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More and more committed and effective activists are joining the fight to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity. The following video was put together by Robert Barrett who has also been extremely helpful with getting public access TV and public broadcasting entities to air geoengineering educational videos. My most sincere gratitude to Robert and all the other activists that are doing their best to move the ball forward in this critical fight.
Dane Wigington


28 Responses

  1. What blows my mind is the pilots doing this, How can they do this knowing they are killing all life on earth including their families as well? Don't they also know as soon as they finish their job that they are next to be killed by the NWO? 

    1. According to the unknown Air Force pilot who made a youtube about "Indigo Skyfold" presented by his cousin last December, 2014 (or so the story went,) the Air Force uses mostly pilots who do not have wives or families.  They don't question what they are dropping from the skies, but are also the most highly paid pilots in the world (= incentive.)  He says they are mostly hardened to humanity, and trained on islands we don't even know their names.  

      Like the Chinese with Tienanmen (probably misspelled that) Square, they didn't use the local police to brutalize the crowd because they might CARE about the local population.  They brought in forces from distance provinces.  

      The "Indigo Skyfold" seemed to have been tested out where we live a few weeks back.  Rather than the usual streaking across the sky which stays all day and dissolves into a milky white, the jets still criss-crossed but the trails soon dissipated into invisibility.  We wondered at the time whether it might be a pilot project for "Indigo Skyfold."  But maybe the most disturbing part is how hard it is to get people to look up even when there is massive evidence right in front of their eyes.  If "Indigo Skyfold" does prceed widely, it will be ever so much more treacherous.


  2. "Why.. Why… WHY are 'they' doing this?" ask the good people, those few who are not in denial. The answer is simple: 'they' are criminally insane Sociopaths and their co-CON-spirators, i.e. the sinecure 'authorities' acting as [y]our leaders, their so-called 'experts' in academia & industry w the help of UNconsionable MORONS, as always, just carrying out the ORDERS [Ein Befehl ist ein Befehl!]…

    Therefore, signed petitions and pleas suffer the same fate as electronic ballots, as well as all the rest of us… [unless…?]

  3. Hi Marc, Historically, California did Not produce most of the nation's food.  The heartland did back when I grew up, but for oranges from Florida.  Historically, check out all the water wars in California, beginning, perhaps with LA.  Much of California is/was a desert.  Water wars have been going on forever.  The state has often vowed to become two states so that we up north get to keep our water.  Though it saddened Dane to see some of the Almond groves-vast-go into the chipper, they should not have been here to begin with, water guzzelers that they are.  The greedy thought that because of our sun and warmth, and cheap migrant labor, why not grow everything.  And now we have no water at all.  A case of gross mismanagement all around.

    When I made a list of why would they drought out California, I was surprised by how long a list I could come up with.  By now, for instance, we are considered the most populated state in the US.  I suspect this has something to do with that.  People are moving away and no longer coming.  Not to mention depopulation scenarios.  And crime.  And a no longer white population, rather whites have become a minority.  As well as being a "blue" state.  One that refuses GMOs, and other dangers.

    Thanks Millia for pointing out to others what keeps me from FB.  I keep being tempted owing to the broad audience, But!!  I resist for good reason!  Few care it would seem.  Why don't they care?  As Snowden says, we have to protect our rights.  Not roll over or we will lose them.  One might well ask what rights, but….

    I don't think everyone's personal bubble is a comfortable one.  Many I know are really up against major issues personally and seemingly more issues are just too much.  I know, not a good enough excuse.  But I know very few idiots, very few who are happy, who live for American Idol or sports.  With geoengineering, it is not just that and I don't mean that that is a small thing, but what I do mean is what all it leads to, all of which is terrifying and beyond the pale.  I wish sometimes that Dane had a site called something like geoengineering 101.  A beginners site in which people could learn the basics about geoengineering without running into all the many faceted dark sides that scare people off.  Because it does scare newcomers off.  In my experience.  Some way to ease into it, yet get the whole story of geoengineering.  Tall order, I know.


    1. Hello Rachel, our updated “activist suggestions” page is linked here, it can be found on the upper left of the geoengineeringwatch.org home page. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/introducing-geoengineering-climate-engineering-to-the-uninformed/

  4. Go to eia U.S. Energy Information Administration website for your state map of where electrical energy is produced.  The black circles indicate coal plants.  Follow the trucks leaving the coal plants, taking video…all the way to an airport or another company whose trucks go to airport with the coal ash slurry used in chemtrails. Your video will make you wealthy as it will show where chemtrail slurry comes from, who is transporting it, and that the USAF and every politician know about this poisoning of all life on Earth, claiming it is for our own good.

  5. Question? Would it be possible that these trails that turns to haze, harming all living, could also be covering up something we aren't suppose to see?  Just a thought.

    I'm wondering if many people from the east coast are reporting at the rate the people out here on the west coast are.  Did the "heavy" snow these past months effect them?  Do they not have a person like Dane speaking out for them?  Is there a bill that anyone is writing regarding this crime?

    1. I live on the east coast and the answer is NO! There is no one that I am aware of petitioning the governor or congress on this important issue. Governor Cuomo's office in Albany, NY has denied, denied , denied..that is exists. I am watching a plume as I tyoe outside my Latham office. A beautiful blue sky has turned to a white hazy sky.I am so disgusted sometimes! I don't understand why there is so much denial and secrecy about this. Even myself, I am sometimes reluctant to even tell friends or coworkers, afraid they will call someone to give me a mental health evaluation. I think that is what they are counting on!

  6. The HAARP holocaust is pretty much real. We need to raise our voices. The future is on the brink of being a disaster not just over California, but for most of the globe. There is no future for us if our governments don't do anything about it.


  7. A huge part of what we face is the complacency of the vast majority of the public. Until droughts,floods, metal saturation of soils and water, and ecosystem collapse really start to disrupt food production here in the U.S., it seems many millions will remain in their bubbles of comfort and plenitude. Why? Because as long as grocery stores have full shelves (which is nothing short of incredible), one can live one's life as if everything's peachy. Alfred Henry Lewis said in 1906: "It's nine meals between men and revolution."  What happens when the grocery stores start to run out of basics across the country? What brand of bullshit will the PTB pull out to explain these food shortages? I'll bet big money that biosphere collapse from geoengineering will not be offered among their explanations. Massive social chaos has plagued the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere due to periodic food shortages and high food prices leading to riots and violence. How long will it be before weather modification finally destroys, for example, California's entire agricultural system? The signs of this approaching scenario are already heartbreakingly evident. California has historically produced massive quantities of food for our country's shelves. Are the Dr. Evils behind the droughting of California really hell-bent on destroying what is arguably the breadbasket of our country? Why, for the love of God, would conscious human beings orchestrate an apocalypse of such magnitude? What possible agenda would necessitate the ruination of California in order to accomplish some other objective?

      Here again, until food starts to run out, the true gravity of our situation here in America will be lost to the vast majority.

    1. Well said Marc. I occasionally imagine this scenario myself and shudder at the thought.  The sleeping masses will surely come to life when our ridiculous level of convenience 

  8. It is becoming evidently clear that humanity is capable of not only tremendous good but out of this world evil! Fear is gone!

  9. Most sincere appreciation and blessings to you, Dane. I am sharing this with OrbisVitae.com  /  Russ Tanner's webpage. He is very much involved with helping expose the horrible effects of Climate Engineering and the onslaught of chemtrails, HAARP, etc.  Your labor of love and help to millions of people are so greatly appreciated. PRESS ON!  Great is your reward at the end of this earthly pilgrimage.  God richly bless you.  THANK YOU!  <3  All  hearts toward you!    Sincerely + + +

    1. Hello Marco, the drought in Brazil is a mirror scenario to what is unfoldingin California. Climate engineering is the primary driving factor overall.

  10. We are "conspiracy factualists", or even more precisely, "conspiracy actualists", because there is actually is a global conspiracy, backed up by fact upon fact, going on.

    But the word "conspiracy" is loaded and people will label you one at the drop of a hat. When I introduce this subject to people, I do not use the word 'conspiracy'. I just say there is a weather modification program going on that is used for warfare and corporate profiteering. I say simply and straight forward how this technology has been developed since the early part of last century and now is being used in increasing deployment over most of the world.

    Of course many people will be skeptical and this is where I direct them to this site for further investigation. They then have a choice. Each time I come to this site, the visitors' counter is going up in the thousands per day. I presume this means it is counting each visit that each of us makes here, that is, it is not just a counter of first time visits.

    When it is bouncing up in the tens of thousands and then hundreds of thousands and then by millions, the subject will be common place 'on the street'. There will always be a small contingent of stubbornly stupid and willingly ignorant who will continue to deny what is in front of their eyes, but most will not be able to ignore it too much longer.

    I don't care what reputation I garner from others. I will keep sounding the alarm, making that clarion call, and the fruit it bears will reflect the effort I and everyone else have made to increase awareness. We are now in a situation of "The boy who cried wolf", except our wolf has always been here. Our moral imperative is to keep 'crying wolf', but just as urgently as effectively as well.

  11. Along with geoengineering, haarp,etc., there is also the scalar wave weapons the governments use against us.  We are indeed in serious trouble.  This has been out of control for some time now.

      If the power of these things has not been exaggerated, prepare for a catastrophic change, sometime in the future.

      Here is a basics of scalar:


    1. Yes, people forget this is a weapons system, more so I think than pretending to combat global warming. Great point.

  12. I believe almost in unison that any of us that speak out about the ugly subject of geoengineering,are chastised as some kind of kook,even with the documentation,and just watching it happen in front of our eyes. The elephant in the room as dancing wildly in front every one. I choose to use the fact that we are set against for speaking of this to people,as a need to speak out even more. In a way using those that deny the facts attitude against them,obviously they think they know so much,ask them to prove you wrong,so you can go on with there superior knowledge,and not be concerned any more. This video is a great tool,if you can get a denier to just watch,with no expectations of there response to you. If they have any concern for any one but themselves,the information will marinate a new perspective,and hopefully an awakening. I like many of you have a great respect for Dane. My self I believe out of this respect we need to take lead,and knowledge,and share it with every one we can. The day my first kid was born,my life became fore fit if to support,and protect theres. To me the meaning of life is to make there world safer,healthier,freer,better than mine. I hope you all never give up.

  13. Robert Barrett, Excellent!  Thank You for providing another clear and credible tool to expose the insanity. 

  14. Hey Susan; Don't or ever feel alone on this topic of SAG. Some people will hear us out while the dummies remain dummies lolly gagging all the while. Yes people are in a stupor and dumb downed, no doubt. You can't even reason with professed Christians? The word does say though that even the very elect will be in a trance following the evil one as if this SAG is o.k. WELL it's not o.k. and I personally try not to follow the dumbed down masses all the while trying to hold on to sanity. Again, the way I see it is I will not sell my soul to evil and yolk myself to it! Blessed His People Be…………SAG'd big time in Southwest, New Mexico and rain clouds killed in it's way, yuk……. 


  15. Excellent documentary.
    I am concerned. I post daily on facebook and emails to everyone I know. No one cares! I am a conspiracy theorist. But I keep posting. I really believe it is past the point of no return. Its not just the dumbing down its the complacency. People just cant get out of their comfort bubble to care. Although I have few years left to live, I care about what kind of life my grandchildren will have. It is very sad. We gave the power away and our grandkids will pay the ultimate price. Thank you all for your courage. I look forward to seeing news reports on CNN and Fox. I hope it happens Sooner rather than later.

    1. Hi Susan, I came across this somewhere today, "Conspiracy is no longer a theory."  We must empower our children to take back what we gave away, keep the faith!

    2. lots of people on twitter believe whats going on…look for @opchemtrails and they'll get the news and pics out…they have a "chemtrail pic fest" every Wednesday…

    3. Hey guess what? Someone does follow it and they're called te NSA. Why activists keep using FB I will never know. It is back-ended right into the NSA. We need something else. Learn what FB is!

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