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What's In A Word?

By Lisa Thomas, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org

I am sitting beside a lake in Northern California and the sky is an open blue canvas as far to the left and right of me as I can see; but it is smeared with graffiti and it is the wrong shade of blue, dull and pale. Just few years ago it would have been turquoise from where I am sitting and only cumulus clouds might have hung low, seeming almost tangible behind the ridges on the other side of the lake. The rest of that open dome would have been nothing but solid aqua-blue, a shade that is almost beyond description. I fell in love with that sky when we came here to live nearly ten years ago, deeply, crazy in love.

On February 14th, I sat in the front row at a conference on geoengineering at the 2015 AAAS meeting in San Jose, California. I watched a panel of scientists and one law professor each take his turn in a sort of performance that made no sense to me. On his way in, Alan Robock of Rutgers University went out of his way to say to a group of activists in front of the convention center, “I don't know what you're all protesting. It's nothing but water vapor.” This is the man who, in 2008, wrote “20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be a Bad Idea”. During the conference he made it a point to say that the reason those of us in Northern California notice these trails so much more than other people and think they are a problem is because our sky is so blue.

Dear Alan: Our sky was “so blue”. The trails you claim are nothing but water vapor are spreading out all over our sky and they're not only dimming the sun but are completely changing its color to a silvery blue.

What I'm struggling to understand is why people would go along with this. As I type, there are almost 20,000 signatures on a petition I wrote several months ago, and those people all see what isreally happening. Their comments are from the heart. They miss the sun. They miss their natural sky. Their children have breathing problems. For me, looking at this smeared mess over my head feels the same as when I am in a place of natural beauty and the rocks are sprayed with graffiti or there is trash on the ground. No matter what the words are or the wrapper that has been left behind, it says, “Disrespectful man was here.”

Who would invent a concept like deliberately spraying pollution into the sky? What kind of mind conceives an idea this horrible and says to someone, “Hey, we could intentionally pollute the sky and make fake clouds so that we can go on polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases for as long as we want. We could even control the weather!” What kind of people sit around the table in the planning room, nod their heads and reply, “Say, that's a swell idea!”? Haven't these people ever gone hiking? Have they ever paddled a canoe? Are they people who don't know the silky feel of a baby's hair beneath their fingertips? Are they people who don't see the beauty in a child's smile when he crosses a finish line and can still breathe? Or is the feeling of a paycheck being pressed into their palms the only thing that makes their heart race a little faster, or pulls their smile a little broader?

It is a beautiful plan, really. First, we were all programmed to think that only those who join the clubs, play for the team, fight for our country, or drink with the frat are “normal”. Those of us who crouched in the woods, dug in the dirt, collected pine cones, insects and objects other than shells on the beach were the weirdos. Most human beings attend ceremonies, follow traditions, perform rituals, stand in line, and fail to question because that is what has been expected of us all our lives. The television writes our script for existence in the modern world. The newscasters tell us only what they're permitted to say, and we are programmed to blindly accept only that which is “officially” published by certain “credible” institutions or academic authors.


Enter the word that separates the crowd: “Chemtrails”. It is pulled out like a hand puppet to create social exclusion. It manufactures instant division: the Us Team and the Them Team of the world's skywatchers. The Us Team thinks what is being done to the sky is insanity. We are watching the trees die from chemicals and lack of full sunlight. Some of us are aware of the raspy laugh or hoarse-sounding cough that had its onset when the spraying started above us. For others, the health consequences have been worse.

The Them Team is a mystery to me. Were they forced to wear bow ties at private school somewhere, to stand in line just a little too quietly when they wanted to run around on the playground instead? When they were children, were they forced into submission by an overly stern parent? Or are they just plain insane? Who would do this to our planet or go along with doing it to the only Earth we have? Who would turn a blind eye to what is happening and instantly tack on the title “Chemtrailer” to every person who questions the blatant mess that is intentionally being created daily by jet aircraft? What kind of person would publish a children's book, a movie, a photograph, or a computer game that subtly sells this concept by incorporating it into the artwork? Who are these people, and how in the name of God did I end up on the same planet with them?

Several times a day, I go out and walk the circumference of my above-ground swimming pool, looking for bumble bees to save from drowning in the water. Most of the time I scoop them up with my bare hands because they seem to somehow know I'm there to help. I place them as gently as I can onto the lavender plants and hope they can hear the others and recover. If they are faltering, I tell them they must try harder and I nudge them to flutter their wings so they will dry sooner. They are a gift. They are something the Them Team would not understand. They were something I overlooked most of my life until they disappeared. In the spring of 2013, only a couple of weeks after I saw the first group of jets spray an aerosol haze above my house, the bumble bees vanished. Every other insect on our property soon disappeared as well. By August of that year, the pool was devoid of insects and the porch light glowed moth-free, a ghostly reminder of what was being destroyed. I knew it was the trails. But I am just a “chemtrailer”. What do I know?

The Them Team has used their social exclusion tactics to draw a line in the sand so they can go on about the business of lying or denying. I think it's some of both, and I think the people on that team have many different agendas. By pulling out the label and plastering it around, some of them get to stand on a tiny pedestal and do what I call The Academic Chuckle when they deem it appropriate. They get to publicly make fun of thousands of people who have eyes they trust and children they are concerned about. They get to destroy the world while pretending they're saving it, and hundreds of people are going right along with them by not having the scrotal fortitude to stand up to them and their ready-made label. (Politicians are included in this long list of cowards.)

Geoengineering is happening. The government is manipulating the weather. Very wealthy people and corrupt corporations have a tremendous amount to gain from pushing California into a drought. Giant pharmaceutical companies are making millions on people with depressed immune systems and asthma. Welcome to America, everyone. Land of the oblivious, home of the cowardly. This is why the Them Team is getting away with it. People want to be part of something. They don't want to face social exclusion. They don't want to be ridiculed. They don't want to hear the Academic Chuckle and be on the wrong side of it. But there was a time when most of the world thought the earth was flat and people who thought it was round were laughed at, a time when Galileo was punished for his views on heliocentrism. Rachel Carson was publicly ridiculed when she warned of the dangers of DDT. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was scorned for his suggestion that doctors wash their hands in a sanitizing solution before delivering babies in order to prevent childbed fever; and Louis Pasteur's ideas were met with skepticism. What aspect of the human mind makes it so resistant to new concepts, so unable to rise to the challenge of facing existing problems? How hard is it to look up at the sky and see what is happening? How hard is it to see that the trees are dying?

If I cared what other people thought, I wouldn't be writing this. Oh, sure, we all do to an extent, but there are some of us who were just born to pour the poison Kool-Aid down the drain and say, “Not for me!” When I was four years old, I went to nursery school in a section of the First United Methodist Church, and I knew what was beyond the door in the baby room. It led into the rest of the building and ultimately to the church sanctuary. Every so often, my grandmother would drag me reluctantly to Sunday services and feed me pink mint candy to keep me quiet, so I remembered seeing the sanctuary with its silky blue cushions and looming stained-glass windows. I was determined to find my way to it. I convinced about four other kids to join the caper. We sneaked through the nursery room door and skipped through the dark warren of hallways until we came to the light, and we exploded with giggles in that lofty, enormous room. Without a congregation, it had a beautiful dreamlike quality and it never occurred to me that I was breaking a rule. I only knew that I was on adventure and we had reached our destination. The punishment turned out to be better than the crime itself, for we were sentenced to help prepare lunches in the deepest, darkest part of the church with Mrs. Brezina for a week straight. She was the kindest jailer imaginable and her kitchen was tucked into a forgotten grotto that was as interesting as it was neglected.

Those of us who recruit others to sneak off to find a beautiful place that resides in our memory are the kinds of people who don't join clubs. We follow only rules that matter and we step out of line. Out of curiosity we play with the water squirter in the dentist chair when nobody is looking. We think for ourselves. We became accustomed long ago to being called names because we've always been different, so as a tactic of psychological manipulation, calling us names doesn't really work. The Them Team can try as hard as it wants to. It's not going to back us down and make us think, “Good heavens, someone is disdainfully lumping us into a category so we'd better shut up and go on about the business of fitting in.” Did Rachel Carson try to fit in? Semmelweis? Galileo? No, they did what they thought was right despite extreme opposition by their peers. They might not have had happy endings, but they all played a significant role in exposing the truth.


There was brilliance in contorting the word “chemtrails” so that it immediately triggers an emotional response in certain people. It has bought the Them Team time. In just two syllables it creates an obstacle. For people who believe in the established order of things, still believe our government is working for the greater good, and don't like to buck the system, there is that word like a comfortable old jacket ready to be slipped on to protect them from the truth: “The chemtrail people must be wrong because they are associated with a detestable word that makes them sound nuts.” And then they pull the jacket around them a little tighter. It is a convenient way out. Score one for the Them Team. They just got more time to carry on with their nasty deeds.

Human behavior is baffling. When did people become so out of touch with the natural world that they can't look up at the sky and see that things are just not right? When did seemingly intelligent people lose their ability to use reason? Scientists are “proposing” the very thing we are witnessing, and yet people are letting themselves be manipulated by one simple two-syllable word so that they are completely unable to see the truth hiding in plain sight.

The reality is, if our planetary situation is so dire that spraying a layer of pollution into the atmosphere is our only hope, people need to know. And if spraying aerosols into the atmosphere is putting millions of dollars into the pockets of big businesses and allowing companies to keep polluting for the almighty dollar, people need to know. If our governments are manipulating the weather, whatever the reason, people need to know.

There is no Us Team and Them Team. We are all riding on a relatively small ship in a very big universe, and it's dangerously close to sinking and taking us with it. That human tendency to think there is a big fix, that we can pull out all the stops in the end and save the day, is just wrong. We can't. It's time for everyone to face what is happening because, at this point, the truth is our only hope.

Lisa Thomas, Nevada County, California, May 2015

23 Responses

  1. These are the same people who would rather pop a pill to kill the pain or remove the symptom, instead of trying to find the cause.  Same thing with the geo-engineering… treating the effect instead of the cause. It is the inability to reason objectively, and is therefor simply a disability. These people need compassion not criticism. They look to self appointed "experts" and "authorities" to tell them what to do. By following these misguided and mind controlled 'experts', they reinforce the lie, turning it into an even BIGGER LIE.

    Trying to convince naysayers about the spraying is useless and a waste of energy. In this world two things get results, lawyers and boycotts… something to ponder.

  2. Such eloquence and precision expression I have not encountered in a long time. My deepest heart resonated with every insight and every shared experience. Turquoise and Indigo! I have to believe there are many millions of us here who have NOT succumbed yet to the incessant aerosol spraying and nonstop 24/7 programming that has pickled the thinking processes of so many, many millions of our fellow citizens. Yes, there are situations and rules and laws we cannot escape but there is yet A WAY TO KEEP SANE AND CONNECTED TO THE HEART AND TO MOTHER (earth). For me, Buddhist meditation can sensitize the brain and detox the heavy horseshit of living in this absurd culture right out of our minds. It's not easy and it's not hard. But it is a method that needs to be practiced if any benefits are to be realized.

      Again, I offer palms together to Lisa for writing this quite amazing essay and will encourage all who come here to read it in it's entirety.

      Worthy of my highest praise!


  3. great article. Great point about the trigger word, "Chem – trails", maybe the us team could term it "sky spraying", or something like that, maybe illicit a different response in people!?

  4. Ok, I am technicaly scrotum-less however have enough of what it takes to raise …. What happened to the generation that watched the Native American crying as he looked at the land being polluted? The owl…Give a hoot, dont pollute? Aparthied? Ivory ban in 80s? They are doing what?
    Wake up..We were supposed to make a postive difference…those reading this and “chemtrailers”,”flouride fighters”,”gmo-rebels” and assorted others labeled are the ones who will
    Press onward for those who are unable to…dragging the nearly awake into the chemical laden future…thank you for the article…

  5. Hey! You save bees from pools? I thought i was alone in doing that. Shared your article.
    By the way… when it’s a banker type crime, the old rule of thumb is follow the money. But when it’s a crime against bees… go figure… Dow, DuPont, Monsanto. Now who is spending money on advertising they are “doing everything possible for the industry” in answering questions about the “health of bees” ( as if the two have anything in common )? you get one guess… YAY! you got it.. Monsanto… so… hmmm… why would they need to do that? Guilty conscience? I doubt it. Measured public reaction response? Highly likely.. so… just in case you thought it was only about “global warming” or “pollution” or “HAARP” or something… think about it using that time tested pathological reasoning that they use… “WHO BENEFITS” when the bees are dying? ehem…


  6. We are the ones to stop the madness.  We are able to unite, meditate, love and live as one, together, in light.  .  BELIEVE!  We are the ones!!!

  7. This is an outstanding piece of writing. 

    Logical and heartfelt.

    The comparison between this obvious shit storm above our heads and graffiti on Grandfather rocks was simple, brilliant and something I actually thought just the other day…the discourteousness and open disdain being demonstrated from the top down – oppressing people into following along blindly – and treating this planet like some dumping ground for ONE GENERATION – the one which is committing these crimes…it's like a disease that has infiltrated every network, from our neurological ones, to our social infrastructure to the e-world itself.

    In any case, I read this twice because you reminded me why existence in this day and age matters so much: We are here because we are able to imagine a better world, along with the other light warriors.

    Sincerely, Mary Rose

    Victoria BC Canada


  8. Thanks Lisa,

    Well said and written, I love the analogy of graffiti in our sky. We are all in this together one big ship with no shore to speak of, if we all felt that way humanity would thrive again.  


  9. Very nice article. I wonder if everyone knows that we are paying for all the spraying, it is our tax dollars at work. I live in Bakersfield Ca. They have been spraying us almost everyday. I have been studying it for years now and trying to get people to look up. I am 60 years old, I also know what the sky is suppose to look like. I write politicians and the media and get nothing. I will keep trying, this madness has to be stopped. Thank you all for caring.

  10. So very true, thank you.  I agree that they probably consider this as the only hope to our dire planetary situation and since it is so dire the world should know so that people can decide how they want to spend the rest of their time here.  If people knew the truth about how bad things are maybe that would bring about the mass awakening needed to save our planet.  Or maybe not, and they will never tell us the truth anyway.  But, despite the various malevolent agendas behind all this, I do get the sense that perhaps at this point, with their fear-based, short-sighted, close-minded mentality, they really do see it as the only solution.  They put our planet on life support when it didn't need it and now it does, at least that's what they will say. 

  11. Thank you Lisa.  What a profoundly moving article…  I often ask myself these questions and cannot comprehend how more people do not notice this happening every day.  I hope this article touches many others and opens their eyes.


  12. Such a powerfull piece of writing , and will touch the hearts of many , it would be an honour to meet you , please never stop you and your family are an example for us all . thankyou.

  13. Lisa – thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your words moved me. You have an incredible gift with words and you are an asset to our cause. You speak from the heart but oh so eloquently. I hope everyone shares your article because I am certain your words will strike a chord – thank you.

  14. It is really a good point that logic seems to escape from the minds of humans even when they only need to JUST LOOK UP. Even disregarding the massive plumes that stay and expand, they cris cross the sky in a pattern that couldn't possibly be the most direct route for multiple commercial airliners to reach any destination. Even those that question many other aspects of our corporate – controlled country don't think that pilots and others would poison their own. I don't know how they could either, but I do know that there are many that will carry out what ever orders they are given. I also know what I see when I just look up. Thank you for your insight, keep fighting the good fight. 

  15. Thank you so much for the wonderful article. I am like minded with you and for some reason I can confirm that there will be no wake up.

    The key is to be with other like minded people. Thank you for contributing to Dane's web site. Yes, I have followed Dane's work for years….live in Southern California and have handed out 100's of printed flyers that Dane mailed to my home.

    Keep up the great work. 

    Kindest regards,


  16. your story is parallel to the financial bubble our gov't uses to keep the 1% rich, us poor, and the economy on a road to death.  it is a self reinforcing feedback system maintained for all the wrong reasons.  read David Stockman's  " the deformation of capitalism"  and see how the chemtrail story fits right in to the deformation of captalism and is just one small part to an ultimate evil goal, which is most likely irreversible until society collapses.,   which is close at hand

  17. Wonderful, profound writing. Thank you. I have a question—isn't the perpetually ionized atmosphere being used for satellites, also? Isn't this a kind of "Star Wars" mentality—the last "arms race", if you will? The Air Force has publicly admitted that they "manage" the ionosphere—why isn't anyone asking how and why they do that??? Because it's weather warfare, etc…these programs are destroying the planet…all for power, ego, materialism, and greed. The only thing that will change this course is for humanity to wake up and have a spiritual revelation—creating a new race of mankind, based on spiritual principles of compassion, truthfulness, kindness, detachment, oneness, and selflessness…basically, the exact opposite of what is going on now. We are all worlds apart, yet we are too close to measure the distance. This physical life is a fleeting moment in time, a shadow of our true selves—our true reality is spiritual—this is what continues throughout eternity. Keep seeking truth, my friends! Peace.

  18. Very, very, well said Lisa. I have come to loathe what the "Them Team" does with the term "chemtrails" (meaning they turn it back on us to ridicule and marginalize), but I completely resonate with what you've said. I was that kid too. I'm also the bee saver (as are my sisters, and my husband, as was my mother and grandmother), watching to see if their wings dry, helping guard them until they fly, and feeling it's equally important to the other things in my day. I get you, this, and 'feel' all the parts of this crazy moment in our unchartered days now. I 'feel' the profound we are here with purpose, noting all thee above… Much love to you. ~ Cori 

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