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An update from the Cal Jam event (the fastest growing chiropractic event on the planet) in Costa Mesa, California. The attached one minute clip was taken just after the presentation on geoengineering (March 28th, 2015. My deepest and most sincere gratitude to event organizers, Dr. Billy DeMoss, D.C. and MaryJane Mirasol, for their tireless efforts toward the common good. I also wish to thank all the other speakers at the Cal Jam event as well as all those who attended. Cal Jam was truly a gathering of people who are committed to making the world a better place. I will post the presentation as soon as it will be available.
Dane Wigington


9 Responses

  1. TPTB are grasping at straws, now, trying to divert attention from environmental devastation and covert wars waged around the world. e.g. overwhelming CA drought forums with anti-fracking comments – suddenly, today, a new pipeline is announced in FL/South GA.

    Thanks to everyone who is trying to help.

    "Field and forest, vale and mountain, Blooming meadow, flashing sea. Chanting bird and flowing fountain, Call us to rejoice in thee"

                                         – Henry van Dyke/ Ludwig van Beethoven


  2. The spraying this morning over Huntsville, AL is pretty heavy. It's 8:28 AM and we're already having a white-out. I've been sending information to the local news stations over the last few weeks in an attempt to maybe reach someone. I know it's a stretch, but it's better than nothing.

  3. Thanks Dane for all you hard work exposing this insanity.As a fellow warrior I want to share that I am exposing this to my fellow Los Angeles associates,my customers and anyone else that will listen to me.I have been passing out a 8 page brochure that I put together to wake up all I can.Today I was able to share with some senior customers of mine in their 70's with a host of health problems.I believe some are a result of aresol spraying and the effects of the heavy metals.In my brochure are some of the chemicals they are spraying,there effects on our body's and ways we can protect ourselves with natural supplements to eliminate heavy metals from our bodies.Seem like the older and younger they are the more that they listen.Just wanted to share.Everyone ask's me "what can we do?".My answer to them is.Spread awareness and protect our health with organic foods,proper supplements,proper exercise and prayer.God Bless you and all who are in this fight with us.


  4. Hi Dane I met you in the Cal Jam in the parking lot.  Thanks again for your work.  I have a question; can any kind of spectrophotometry be used to analyze the chemical composition of the clouds? Maybe that stuff only works on things that are burning like stars.  Andy

    1. Hello Andrew, very good to connect with you at Cal Jam, thanks for all you are doing to help sound the alarm. About spectrometry, yes, it can work, but official agencies will only recognize readings from specific catagories of equipment. I spoke to the California State Energy commision in 2010. In this meeting I passed on a mountain of data to the commission’s top scientist The panel approved the purchase of a $200,000 spectometer. This meter was to “identify the chemical composition and origin of unknown particulates that were costing the state 20% to 40% of its rain”. That is the last we have ever heard of the spectrometer that was purchased. We are up against very powerful intrests that will do everything they can to hide the climate engineering crimes as long as possible. If we all work together, we can expose these crimes and all those who have  participated in hiding these crimes.

  5. Dane, I traveled to this event from Atlanta to hear you speak.  Thank you, and you did a great job! 

    Flying west, I saw minimal snow on the Rockies, drying lakebeds, and motionless wind turbines.  Flying east on March 30, there was a stationary aerosol soup over Southern California until the Santa Ana Mountains.  Some river beds are completely dry, and forests are brown that should be green this time of year.  A visible toxic haze covered the entire country, and some spraying was apparent.

    I rest assured that the coverups and devices will not last long, and I want to be on Team Humanity and Team Stewardship forever.


    1. Hello Mary, thank you more than I can say for coming so far to hear the presentation on geoengineering, my most sincere gratitude to you. It was good to connect with you at the event and thank you for the written message you gave me. WIth all of us working together, we are now truly gaining ground in this most critical battle. Thank you for all you are doing to help sound the alarm Mary.

    2. Has anyone explored the possibility of starting a gofundme campaign to purchase a qualified spectrometer? It could be a major damn buster.

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