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The climate engineering wake up continues in ever more communities around the country and the world. Sean Anthony's Flow Of Wisdom radio show has a large listenership and is a part of this awakening. My most sincere gratitude to Sean for his willingness to help expose the ongoing geoengineering insanity. 
Dane Wigington


Part one:

Don't Say Chemtrails, Weather Control, Blocking The Sun

Part two:

Meteorologist, Morgellons And Monsanto Equals Climate Control

24 Responses

  1. Dane,

    I managed to get this letter published recently in the Contra Costa Times, the main SF East Bay newspaper:


    Drought has been created on purpose

    I believe a state/federal/international cabal has intentionally created a drought in California using patented methods of geoengineering weather control.

    YouTube satellite videos posted in late 2014 show the jet stream being redirected north and down into the central United States. I believe there would have been many rain producing fronts coming to California if geoengineering hadn't been used.

    This cabal also uses phony "environmental" groups to create an agenda against the building and maintenance of water-storage facilities. One such group is now lobbying to tear down Hetch Hetchy Reservoir — the water supply for San Francisco and surrounding cities. Additionally, California's much needed food production is threatened, along with the lives of Central Valley farmers and workers. We are being set up so that in the future our food supply will increasingly come from other countries.

    I believe this crisis was intentionally created so solutions that remove what's left of our freedoms can be implemented. In the future, we shall see our water controlled by corporate interests, courtesy of our elected officials.

    Marilynne L. Mellander

    El Sobrante

  2. By the way , I have hundred plus pics and videos of my own personal footage! However it's hard to get them out cuz I'm not to tech savvy and they've shut some of my emails to family and friends down!

  3. Dane how are you? I received your flyers and videos from store in Eureka,Ca and are distributing them as wisely as I can find trusting people! Not too many out there tho! Got them from the store u recently visited Eureka Natural Foods! I think people are very retarded or being completely subdued by mind control! I'm doing my best ! People like the video but think it's too drawn out. Dane u are an Angel like me but I'm broke and don't have the resources to do much more! I live right by the Pacific Ocean and am getting sprayed daily making me and my unconditionally loving dogs sick! I'm tired of it! People are insane because they don't see what's right above them and don't believe. Too stupid for their own good! I believe in God so I am saved but the rest of these people even my church, are in denial of what's going on. Just told them today that I'm not going anymore if they preach or try to preach the Gospel but won't see the End times signs happening daily around us! I've got phony fog with no moisture here right now gray shit and I know what it is! It's evil! All the trees and fish birds everything dying and people still don't see! If possible somehow I could get more videos and flers I could do more on April 25 th when u are rallying! Together we stand, divided we fall! God bless u all!

  4. Love Sean and Flow of Wisdom! Dane's interview's with him have been great. Have been listening to his program for over a year now.  gcnlive.com has some really great programs! Have learned so much listening to guests, hosts, and callers to the shows. The Power Hour, Truth Traveler, Infowars, Radio Liberty, are a few I've enjoyed. Check 'em out for yourselves and find other favorites!

  5. This was an exceptional interview – Sean is very adept at getting the basic information out without sounding condescending toward listeners.  I (and all of us, of course) share his concerns about Dane's well-being.

    On another note, I just received an email response from a popular CounterPunch writer who tackles global warming and other environmental issues; he let me know that there are lots of conspiracy-types involved in geoengineering.  Uh-oh. We'd better watch out for them!  (Hint: they are the ones who deny that our government would try to harm us in any way.) 

    I replied by thanking him for not being among the ever-increasing multitude who think that global warming is a conspiracy theory  🙂  Also mentioned that, having been in academia, I tend to trust my own analysis of data over peer reviews.  Because one should, I can attest to that!

    Hope he doesn't now log in and see this; it isn't terribly respectful (though I don't give names).  But I suspect that CounterPunch is pretty heavily policed, topic-wise.

    1. Once again, I have put my foot in my mouth.  The writer to whom I referred below was not being facetious with me, not at all.  What's more, he sent me a link to his most recent article, in CounterPunch – one which gives a glimmer of hope that, if we can stop the assault, the planet can and will recover (though obviously we humans will have to drastically change our ways).

      I highly recommend this to anyone who is feeling, as I so often do, that there is no point to fighting on:


  6. A great interview.  More people like Sean need to have you on their talk shows.

    Thank you for your hard efforts Dane.

  7. Thank you Dane for a great interview. You are the only person reporting the real facts about the whole picture. There are so many misleading so called reporting individuals out there that speak half lies or total lies. 

    I give you all my support and you give me a reason for hope. You give me and so many others I know the reason for fighting everyday to stop this assault with geoengineering. I know there are many high ranking officials that know this is going on but are afraid to come out.You and others are giving them the support to hopefully speak out. We all need to keep diligently moving the information to all that will listen. Thanks to all who are in this fight with us all. 

  8. Before listening to the interviews I want to give an update from Norway, because what is going on here defies belief.  First, a bit of background: it is a time-honored (and lovely) tradition in Norway to go for a walk on Sunday (the søndagstur).  Not too surprisingly, then, we have had clement Sundays, and Saturdays to boot, for most of the winter.  Weekdays varied (but were about 3-4C above what they should be). 

    Now, in mid-April, we have had at least some snow almost daily during the week, even though the temperature is well above freezing.  Yesterday, a Sunday, saw just a bit of rain.  Today we had a near-blizzard – never mind that it was too warm all night to sleep with the comforter on, despite 2 windows being open.  The snowflakes are huge (some the size of a golfball or larger), and deformed.  Officially, it is now 6C here, or about 43F. 

    This pass we get on bad weather on the weekends is not made charitably.  I suspect that the authorities fear the wrath of the viking race.

    On a related note, the official "weather" website today highlights a particularly unnatural cloud, a photo sent in by a local, with the question, "What is this cloud? I don't remember having seen ones like this before."  They give the long, offensively mendacious (and offensively patronizing) explanation about "lenticular clouds", referring readers to Wikipedia for more disinformation.  "Extremely high winds at that height", "massive turbulence" even though the cloud is fixed in one spot in the sky, perfectly symmetrical, perfectly hollow in the middle, showing no sign whatsoever of being hit by winds, turbulent or otherwise.  Terribly disappointing to see that in Norway, but what can one expect?  The ex-statsminister is now head of NATO, after all, and his replacement is the reincarnation of Margaret Thatcher.

    Time to translate some more flyers and hand them out to the elderly, who don't know yet that it is no longer healthful to go a "tur" in the snow.  And obviously aren't going to learn that through official channels.

  9. Fantastic show and I too never heard of Flow of Wisdom before I saw Dane as the Guest, in spite of the fact that I lived in Charlottesville for the last 30 years, now in SW WA/Portland, Oregon.  I am a former Sustainable Farmer lady who was forced to retire 2 years ago due to coming down with multiple complex cancers which I have been self-treating ever since, with a diverse array of herbs, berries, mushrooms, roots, barks, flowers, and essential oils – so far, so good, cross your fingers.  Meanwhile, the reason I am following the GeoEngineering slow-kill catastrophe is because I have come to the conclusion multiple times that things just do not add up as to how I got cancer after a lifetime of eating and living right.  The one thing I could not control has been the effect of living outside on average 12 hours/day nearly year-round under constantly criss-crossed skies, and doing this on the near-edge of the Pacific Ocean which we also know is being constantly contaminated by Fukashima radiation into perpetuity.  I believe my immune system has gotten overwhelmed and unable to protect myself from the known carcinogens of radiation, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals I bathed in morning to night 7 days a week while scantily clothed and trusting my beloved Mother Nature to protect me.  The other clue I have is that Portland Oregon, where I have literally hundreds of personal relationships with young families, there is a GLARING problem of infertility — every couple I know is either saving for or paying for IVF.  The very CAPACITY for the Human Race to procreate and sustain itself is threatened and I believe it is due to the high levels of GeoEngineering toxins combined with Fukashima radiation which has bio-accumulated to the point of now affecting the continuation of our species.  Sorry for the sad story, but I too feel compelled to ring the bell whereever I can.  Thank you Dane for all you do and everyone reading this needs to help support these Independent Journalists and Independent Scientists in any way we can.

    1. Yes, You are right Ariel. I try and help these folks out whenever I can with whatever I can send. Every bit counts in this fight. Those who are perpetrating these crimes on us have unlimited access to either tax dollars pilfered for black op's projects, private funding by the billionare's club, or heck, if they don't have enough I'll bet they can just have their bankster buddies at the Federal Reserve print them some more!..We?..not so much! For those interested in helping- Clifford Carnicom is needing an updated spectrometer,(?) I believe it is, which will aid him in his long time research into Morgellon's Syndrome. FYI- I recently learned legendary artist and singer Joni Mitchell has been suffering with this disease since around 2010. It makes me furious that someone who gave so much joy to so many must endure this unnatural illness. To help him check his website carnicominstitute.org    Thanks folks.

    2. Infertility and other health problems are also related to the extreme over exposure to EMF from cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, and smart meters. These effects have been documented and covered up. See the Bio-innitiative report for information on this. 

      The interaction of EMF with heavy metals in the body is also worth considering. As you could imagine, metals interact with electronic frequencies / radiation. 

      As an excellent reference to this, read "An Electronic Silent Spring" by Katie Singer. 

  10. Thank you Dane, you just helped me decide something in the first few minutes of this interview. It is not good enough to just sign a few petitions here and there, we must get involved. Therefore I will drive the 5 hrs. south on April 25th to Ashland OR. for the international day of protest/awareness against geoengineering. I hope to see many "awake" Oregonians there!

    1. Hello Andrew, good to have you with us in this battle. About being involed, perhaps you can rally people up in your own area and save the drive time and expense which could by put to use on materials for your own area. For example, how many thousands of two sided color glossy informational flyers could be purchases with the gas money alone? Just pointing out options, there are many ways to stay involved with the battle and we must all maximize our efforts and resources. You can download flyers from geoengineeringwatch.org for free and print them locally, I would suggest an actual print shop and not a copy store, the print shop should be much less expensive. Whatever course you decide to take Andrew, good to have you with us.

  11. Thank you Dane for your hard work exposing this genocide that is taking place on this beautiful planet.  I have been following you since this website was developed.  I'm heartbroken that this is taken place and can't understand why people deny that this is happening. I'm doing everything I can to inform everyone of this.  I have made flyers, thousand of them and I have gone to malls, churches, grocery stores, anywhere there are people and an open sky.  I live in California and we are being sprayed all day long until the sun does not shine.  Although, I must bring to your attention of another genocide that is taken place and is just as damaging, if not more which is the radiation from fukashima.  It is currently killing the pacific ocean. (Death of the pacific ocean)  You tube has great articles.  Along with the Geoengineering,  the radiation from fukashima, is a massive cover-up from many governments, Nato and the UN.  It has been noted that within 5 years, the western coast the cancer rate will increase 60%.  And the western hemisphere will not support life for thousand of years.  This is criminal genocide and somehow these evil people must be stopped before we no longer have a voice.  Perhaps this is part of Agenda 21

    I pray for you that you will be safe exposing this genocide.

  12. That was great!. I hope more people flood your sight,hungry for your information,and comb the web for more. Thanks Dane.

  13. Another great interview, Dane.  Please know that we're all praying for you, your work and are sending you much love and energy. 

    I know we're under attack where I live, and it only gets worse by the year, especially since 2008.

    That being said, I'll tell you this; however, it won't be in any particular order.

    Here's how it goes; first was a major attack on the trees in the woods across from me. At one time, a beautiful area where anyone could walk across the acres and see it teaming with birds, deer, squirrels, butterflies, bees and even mosquitoes in mass. The same with all medicinal plants, flowers and the like.  They are ALL gone, now…everything.

    Second, wild berries – raspberries, grapes, strawberries and even wild roses with huge rose hips…gone.  And so it goes with even the algae in our private lake, which always fed the fish, ducks and wild geese…gone, as well as the wildlife that always came here. The wild grapes were destroyed after a scout plane came out and saw me picking them. I used those when I didn't have money to buy food, at that time, and had it not been for those I would have died from anemia…absolute truth. They were very rich, and if I'd prick my finger my blood went from being almost a pale orange, to deep red…and near purple. I could even smell the grape within. They sent the nucleated stuff that winter and absolutely FRIED those vines. They cannot even bloom leaves again, or haven't for the last 3 years. They turned 'black.'…and that's for real.  The trees, no matter what size the trunks are folding in half…and there are few left. For proof I have 8 years worth of photos, as everything died away.

    The opposite side of that property, where the utility owns it, ALL of the flora and fauna is gone…except for the picker plants which never grow high anymore, and just remain in a circular pattern. The only green active is grass and 'some' of the Ivy, along with 'common mallow'…that's it.

    When the dandelions first came up, they were hardy, and beautiful…and there are no more. Only scrawny plants with stems the size of 3 fingers, and very unhealthy looking, with the flowers all meshed together.

    So what does this tell me??  All this green grass in a natural environment, minus all the weeds?…weeds I used to glean for a dinner, that are very delicious? 

    MONSANTO does have a stake in this. They're spraying with Insecticides and Weed Killer, and I would venture to guess…at least 'one' of those chemicals is what they use in the recipe for agent orange…nothing lives. All the Weeping Willows are dying…their nectar used for natural rooting of plants, and tree stems, which is like an aspirin compound for rooting.

    They are also spraying BUG SPRAY, as I'd stated. How do I know? Because I can smell it in the air…and whenever the smell of something like the fragrance RAID uses, I know that's what they're doing.  Even taking walks anymore is a horrible experience, unless we can get outside before they cover the Sun, and it's rare that we see it. Problem with this is always 'hair loss'…and I'm seeing more and more people with bald spots, especially women. THIS IS unnatural; and no one will make me believe that this many women have a thyroid disorder. If we do, then THEY are creating it.

    There are many days we were supposed to have warm weather, and all we got was snow the first week of April and very cold temps.  But there is something else before I close.

    I do believe that they are also using the nucleated snow to keep viruses and bacteria alive…but dormant, until everything melts. Why? Because, after it melted here, and I had to take my partner to the hospital for an unrelated reason, the entire place was filled to the max with people coming is with Viral and Bacterial Pneumonia; they were so bad they had to be hospitalized. It's my assertion that they USED THIS AREA as a testing ground to start a pandemic of some sort; plus they've been pushing vaccines for this stuff, here.  So, to say this was a 'melt down' coincidence is just too difficult to even fathom. (Not to mention, the BIG corporate plane that was flying 'UNDER' the radar; just WAY too close to the ground. What the hell are they looking for in a populated area??)  I mean, even people who were 'not exposed' to any illnesses, and rarely left home were getting it…children through aged…there was no barrier. A coincidence???  No one could make me believe that. Even I fell victim, but had access to my own purchased remedies, so it didn't affect me that much. To know I took someone in and caught it from even the bacteria filled air inside?  My partner was isolated for his own issues of congestive heart failure. And believe me…they pumped him full and antibiotics, a new bag of everything different, piggy-backed every four hours, for 3 days, to keep him from being infected.

    Rough over here? Most definitely…and believe me I hate this place, but moving right now is not an option.

    Maybe this will help someone else understand that they're not alone. They keep people confused, angry…and they just FEED  on that negative emotion. However, when we get our hands on them, 'everyone' will be found Guilty of Crimes against humanity, and Crimes against nature and this planet; a breach of International Treaties, etc.  They damn well better hide; but even if they do?, they won't be safe from jail time. See, our nations economy is going to collapse very soon. Even the Q of E is pulling away from us, because all members of leadership here are bought by the big agencies. Dow, Monsanto, DuPont, the Big Pharma…Buying and Selling Weather Futures on the Stock Exchange??  Everyone's getting put on the list…and their money will 'not buy their way out.' From the higher offices to the secretaries…and mail people. They will ALL be held accountable…and that's a promise.

    We will need you always; but when we've got what 'we need,' we'll gather as one mind and one heart to do our best to at least 'try' to undo some of the damage they've done.

    In the meantime, maybe encourage folks to plant TREES in their homes, in pots of organic soil…put them in a big window and let them grow.  Bamboo is good – very sustainable and you'll get a full tree in 5 years. So is the Neem Tree. Will grow up nice and tall, with a trunk of about 80 feet round, to keep any bugs at bay from food growing, (IF there's any bugs left)  and we'll have a start. They can root the redwood trees, and if you find weeping willow, use the leaves in water, cut into small pieces, in spring to make the natural rooting elixir  🙂   Between us all banding together, we'll take what's left of this planet and get it as close as we can. But it is important for everyone to take part. 

    Much love, and many blessings to you and yours, Dane.

    1. I have to concur talawanda78. Here in the North Ga. mtns. we are seeing similar things, though not quite the degree of devestation you folks describe in Calif. Our trees are suffering and dying in large numbers; terrible fungus or lichen like substances taking over the bark and limbs, harder to grow healthy plants and vegetables ( tho thankfully we did have a decent garden last season) Wild blackberries, mulberries and muscadines are in lesser numbers and smaller fruits, as are chicken eggs smaller this year than any I've seen in the past 18 or so yrs. At least we still have songbirds and some birds of prey here. It is an unpardonable sin to damage the Creator's natural order of things. Those behind this insanity MUST pay dearly for their crimes. Burning in a lake of fire for eternity suits them well if we don't get to them first!

  14. Great interview Dane. Thank you.

    Those in denial, through willful ignorance or otherwise, will be waking up eventually. 

  15. Thanks for everything you guys do to try to get people to understand what's happening above us.  Many people haven't been around long enough to have seen the clear skies that used to be seen years ago!

  16. My 47th email to my contact list. Titled "Pingo"

    1.  In my email of 1 March 2015, I mentioned that there were 4 huge methane eruption vents in the Arctic.  Over 30 are now reported, 7 of which are "huge". 

    That was quick, what will happen in the next 7 weeks?  There are still 3 months until the summer solstice. http://arctic-news.blogspot.ca  April 10th blog.  

    I love that word "pingo" to describe potential catastrophic methane release vents, don't you?  

    Also, this from the conclusion: "Our present extreme fossil fuel driven, carbon dioxide global warming is predicted to produce … methane release from the permafrost methane eruption vents…(that will) by the 2050's, lead to total deglaciation and the extinction of all life on Earth."

    Their April 11th blog states that on April 9th, Arctic sea ice was at record low for time of year.  On April 10, 2015, sea surface temperatures of 24.1°C were recorded off the North American east coast, a +12.5°C anomaly.

    I am not making this up …I hope they are (and I realise there is massive falsification and misrepresentation of data going on)…but I think not, and tell you just in case.

    Maybe they are wrong, after all, if it is true, our governments would be taking decisive action to help prepare us, particularly after The Philippines plea to the UN climate talks in Nov 2013 http://www.rtcc.org/2013/11/11/its-time-to-stop-this-madness-philippines-plea-at-un-climate-talks/   It is a good read.

    Instead all we get is more futile, expensive, harmful, destructive  'renewable energy policies', where vast funds are wasted which could be put to much better use.


    2.  Huge sun spots are turning to face earth.  This should bring major solar flares and coronal mass ejections.  Should be some amazing Aurora Borealis soon (3-4 days after flare).


    3.  Prepare.  Notwithstanding drought, hurricanes, flooding, summer hailstorms, etc, there does appear to be a major confluence of events due in Sept 2015, so we have about 6 months to make some preparations – ala keyfik.


    Here are some packing suggestions for a BOB: suncream (we are talking about global warming!), survival knife, dried/freeze dried food, energy bars, meal replacement powder (not for muscle mass gain), quality water purification method (water is heavy to carry), water heating method, rat trap & snares (you are meant to be travelling quickly, so no time to hunt/fish except during rest periods), some boiled sweets and miniature bottles of alcohol (for special occasion and barter), mosquito netting, poncho, bivvy emergency bag, roll-up vacu sacs (for clothing), "water shoes" (give your feet a break), super glue (for wound closing – as invented), wind up radio and torch, dental floss (makes a strong string), bungees, possibly a portable solar pack, telescopic walking poles.

    You get the idea, wishing you the best of preparedness.



  17. Fantastic link Dane, thank you so much for sharing this video. I have just watched the first part and Sean Anthony is so eloquent, he makes you want to get involved. I had never heard of his show or website before today, now I will be listening every Sunday.

    You mentioned the fact that we are in the middle of the 6th mass extinction event, which I firmly believe, but I'm also a Darwinist  and I firmly believe in his theory of evolution and natural selection, and given enough time I believe the human species could evolve and overcome the destruction that is being done, but unfortunately I think the damage is happening too fast for nature to react.

    Also, here in North Texas, the weather forecasters have the code words down pat, every time I hear them say partly sunny, I know to prepare for a aerosol laden sky, actually with very little sun, just 21st century sun.

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