if this will work for you but it seems to be working for me. Create a rule that you limit the initial GeoEngineering/Climate talk to 7 to 10 minutes and then bring up something pleasant. When I bump into people they tend to tell me what they have learned (if they took a genuine interest in the conversation). I bring up more info and then end the conversation with a different friendly topic. It’s a bit like taming a wild kitten. Feed them a little bit at a time, let them come to you. Make sure your facts are precise and easy to digest. Leave them with a positive impression. If they habe any curiosity at all they will seek out more info on their own.

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