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If there were more educators like Shannon Morgan, the world would be a much better place. In the article below, Shannon shares her journey of awakening in regard to the ongoing global climate engineering. As is the case with so many of us, she saw the world she once knew disintegrating around her. After doing objective research, and connecting the dots, Shannon has shown the kind of courage so desperately needed in our educational system and our society as a whole.
Dane Wigington

I Miss The Weather…

By Shannon Morgan, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org

I was born and raised in Truckee, California. A beautiful little mountain town in the heart of the Sierra Nevadas. Two of my favorite memories about my childhood include the weather. My first favorite memory is the snow. It used to snow so much! Snow that would burry my parents' car in a single storm, and close down schools for a week. Snow that would howl through the door jams, and hide our entire house. My brothers and I would ski off our roof, sled in our back yard until midnight, build snow forts, and catch snowflakes on our tongues. I loved plopping down in the snow after hiking up a long, steep mountain and eating the snow. It was so cold, and fresh, and magical. And it smelled just like that, too. My second favorite memory is the thunder storms. Every single day during the summers, mile high clouds would bellow in around 4:00 pm, and turn the entire sky an eerie gray. Next came the thunder and lightening. We could feel the energy all around us. Sometimes, we’d run around in the storm until our clothes were soaking wet, and our teeth were chattering. Then we’d watch the storm move on about 2 hours later, like clockwork. The sun would glisten through the mountain peaks, and the wet air would smell of wild flowers, dirt, and pine trees. Everything was so fresh and pure. These memories recurred every year until I graduated high school and moved to Oregon to go to college. 

The next few years flew by in a haze of writing papers, having a baby, and making a career for myself as a high school teacher. Although I did visit Truckee during breaks, I don’t remember the weather being as mystical. When I moved back to Truckee, I noticed that the thunder and lightening storms became sporadic and weaker, and the winters started to smell differently. I didn’t know what to think of it at the time. So, a few more years flew by. There were times I’d wish for my childhood weather. Sometimes, I’d blame the new weather on the fact that I simply grew up, sometimes I’d blame it on human behavior. But it wasn’t until the summer of 2008 that I started to blame it on the planes and the persistent trails they’d leave behind. These trails didn’t seem to go away, they seemed to get bigger and wider, as though they were falling on me. 

One of my brothers was the first to point it out to me. He pointed to the sky on what seemed like a beautiful Truckee day. He said, “Hey sis? Don’t think I’m crazy, but I just read this article about geo-engineering.” I said, “Geo- what?” My brother went on to explain to me what was written in the article (published in the May/June 2008 edition of Bulletin of Atomic Science). I have to admit, I did think he was a little crazy. Why would any human purposely alter the weather? Was it ethical? Was it moral? What would the consequences be? Who would oversee it? What about the environment? What about the planet? What about us? I had so many questions, and not very many answers. I did do a bit of research, but in all honesty, there was little research to be read at the time. So a few more years flew by. And the typical Truckee weather was very subtle, if not nonexistent. We’d be lucky to get one thunderstorm and two snowstorms a year. And those three storms, I remember vividly. They reeked. They smelled of burned plastic and toxic funk. I can’t explain how horrified I was. 

Finally, in 2012, I revisited my original questions as I watched the sky get painted with white lines day after day after day, and the landscape turn sick. Truckee used to have beautiful blue, crisp skies, and a healthy wildlife. Now, the sky is permanently white and hazy. The trees and plants look like they’re gasping for air, and the flowers have brown spots all over them. I don’t remember the last time I saw a butterfly. 


Part of Shannon Morgan's unique and powerful message

I'm on a mission now. I’ve found multiple research that suggested there are heavy metals being sprayed in our skies. I found scientist who suggest the weather is being modified, and the current California drought and East Coast Winter storms are being manipulated. I’ve analyzed precipitation and soil samples, all of which have extremely high levels of aluminum, barium, strontium, etc. I’ve watched seminars, conferences, and listened to podcasts conducted by leading scientists, advocates, and lobbyist. I’ve created Speech and Debate lesson plans that teach students to question all sides of this science-fiction-like phenomenon. 

I want so badly to give my 3 children the simple childhood I had growing up, but how can I when the planet, skies, and weather are so impure and toxic? I want them to know the joy of catching snowflakes on their tongues, or what it’s supposed to smell like after a thunder storm. I feel that we are truly at a historical breaking point. We need to unite, stand together, and do everything in our power to stop the corruption, devastation, and admission of geo-engineering and weather modification. It’s slowly killing us, and all life around us. Please, wake up. LOOK UP. 

86 Responses

  1. Hi Shannon – read your geoengineering piece. Thank you so much for doing this. My partner, Sandra Myron and I are hosting a Global Action this coming Saturday, April 25th in South Lake Tahoe, Lakeview Commons Beach @ 11:30am-2:30pm. We are one out of 90 cities worldwide participating in the "Global March Against Geoengineering and Chemtrails." You can google and my contact information is on the event site and facebook. We have banners and signs.  Would love to see you there. Theresa


  2. Shannon, I so want to thank you for your courage to standup with Blain in Ca. That is huge what you have done and are continuing to do in Ca.  I am so thankful for you standing up for what you believe in against all odds.  I know because  I am now awake in Texas too and have been for many years but can not be silenced any more no matter what fears I have had.  

    I am now standing up here too after getting my first Letter to the Editor published in the Glen Rose Newspaper. After my local newspaper turned me down then the second newspaper wanted my story even more.  It just happened that one of my business contacts I was meeting with used to work there.  She called the editor and told him that I had a story about what is happening in our skies and our local newspaper said they would never talk about this issue even though the assistant admitted that she knew we were being poisoned  and being sprayed every day over our schools and city so it made the neighboring city want the story more.  My fifteen yr old son and I saw them over our schools and parks spraying right after our kids got out of school.  If this isn't​ alarming I dont know what is.

    I even met with our City Councilman after I asked him to read my editorial and he said he didn't have a clue about what was happening even though we have blue skyies so rarely here but he said he would read my info and get back to me in 10 days.  I am still waiting and it has been 7 days now.  I am amazed that people just don't look up.  

    I know you share the same frustrations Shannon but I am glad to report we are now starting a grass roots movement in Texas to take back our skies and effect environmental legislation here.  We have to and we all need to act in our own communities which if we do will effect a snowball effect.  What do we have to lose?

    I have gotten over 165 shares last week from my letter to the editor and  comments on the newspaper facebook pg until face book took my comments off of the Glen Rose Paper fb pg.  Guess I got a little to close to the truth? So no one else can comment but it still is in the newspaper online so I am thankful for that.  Please go on my face book pg to learn more about our progress here in Texas and I would love to know more about your progress so we can support each other and any one else that is willing to make a difference in their communities.  Just by telling people to look up is what we need but if you are willing to go to your newspapers you may find someone to listen like I did.  After all it is affecting their lives to and their childrens every day.  I have more info after Rachael from Texas's coment if you would like to know more about me and my environmentalist activist role now.  I didn't see me becoming an activist in a million years and my dad was a huge environmentalist in the 60's in Wisconsin who helped ban DDT a dangerous pesticide  along with Governor Nelson under Roobert Kennedy's administration.   It took one woman to sound the alarm when she wrote a book entitled "Silent Spring" because the media wouldn't listen and then JFK did!  

    Now it is happening again in our life time.  We need to bring in new awareness and environmental legislation just like JFK and Robert Kennedy did which changed our humanity then and now it is being threatened again.  We must all do our part in our communities where we can.  Thank you all for your much needed efforts all of you who are concerned about this monumental ssue affecting us globally.  Shannon thank you so much for deciding to stand in Ca.  I stand with you too in Texas!

  3. Shannon, I too share your pain and frustration. The days are few and far between without a total whiteout of our skies in the foothills of California where I live. My heart aches for the skies of years prior to 1990. As a gardener who tries to grow much of my own food, there are days where I'm a complete mess. With the increased challenges of trying to do so, many days that I find myself crying uncontrollably under the crisscross skies above me. I feel hopeless. I can't help but cry for my children, all children.

    Then, I read your article. You gave me hope. An courageous educator, telling your story so eloquently, in a way that many of us can relate to. When you wrote," I’ve created Speech and Debate lesson plans that teach students to question this science-fiction-like phenomenon", it made me realize that our children; our high school and college students, are the ones we should all be reaching out to. It is their future that stands in the balance. Thank you!

    As for the analyzed precipitation and soil samples, did you send those somewhere or did you do them yourself? I support you with all my heart and soul and want you to know that I am very grateful to you for speaking out. We do need to stand together and put an end to this craziness once and for all. I often wonder if there isn't a way, with Dane's help, that we could organize a gathering place and time somewhere in California to grow a solid grassroots organization. I am willing to do my part in any way possible to make it happen. I would be willing ot send you my email address if you are interested in forming such a group. I'm sure there many more people willing to take the next step to make a more calculated and connected effort to bring geoengineering to the masses and to put a stop to it asap. Together we can bring change.

    Many heartfelt thanks to you and Dane.


  4. Hi, Shannon:  After reading the comments over and over it struck me that perhaps you could begin a website or even an e-mail address where we could all add our stories about what the weather used to be like, what we remember the seasons being like and how much it has changed in the last few years.  I am 76 years old and grew up in the 50's in Northwestern Michigan and my story would be very  similar to the ones I keep reading here.  As an educator it might be nice to have a book of stories as a weather history for students who might never see how 'natural' weather was.  Hopefully, one of these days the weather will return to that 'natural' state, but I am beginning to have my doubts.  Either way it would be educational.  Just something to think about.  You write so well and you would be the perfect one to  achieve this.  Sincerely, Diana Moss…ezmerelda57@live.com

  5. Dane, excuse me for asking a stupid question, but why don’t you just file a class-action lawsuit in federal court in California, and ask a judge to take a look at your evidence? It does absolutely no good to complain to politicians–the government just laughs at you! Other groups like the Sierra Club et al file suit for trivial reasons, compared to the importance of geoengineering as an issue. It seems to me this is the professional way to handle the situation.

    1. Hello Bill, unfortunatley I do not have the resources to even consider filing a law suite, the Sierra Club on the other hand is very well funded. I would not underestimate the power of reaching critical mass in regard to climate engineering awareness. If we can all keep pulling together and sounding the alarm, we will soon enough have attorneys and many other essential people joining our fight.

  6. This article really hit home with me.  I was unaware of geoengineering until I moved back to my hometown (Redding, CA) and noticed a marked difference between the weather and skies of my childhood and what I am experiencing and seeing now.  Within a few weeks of moving back, I was questioning these weird streaks in the sky, wondering if there was a new airbase near by that I didn't know about (there isn't) or if air traffic had really increased that much in the area (it hadn't).  Context is everything, I guess, and it took a move to a familiar place to get me to look up and question what I am seeing.  My family thinks that am nuts, that my Facebook page has been hacked by conspiracy theorists, that I am tilting at windmills.  It's lonely out here, but I am glad to know that people like Dane and Shannon and all the rest on this page are with me, fighting the fight of our lives.  Thank you!  [Shout-out to Dane in Bella Vista! 🙂 ]

  7. I have lived in the North Texas area my whole life, I am a child of the 70s and 80s, seemingly the last pure generation. We didn't have video games and cell phones, and satellite TV with a million channels, we had like 4 channels and you had to change them manually. We played outside from sun up till sun day, and back then the most striking thing about North Texas was the bright blue sky from horizon to horizon, and being in the savanna and black land parries, the green grasses and wild flowers. We used to catch frogs all night and we would see lizards everywhere, and the sky was filled with butterflies, and song birds, we had sparrows, mockingbirds, cardinals, all kinds. And when the sky did start to cloud up, they were big white billowy clouds with stark shape and form, and teh rain actually smelled good. 

    Those days are gone, we are constantly in white out, and not fluffy white out, but just a flat two dimensional white and ugly gray canopy, almost every single day, we will have like 2 days of sun, 2 days of ugly filtered sun that they will call partly cloudy, then just white for a week or more, with little to know rain. I haven't seen a frog in years, Ive almost forgot what a lizard looks like, and for crying out loud, the state bird of Texas the mockingbird has been gone for at least ten years. The tress are all gray, and the tops are bare, all the shrubs and flowers are blighted, and the beautiful ornamental grasses and wild flowers never come back anymore, and the air just constantly smells and just has a weird way about it, it just doesn't feel good, I swear some days I feel really heavy, and everything around me just feels static, its terrible.

    I am considered a lunatic by my family and friends. I have written the local newspaper, have called the news stations to ask to speak to the meteorologist so they can explain to me how we can have 20% percent humidity and be covered in overcast skies for weeks, or have 100% percent humidity with gray skies and not see a drop of rain. I have written my senators and representatives and I have even written Governor Perry, I never get any responses.

    Its very disheartening, and it can really get me down, to live through this day after day, and I fear that critical mass may never be reached, short of a total technological breakdown, which in all actuality seems to be the only thing that is going to save humankind.


    1. Rachel,  I understand exactly what you are talking about, and find the very same thing out in CA.  The air feels so strange on spray days, which are most days.  It feels plastic, dirty, leaden.  I hope and pray that with all of our activism we will change the tide of human history.  We must remember that the Creator of our world is on the side of Nature, and of us.  Blessings to you. 

    2. Rachael,

      So glad to hear you are awake in North Texas too!  Please come and join us on Earth Day for our first "Eyes on the Skies" grass roots meeting in Granbury,Tx near the Fort Worth and Dallas area.  I have gotten 2 local newspapers to put it on their online calendars and my first editorial on this very urgent situation was published online last thurs in the Glen Rose newspaper. Just put in my name of the article "Eye on the Skies" in the search section and you will find it.  

      We have several people here and from surrounding areas that are now waking up  and coming from their communities to join us on Wed, April 22 at 6:30 pm at our Pizza Hut on hwy 144 in Granbury.  Please find me on face book if you would like to personal message me with any questions and info is there with my first letter to the editor in one of our local newspapers.

      I feel your pain and have felt the same way for years and have finally found one newspaper in Glen Rose who just won the top awards for their writing in the State of Texas who was willing to listen to me and printed my 1/2 page story.  After my local newspaper said they would never print my story 3 weeks later I tried again and they surprisingly didn't turn me down and listed my event on their online calendar.  I was thrilled and it showed me that maybe they are now concerned for their families.  It gave me hope.  

      I have a commercial pilot coming to talk about the difference of the contrails and aerosol spraying plus we will talk about the health implications.  I am a reflexologist and energy practitioner and have seen dramatic incidents of high amounts of sickness with respiratory illnesses, allergies, lyme, cancer, alzheimers, autism, etc.  We will be discussing this on this Wed and hopefully will have a health practitioner on hand to also speak about this and a nurse who is coming.  

      We would also like to hear your stories so we can find answers and solutions to this ever mounting geoengineering issue that affects us all.  Please come and join us no matter how far away you are.  Then you can take this info back into your communities and make people aware.  

      I am a State Reps daughter from the 1960's and my father Lewis Mittness helped ban the DDT pesticide with Governor Nelson under Robert Kennedys Environmental legislation when it virtually seemed impossible and yet because of one woman standing for this very important issue whenshe wrote a book called "Silent Spring"becasue the media would not listen and it affected John F Kennedy who immediately began the environmental movement against big business and had overwhelming support until his untimely assignation.  That is when my dad got involved to make a difference and became an environmentalist for Wisconsin when it was unpopular to do so.  That is why I must stand now because I feel I need to do my part and help with something my dad believed in so strongly… the right for clean air, water and soil for all of humanity.  

      I just found out last week that the Governors daughter Tia Nelson who I was able to get in touch with along with the Secretary of State in Wisc.is now being banned from ever talking about Geoengineering and Climate control ever again and she was on the state Public lands commission.  The Sec of State Douglas Lafollett was the lone person who stood up to this insanity in Wisc and is now losing 1/2 of his staff and pay so they are devastated in Wisconsin and are being stopped by the Governor of Wisconsin to ever do anything about it again.  They are shut down as well as Florida and Ca wont listen to the people as of yet.  I feel I am guided to take up my dads legacy to change legislation here in Texas and then hopefully all states will follow once enough of us stand up for the truth of what is happening to our skies and how it deeply affects our humanity's existence over the globally.  We must all stand in our communities in order to effect change.  

      A very wise man once said "We are the ones we've been waiting for to change our world".  Will you join us and act in your communities or come and join us. All is welcome.  What do you have to lose? 

      Thank you Rachael for speaking up in Texas. Thank you all for supporting these efforts.  I hope you can come and any others interested in sharing so we all can find answers and solutions. If you can't then know it is possible for the media to sound the alarm even if they said no the first time because now 2 newspapers are now reporting my meeting here.

      It just took the first newspaper to say no and then the second newspaper wanted my story.  Please see The Glen Rose Newspaper for my article "Eye on the Skies".  Just don't ever give up and miracles can happen. Dane has my article and said he would print it here too.  Thank you Dane for never giving up!

  8. I'm an AZ native.  I grew up in the 70s-80s.  We used to lay in the grass and watch the beautiful clouds pass by.  They were so big and fluffy and looked like so many fun objects.  Today's clouds, if we even have any, are wispy or just a massive haze.  We used to have the most wonderful monsoons here from mid-June to mid-Aug.  Every day.  We'd have amazing lightning storms and the streets would flood and we kids would go play in the 'rivers'.  I moved away for several years and have been back since '97.  I noticed our monsoons were becoming less and less frequent.  Last year we had one.  ONE!  For the year!  The MSM says the lack of monsoons is caused by the massive growth in Phx causing a 'heat island'.  OK.  I believed it.  For a while.  About 3 years ago, a friend told me about chem trails.  It kind of made sense to me.  Then, I started to research it.  What I found blew my mind!  It is real, folks!  My hubby and kids think I'm crazy.  I do try to educate my kids, but they don't want to hear it.  I think my hubby just can't wrap his mind around the fact that our government, or any government, would do this to it's citizens.  I keep spreading the word as much as I can, but I think people are scared.  They, like my hubby, don't want to think our government would hurt us.  So, I don't fault them.  That's what we were taught growing up.  I used to believe 9/11 was true too.  Now, I know better.  But, that's a different subject for a different day.  Thank you all for sharing.  It's nice to know we aren't alone.

  9. Hello everyone,

    This is a very good article as it has prompted me to tell my story too. 

    I live in the Gorge in Washington State. I have witnessed the planes stopping the snow from falling on Mount Hood. I have seen the river bank fall almost 10 feet. I have watched the planes lay down the lines and literally corral the clouds and herd them away. I now seem to know exactly what they are trying to do when they are doing it. I can predict what their agenda is. I have also been able to disperse the chemical trails with my mind. I have proven it to many. The other day I was successful in clearing a radius around the park I was at. Pretty soon the planes showed up spraying like mad as they didn't like any clear sky. It's almost as if they know what I am doing and where I am. It was amazing to say the least. I'm telling this because we may not be as powerless as we might have thought. It's a spiritual war it seems.Today I am seeing the trees dying all around me and NO ONE seems to notice. Small outer branches turning a reddish brown. Soon they will die like the other trees I have marked. I gasp for air and feel like my brain is on fire most of the time now. My ears ring off the hook as I try to sleep. I get hit with moments of depression as I know someone is literally trying to kill me off and my beautiful daughter too. I have been trying to rally and persevere, but it's getting harder and harder. Recently I have begun to notice that all life seems to look unhealthy. Almost everyday now I hear of someone I know either coming up with MS, ALS, Parkinson's or dementia. Most older folks I talk to either know someone who is experiencing first hand or have a husband or wife that's ill or is going into an assisted living facility or has passed. This chemical toxic brew seems to hit the men very hard. And the women are left as widows. The symptoms of this chemical spraying are very similar to the Gulf War, Persian War and the BP Illness. All forms of toxic chemical exposure. I'm seriously very concerned for my health as well as all the beautiful people out there. For almost a year I have had a constant headache. July 5, 2014 was my first direct exposure to the white cloud of death, as I call it. I was camping up Cougar Reservoir, looking up to the sky I noticed a white cloud closing in and looming over head as it blanked out the stars.  I was eating around the fire. When I went to bed I noticed that it felt like glass was around and in my mouth. I washed my face the best I could and went to bed. When I woke up I had Blister-like lesions all inside my mouth and around my tongue. My teeth hurt and I had a terrible headache. My neck was so stiff and hurting that I couldn't hardly move it. I became paranoid after that. I didn't want to go outside. So I began to research the term I had heard only two weeks prior. I was horrified! I couldn't believe I didn't know about this! I would wake up in the middle of the night and look out only to see the sky white. I had trouble sleeping. I told people about what I was learning only to get that 'deer in the headlights' look. I started to wear a mask, but felt foolish because no one else was. I became very angry and felt pain in my body like never before. I was told to not make a fool out of myself. I too have noticed there is no energy in the sky anymore.  And now I'm afraid I'm dying. All the time I have wasted struggling and worrying about my life seems so ridiculous. I spend all my time now researching and preparing for what is to come. I can see the drastic and fast stages that the spraying is causing. And now I realize I must stand up and shout this out. I'm only sorry I haven't taken more risks. Here's what I have been doing. I have a meet up group. It's called Oregonians For Action and Awareness Against Aircrimes. I write on the back of my car messages. I go to the marches and I call my public officials regularly. I sign all the petitions. I talk to anyone who will listen. I used my social media. And I do the research that's necessary to protect myself and my loved ones. I am currently researching the Ron L. Hubbard detox program of Niacin, sauna and exercise that it being studied and recommended for Gulf War and other war veterans who have been exposed to toxic chemicals. Since I am in the health field I am naturally guided towards trying to find a way to help myself and others stay healthy through this. It feels like a moral obligation to humanity that I stay alive! I am very strong and have been all my life. I am a survivor, so I have no other option but to continue the GOOD fight. I can not deny that I am scared. Everyday I learn more about the hidden agendas that are bring played out and who is behind this. The more I know the more I realize how terrible it is. These people do not care about you or your life. They only care about power, money and control. And they will not stop until they have achieved their goals. We must stop them and soon if there is any way. If we are unsuccessful, then we are doomed. And I am afraid we do not have much time left. My only advise is to prepare for hard times. 

    1. Kathleen, how were you able to open up clear skies?!? As I truly believe this not only to be a physical assault but a spiritual one as well I am truly intrigued by your statement. If others can learn how to clear the skies we may have a chance at spreading the word amongst the spiritual warriors and put a damper on their agenda. I too am fearful and feeling alone in this battle as people think I am crazy. Why won't they wake up?!?!?

  10. Diane thank you for your post. I too am heartbroken and angry at what has been done to us. I was born and raised in California; and like many know that our weather has been dramatically altered from what I remember as a youth. I currently live in San Francisco; and I could cry sometimes on how much the climate has changed. I miss so much the fog we use to have nearly half the year. The last couple of summers our fog bank is nearly non existant. I miss the misty, foggy summer days; that we use to have. It is now more like Los Angeles and most people who have moved here recently don't know what has happened; which makes it worse because they think this new; strange warm weather is great! It makes me want to cry. It is hard to describe the magical beauty; and feeling of the fog rolling in from the Pacific; and over the hills into the city. And the fog horns that use to sound on the bay I could here from my backyard patio. Most people I know don't want to talk about it; but I know it is part of a larger agenda. Agenda 21; and common core education; and geo-engineering  go hand in hand. They have an agenda to transform our world into something I would rather be dead than be a part of. These are evil people that are doing this to us and they have no conscious or morals. 

    1. Hello Joseph, I too feel the angst of what is unfolding, but all is not yet lost. We must turn our angst to anger and then our anger to fuel for the fight. What might we still save if we keep our faces to the wind and focus on efficiently and effectively waking the masses. The horizon is dark, but not yet black. We must all continue to sound the alarm untill we reach critical mass, then the rest of the wheels will begin to turn.

    2. Hi Joseph.

      Please don't get me started on Common Core Education. I just wrote an amazing paper (I think) on the full circle of 'supervision of education', and how it has come back to, after 300 hundreds years of trial and error, to an oligarchy, 'perfect little one-fits-all' box-education. It's all about power and money. 

      Together we stand. Please, do not lose hope.    

  11. I have been reading these posts carefully and have not seen any information as to WHY they (whoever they is) would cause a drought in California.  It would seem to be economically counterproductive.  In addition I have seen no contrails/chemtrails where I live of the type you describe.  (So California coast)  What I have noticed is a complete alteration in the weather.  Pretty much high humid temperatures year round for the last year; a continual summer so to speak. This is not to say that I don't believe your stories.  They are heartbreaking!  So am I living in some kind of bubble in my area where this isn't happening?

    1. Hello Carol, its important to understand that climate engineering is not being done for the common good, its about power and control. About the type of spraying over your region on any given day, the horizon to horizon trails are only one aspect of climate engineering. Much of the spraying spreads rapidly and shows up as an upper level haze or whispy cob web like clouds.

    2. Miss Carol Rose; I reside in New Mexico and my eyes were opened by a friend now deceased. I've seen the rain clouds here in multitudes now demolished for 13 years over and over and over. I don't know you mam but believe it to be true what I say. I would think you know evil exists and surrounds us day in, day out. You are not exempt, I pray you understand so I'll exit this write up. Keep looking and you will understand the difference of a normal contrail and a long lived chemtrail-SAG. Good Evening……….. 

    3. Carol,  I live on the coast north of San Diego and I see the trails frequently.  Often they blow in from the ocean and then are filled in with several passes of high-flying planes.  I am surprised you haven't seen them.  Not every day, buy whenever a high pressure is forecast like today.  Also the sunsets are weird colors and sometimes the long long afterglow is scary.

  12. i think "conspiracy theorist" is technically speaking wrong – "Conspiracy Hypothesizer" i believe would be apprropriately correct … one has to then test the hypothesis to determine theory if i remember correctly 😉

    (just sayin') 


    ps – Thanks Shannon! We are all sharing in ur pain :/

  13. Nice story, Shannon. I was born and raised in California and the last several years (except for 2009-11 seasons) were bone dry and warm during the winter. The winters I was growing up in were never this dry in my life and this current drought is making the late 80s drought look like an El Nino year. I'm very concerned, angry, and saddened about how messed up this HAARP program is controlling our weather. We need to tell the government to stop the aerosol assault in our skies and give us our rain. We need to take action immediately or this state will be completely out of water and luck. We need help and we can't do this alone. 


  14. I was telling someone recently about growing up in Wyoming in the 60's and how beautiful the wilderness was where I rode my horses (both mountain and plains), how clean it was and still intact. I remember the freshness of the air after a rain and the thunderstorms and snow storms were so beautiful. I actually have people tell me that I can't remember the weather far back (they claim nothing is changing). Well, yes I can. I'm currently on the Oregon coast and was watching two planes over Reedsport doing hard U-Turns while spraying. Not normal plane behavior obviously. Pretty soon the sky was covered with spray. There isn't a day that goes by that we aren't covered. Like everyone who writes, I try to talk to people by just pointing up and no matter how carefully I word things I can see how quickly they shut down. I certainly know I did when first confronted with it all because I couldn't believe anyone would be allowed to do this……but then the first time I saw clear cutting I couldn't believe anyone would be allowed to do that. I won't give up trying to wake people up about caring for this earth. In my opinion, care of this earth should be priority number one for every country and every human here and should have been from the very beginning. I still hear from most people, "well, we can fix it." Well, from what I'm seeing no we can't.

  15. Shannon–Lovely article.

    I lived in Truckee, CA in the early 70's and there WERE NO LINES THAT REMAINED IN THE SKY and morphed out to blanket the sky white, creating –nothingness–!!! No blue nor real clouds.  I have been telling people for years now about this phenomena.  Last year I had a table in Eugene, OR (where I reside)on the day to Look -up, September 18, 2014–Geo-engineering/chemtrails WORLDWIDE.  I have recently noticed on FB there are over 100 or more sites for this!  It is picking up a pace.  We must be proactive in telling everyone we meet now, to save and heal, what may be left, of our earth.  Keep posting and talking!  I have a piece in a show now and will post it, if possible.

  16. I think there was an experiment some years ago where scientists placed frogs in an exact replica of their home environment in the science lab. Then turned up the heat just a quarter degree per every other day.

    The lab frogs survived and continually adapted until, one day, they just all died.

    How long is OUR experiment?

    1. Thanks for posting your thought

      I think deep down this is a fear most of us hold while understanding  what is happening with the environment. One good thing is that they (all that are involved in this, the Military, the pilots, the "inventor scientists") are not the highest controllers, since Mother Earth is just a tiny speck in this gigantic universe..

      I like to think that while this stuff is settling down on us, there is also still some fresh air coming through from much higher altitudes. There is no denying in my town in Northern California that many trees are heavily affected and that it has been very difficult to overcome bronchial and sinus infections by many that live here.

      Most people like to survive on our Earth, but there are also many that are seriously out to destroy, possibly also themselves. Much of our society is infiltrated by corrupt, degraded, destructive behavior, which is messing with the better qualities of human nature. …unfortunately passed on much faster with technology and by media.

      I hope they don't put us in a giant microwave oven with their "Scientific Advancements".

      Don't forget we are eternal beings, ultimately there is no death, but I do hope these bastards will face the law suits they deserve as soon as possible. I pray that there are enough just as powerful humans in numbers and strength needed to help fixing the situation before it is too late..

      The lesson of all that might be for many more to wake up first…


  17. Beautiful article Shannon and thanks for sharing it with us Dane. There are touches of memories we can all relate to when life was simple and being in nature was refreshing and pure. The days when there was only 1 round of flu or colds per year, not multiple times per season!

    I started thinking of how ironic and completely duplicitous it was that the globalists/royals established UNESCO World Heritage sites and designated sites in danger when many of them are closely involved or accutely aware of the destruction taking place on this planet through weather warfare. Rather unbelievable that so-called intelligent minds could be so completely pompous, greedy and short-sighted about our life support….this planet!


    1. Thank you Melody. 

      You are right, there is so much irony out there, but I truly think we are at a breaking point. 

  18. I also live in Michigan and was horrified to see that one particular evergreen variety in the entire area has been decimated over the winter!  These trees were totally green and healthy looking last fall but now have a bright rusty look as though they have been chemically burned.  I have so far traveled in a radius of above 15 miles and every single tree of this variety is in the same condition.  All I can think to attribute this to is something in the snow.

    IMPORTANT:  Can anyone tell me why I cannot post a comment using my IPad since the Captpcha code went into effect?

    1. Hello Carol, yes, you may indeed be seeing a “flash burn” from a chemical reaction, see the attached link. Also, we are trying to “turn down” the “spam” filter, hopefully this will help get all comments through to us. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-snowstorms-what-are-they-spraying/

    2. The captcha code delima. I had the same problem for months unable to post a reply to any of the great stories I was reading on Danes site. After losing several very long well thought out stories of my own I figured out how to get a post thru.    First type your story then your name and email then very quickly tap the little icon to the right of the captcha code box. This will change the code to a different one then enter that new code and your in.  I believe the enemy has hacked in to the site to prevent us from sharing our observations but this trick will foil them.. They will stop at nothing to to try and destroy all communication amongst the awakened.

  19. Yes, our weather has been hijacked, computer hijacked.  The clouds are fake, virtual sun dimming sky covering monstrosities that are science designed to keep the rain and the snow out of California.  Currently it is "raining" but it is the same mist that is forecast as rain.  The weather icon says it is going to be sunny but within hours the jets come over and yesterday they spewed swaths of the brew.  There has been no snow up on this mountain for over three years.  This cabin was frequently buried with snow.  There is no winter.  Spring is here six weeks or more early.  And as your article laments, the trees and shrubs look like they are gasping for survival.  There is a strange brownish tint to everything once green and verdant.  Thank you for your post.  I don't know what to do about this savaging of our natural world.  The so called representatives in Congress don't bother to respond to my plea for a redress of this grievance.  Not discouraged but disgusted and angry.

    1. Do not bother with email to any senators and such as they are not recieving them. I'm absoultly sure a third party company is intercepting the email and re routing to a data storage facility! That's what I would do if I was In the power position of maintaining secrecy military style.

           I suggest to all hf us once again to send well thought out info packets and a short typed cover letter inside of a business like neat looking labeled not hand written envelope..the hand written ones look scary to the screeners who open the letters before being handed to the intended reciepiant. Let's start flooding the mail to our so called reps and senators.

  20. Shannon Morgan – You have written a very loving and kind yet to-the-point article regarding climate engineering. I thank you for putting it all down so pertinently. I thank you for the obvious passion you have for nature and loved ones. I also thank Dane Wigington for his clarity and hard work in spreading the word on climate engineering and for his courage in stating who is behind this whole mess – The Global Elite – Everyone else as Dane states, are just puppets. This is a wonderful post.

    1. Thank you so much, Edward. 

      I feel that many people have lost this passion for nature and family, because of technology and blatant corruption. People are starting to wake up, though. And that gives me incredible hope for our future. 

  21. Here in Uk in the North East, I watch them daily spraying the skies, sometimes in threes! I find it unbelievable that people are not noticing this, as for instance last week end the sky was like a noughts and crosses game, it was so obvious, that a BBC journalist friend of mine took photos! Where is the money coming from?As this must be costing a fortune, especially when I sometimes see four or more planes most of the day spraying!

  22.  Inspiring letter, and nice to see how it touched so many here.  I had the same experience too. Returned home 12 yrs ago to a small town in central Ontario, Canada after 25 yrs on the west coast and therefore have the context whereby to compare the 50's and 60's decades with the weather here today.  Those of us in that same boat have gone thru a shocking awakening  which you express so well. It's heartening to find we are not alone, not crazy but together  living in a crazy world, a world gone mad.  The phenomena we are witnessing and experiencing defies explanation. Its vast and deadly, and we are all of us caught up in it. There is no escape. Thank you for your letter. I'm headed off to the motor vehicle branch tomorrow to see if I can get similar plates.  They're probably taken, but it's worth a try.


    1. Thank you James. 

      I am so grateful by the amount of people who can relate to my story. It's sad, but it's also encouraging. More and more people are 'waking up' and looking up each day. We will escape this. We have to.  

  23. It is so discouraging when one's good friends, old and new, refuse to acknowledge that there might be something to what you are attempting to show/tell them.  I have discovered that some of my friends are sort of interested but the subject is simply to frightening for them to grasp.  I have been losing old friends, but the good news is that I am now  making new  ones. The explanation that what I am seeing and have been photographing now for several years are 'contrails.' is frustrating.  As so many keep telling us about these contrails then why didn't we see them prior to the last few years.  I keep asking if commercial planes are leaving the trails has the jet fuel been changed and if it has are the trails the planes are leaving behind them now filled with chemicals and are these chemicals safe to breathe.  These questions usually end the conversation about contrails.as no oe wants to be put on the defensive which these questions accomplish.  Great article, Shannon.  Keep us informed and up to date.

    Today in Virginia the temps are warming after near freezing over the past few days which have been calling for rain, but the only rain we received was in the form of mist.  On the detailed weather report we usually get 'partly cloudy.' which means mostly chemtrails.  Today, after the mist finally cleared out there were blue skies, but not for very long. Today was the first time I have seen the broken trails that I have read others discussing.  It would be nice to think that maybe they are running low on fuel, but I doubt it.  I also have not read any appropriations in any of the government budget proposals designating funds for weather modification and it must be costing the tax payers billions.

    1. Dear Diana and Shannon; Welcome to the club of losing friends. I experienced this when I tried to convince a very well educated lady about the chemtrails. Unfortunately, she had an older friend and mentor ( a Prof. Dr. Dr.) who has more fear of losing his good paying job than of what is happening to our planet. This also applies to his colleagues in Australia and New Zealand who also are supporting the "contrail" fairytale. The 3 of them offered their opinions of my research of chemtrails and HAARP and the effects both are having on our weather and health — their final statement being that I had a "tick". Unfortunately, the "ticking" that is going on is the one from the time bomb that is being sprayed on a 24/7 schedule all over the world and the mobile HAARP units mounted on (navy) ships that are now making the rounds.

      Hang in there, girls, we don't give up that easy!

  24. Well done Shannon…. you are getting peoples attention and got them thinking. Keep up the "good work"….. educating people to the calamity of climate change and how it will affect the children. It is so important NOW for action …. inspire others to take action: become an activist for your own local environments.  Sharing your article makes me so proud……

  25.  This is what happens when a country hands the keys to the kingdom over to a smug, Marxist community organizer from Chicago with a shadowy and questionable past just because he's "charismatic". America has nobody but itself to blame. These technologies have existed for decades, however they weren't implemented on such a large scale as this until Obama came to power. Our country now reaps what it has sown. Maybe next time we'll vote responsibly instead of voting for the "hip" & "cool" guy.

    1. Hello Jay, for the record, the Bush regime (and so many other administrations before them) were every bit as criminal as Obama. Presidents are all just puppets dangled on the strings of the global elite. Voting is a futile, all candidates are controlled.

  26. Very poignantly written, Shannon, God bless you and all who are trying to bring more awareness of geo-engineering to our friends, family, and everyone on this poor old planet. The license plate is great, and I think music and video can also be used in this campaign. If you know any people partial to classic country and western,try this on them: “Chemtrail Ghostriders”, a new version of the old chestnut “Ghostriders In The Sky” It is indeed strange that the demonic vision of the original song from the early 1950s has now come true… in a different, but perhaps even more frightful way!
    Here is the link to the music video:
    Good luck with it!

    1. Dane Is correct that the trails and haarp both were happening with Bush in office and just ramped up a bit more in recent years with the current Pres. I'm convinced these idiots have not a clue as to what's going on.! The shadow govt has been doing as it pleases since the formation of the majestic twelve in the 50's and the secret cover ups and experiments  never stopped and I'm talking about the military and big business like the Rand corp. etc. They conspire to do whatever they want to do without the president and his administrations approval or knowledge.

    2. Thank you Steve.

      I've seen that video before. It's very clever. I just shared it with my dad; he'll love it. 

  27. Shannon, thank you!  And, like others, I too want the license plate and "holder"-how?  I've never had a personalized license plate before and am poor, but I would save and spring for this which seems Way more effective than a bumper sticker!  And, I too want to hear what response you get from your school's administration, and parents Shannon!  Stay in touch!

    And Dane, thank you for the Snowden remarks.  To me, he is a true, selfless hero.  My take on him seems correct from the beginning, yet my ex-friend, 78 with multiple degrees from prestigious Universities in foppery, hated him from the beginning in a knee jerk way and childishly so.  My more measured response only aggravated him more so about geoengineering and apparently anything I had to say or refer him to.  I do agree that it is like the stages of grief, disbelief being first, but I doubt he will ever catch up-he thinks younger people, such as myself at 68! are vulnerable to this sort of thing, as in more easily duped!  When I ended the friendship, it was because I lost what was left of respect I'd once had for him.  That part is weird in that when a friend dumps one over geoengineering, or vice versa, there is a sense of loss at first.  Then you realize what have you really lost?  At least that is how it went with me.  Because you realize their true character or lack of.  Kinda like losing dead weight, it is liberating.  Especially giving sites like yours Dane where like minds can help each other cope and commiserate, and encourage.  And, it is a growth process, a learning process which despite the huge downsides, at least keeps one young at heart-remembering days of old when wet smelled wet, when a storm felt good, smelled good.  All the while giving impetus to learn, to grow in awareness, and to fight and how and why.  I now know so much more about our world than I knew before.  I am a better person for it.  And more committed than ever.

    No matter what happens, it is not gonna be pretty.  But at least I will know what to expect, what to do.  I fear it may be hopeless.  But at least I know why-which does make me feel less helpless.  The gentle souls here can take heart knowing they are not part of the deception and lies.  At the very least, our kids and grandkids will know we did the best we could, that we cared, we paid attention and took action.  This is no small comfort.

    1. Thank you Rachel.

      Please, do not lose hope! Just keep taking action in any way you can. 

  28. The article & comments everyone has shared are very courageous!  Please continue to educate yourselves and others with compassion.  

  29. Not just the snow, the rain, but every single aspect of weather is very “different” from what I well remember growing up. People are terrified to question anything their government tells them (or what they don’t tell us), While people sleep and daydream about freedoms lost the real conspiracy theorists, our evil corporate overlords, carry on business as usual poisoning and raping the planet. But, hey, don’t complain. That would be un-American and might get you into trouble. ZZzzzzzz …

  30. A great letter Shannon~~  I moved to Carson City, Nevada in 2009.. Every year the chemtrails get worse.. I am also asthmatic and breathing this air is very upsetting and detrimental for me.. I love to garden, but, with 'Geo-Engineering" spraying all its' chemicals in my yard, and compost", 'what is the point,  being organic is doubtful~ We are in a drought situation because of these 'powers' that be, that want to foist this horrors upon us in the name of  Global warming/climate control. One of the HAARP  stations  is in Alaska, N.E., of Anchorage, and they can control the weather.. They are keeping the HI Pressure system up, so, getting any storm, rain, or snow is useless.  Look at what they have done  with the Eastern states and their snow!! I could go on, but, this is so depressing..God knows what else they have added to the already poisonous, stream of 41 different elements that are spewing down on us 24/7, world wide.

    1. Thank you Judy.

      Yes, it is very depressing, which is why we must fight back. Please, don't lose hope!

  31. I was born and raised m in Southern California. I remember the thunderstorms very well. Moved to Oregon in 2004. Watching the snow get less and less each year is heart breaking. Thank You Dane for all your hard work to expose what is going on. Thanks to Shannon also. I tell everyone I talk to about the sky. I wish more people cared. It all makes me sick. The world is in bad shape. I hope it is not too late.

  32. Thank you so much for writing and speaking out. And thank you Dane. I feel the exact same way. The sky in Sonoma County is so deeply depressing that I can barely stand being outside. And the heat in March. People who claim to be lovers of nature, people who are old enough to know better do not. They ask for peer reviewed journals which prove this. The frustration I feel is only matched by my bewilderment and sadness. I would be interested to hear what kind of feedback you are getting from parents, students, and school administration. 

  33. Three cheers Shannon. I know from experience this is not a popular fight. When I start talking to people about it they look at me as though I have two heads. My own daughter gets angry when I mention it, and I lost a life long friend over it.  He insisted I am looking at contrails. I have taken many pictures and shared them on Twitter, most with no interest from anyone. I love your license plate and will check into getting one from PA.

  34. Your article wrenched my heartstrings as I, too, grew up at Lake Tahoe.  I consider the area my first love.  I had all the experiences you relate, a deep deep connection.  I also left the area for grad. school in Oregon and have made my home here finding a different but wonderful beauty in my country home.  The violation of our beautiful land and sky has been one of the most revolting difficult challenges for me.  Who would do this?  Who would desecrate these holy places?   What dark consciousness has been running amok in our land?  I have familiarized myself with the geo-engineering information and I search for ways to verify the explicit means and entities responsible, in order to assist in resisting this atrocity.  Bless all those who are awake and who will stand up for our lands and those who inhabit those lands around the world.

    1. Thank you Ellen.

      It is so heart wrenching to watch our beautiful mountain towns slowly die. Now, it is our duty to fight back.    

  35. Very good.

    Anyone with an ounce of sense can see that the sspraying aircraft are not on normal airline routes. They are always very high. Also, they are not regular in appearance like normal airlins routes are. Like one respondendt has said, many people just don't want to be challenged. Most of the world will die in ignorance. Nature will always win because that is how it is. The arrogance of knows no bounds. What other animal on earth is happy to destroy its own habitat? We must keep questioning and telling others. Maybe, just maybe, there is still time to change things; but I'm not holding my breath.

    1. Ian, I am in Southern UK and like you, just can't believe that people are not seeing what WE are seeing,  Planes on unusual flight paths, criss-crossing the sky, making geometric patterns, not showing up on flight radar?  This is NORMAL?  I have yet to talk to anyone, including close friends and family, who haven't questioned my sanity to some degree.  If someone had told me, I really would have looked up sooner and at least investigated it myself. Why are people so reluctant to see the obvious? Those that authorise this activity must be laughing themselves silly at our lack of interest in whatever they do.

      So….now it's April tomorrow, Where is spring?  The usually lush looking young plants look decayed and dull somehow,  The sky is invariably thick white grey.   Even more worryingly, this is the third episode of flu/bronchitis I have had no far this year.  I now know when it will happen.  On very very heavily sprayed days when there is very thick 'folds' of white cloud, there is a constant (and I mean constant) sound of much lower flying aircraft here,  It is ALL day.  A couple of days later, about one in 10 people I know get upper respiratory problems, flu and chest infections.  Last weekend I had to resort to antibiotics and the doctor told me the surgery and hospitals are overwhelmed with people complaining of the same thing,  I KNOW now I can predict when it's happening, but also know that not a single person will believe me….

  36. We have seen the videos of the chase planes from behind the sprayers , we need to in all areas see some side shots of these spraying aircraft so we can identify who, where and when.We need to get these guys grounded  ASAP  !!    Who are they, where are the flights originating  from, who are the trucking companies delivering tankers full the materials being sprayed ?   So many questions, No answers !

  37. Shannon,

    i live in Sparks and know exactly what you are taking about! I am so sickened and angry when I see the planes spraying us several times a week! The beautiful crisp blue skies I so loved here are GONE and have been replaced with a white or grey haze. I worry about even letting my kids go outside to play in this crap!


    I recently stumbled upon an article that talked about the cloud seeding program at the Desert Research Institute at TMCC. I was appalled that I had never heard about this program that is only miles away from me! The article discussed their drone that can be used for spraying, but after further contact with DRI they now are saying they don't use the drone because of several factors including needing FAA approval. What they do use are several "stations" located atop several ski resorts around Tahoe where they spray chemicals into the sky to increase precipitation from storms. So at the very least this program has openly admitted to spraying around Truckee and Tahoe.


    I am not sure if you are already aware of this program but thought I would share. I have been telling everyone I know about this, but as usual people dont really seem to care! I would like to help in anyway I can so if you need another local for anything please contact me!

  38. Your article really hit a chord with me.  I too, remember a time when nature was essentially and sensually different…when the air smelled good, when the rain felt and smelled good, when wind and lightening and thunder were thrilling.  There are a lot of people alive now…and more and more proportionally that will not be able to tell the difference, because they haven't ever experienced the difference.  That makes this time period, and group of transitional people even more essential to speak out because we do know from first-hand experience…the difference between now and then.

    Like the responder above, I also really want to get a personal  LOOK UP (or something similar) license plate…and a geoengineeringwatch.org license plate holder…………as a pair because the message MUCH clearer together….Hopefully my state will issue the personalized license plate, and I can have the license plate holder ordered through a business that makes them.

  39. Shannon, I appreciate your courage and your ability to stay open-minded. I find those who do not want to know what is happening in our skies and to our planet will either ignore you or attack the messenger. They are unwilling to ask more questions and would rather call you names and make it more about you than debate you on the hard science that is there for all to see. If you don’t know this, a Nevada mainstream large newspaper in 2003, the Las Vegas Tribune, wrote a front page article titled, “Chemtrails Are Over Las Vegas.” https://patriotnewstwo.wordpress.com/2015/03/28/las-vegas-tribune-links-mass-illness-to-chemtrails/ Excellent article and sources! This story is all over the Internet.


      Thank you Rose. 

      Can you imagine what would happen if every one put forth a little courage? 

  40. Get this one.  I just saw a video on YouTube titled " 'Snowden uncovers' shocking truth behind chemtrails Fema Region Three".  Apparently the rumor is going around, with or without the blessing of E. Snowden (and it wouldn't surprise me if it were his latest mission) that ES has exposed that chemtrails are a benevolent gov't program to save us all from massive food shortages caused by global warming. Never mind that the spraying is the cause of the drought that is about to create massive food insecurity in the US, this idiot is trying to spread the good word that our government loves us, really, and was just trying to save us from worrying by keeping this all secret.  If Snowden really supports this, it will suddenly become even easier to throw mud at critics of geoengineering… at least, that's my guess. 

    I was looking around at Morgellon's treatments when I found that, so obviously it's being linked selectively.  What will they come up with next?

    Oh yeah – vilifying teachers….

    1. Hello Penny, What is essential to remember about anything Snowden says is that it is not Snowden saying it. Snowden only releases what government documents say. The message you describe is exactly what we should expect such documents to say. Members of our own militaty would likely not engage in these programs of official documents said “we are going to spray our own populations with toxic materials related to the weather wars we will wage on them” Edward Snowden has shown incredible courage, if only there were more like him.

    2. I apologize for having been flippant about Edward Snowden.  That kind of discussion is divisive and unnecessary here.

      Just to be clear, I certainly believe that if Snowden was blowing the whistle, he is among the greatest heroes ever to live.  Perhaps I have read too many "conspiracy theories" about him; there are many (even whistleblowers) who think that he was part of a psy-op.  For my own part, I think the message matters more than the messenger's motivations.

    3. No worries Penny, we are all pulling together in this fight. I do believe all available information indecates Snowden is the real deal, but we must remember that some of the documents he is releasing are simply the “official lies” from the power structure. This is the case on the geoengineering references released by Snowden that paint the picture of climate engineering being a necessary evil. The reality is however very different, climate engineering is doing nothing but horrific harm around the globe.

  41. Thank you Shannon!

     I live in Michigan where we are regularly sprayed.Our snow was like concrete at times,then like styrofoam.This is the first year I have seen snow scum left on the grass, it lasted for days and had the consistency of dried Elmers glue.

    People get tired of me bringing it up but none of this weather is natural so I keep handing out articles and websites and say look for yourself!

  42. I commend you Shannon, keep on speaking the truth, our children deserve to know the truth! I am a nurse in Albany , NY and we are bombarded on what seems like a daily basis. I have written letters to the Governor and was redirected by an EPA spokesperson to a fact sheet on contrails! I read the entire fact sheet on contrails she sent me out of respect and emailed her about the information she gave me. I have not heard back from her. I also got a letter following my initial email from the Governors representative who was nice enough to tell ME, LOL what I was seeing..contrails! My fiance and I have also taken on a personal responsibility to inform people and I agree it is not always a welcomed topic. I have long time friend who told us pretty much they don't care about what we are telling them, and that was heartbreaking for me. We recently made up a sign on a 4×4 piece of ply wood, painted it sky blue and hung it up at an on ramp to a major bridge here in Troy, NY. I encourage everyone to keep on speaking the truth despite any back lash or funny looks, as it is the right thing to do. There is power in numbers and I believe it will make the difference! God Bless

    1. Ditto!  We want these license plates!!  South central Colorado is a big hazy smear of whatever is falling on us.  It is disgusting. HANDS OFF OUR SKY! 

  43. I reposted this on my FB. I love that it's a simple heartfelt story of a high school teacher that grew up in Truckee. Thank you for caring & sharing & teaching!

  44. I am a nurse who live as in Minnesota and I have been trying my best to get people to look up and start asking questions and doing their own research. I have met with a lot of strange looks and changes of subject as people have thought that I was a bit paranoid or simply crazy. I have met with much success too those who know me believe me more because I am known as intelligent and practical. Though I find there is a 3rd category of people that just prefer to ignore anything they find unpleasant, I have lost a few friends over this because they know if they hang out with me I will eventually convince them and their simple view of reality will need revising, so they just stop interacting with me. I do hope they will eventually accept reality so that they can help us change it for the better. It seems as though their is a grieving process to go through when your worldview shifts so much, denial is the first step in the grieving process, then bargaining, then anger…maybe if we help facilitate a movement from denial and bargaining to anger all the way up to acceptance we can then dream of how we would prefer it to be and how to accomplish it together. Our whole world is at stake weather or not we choose to accept it or not. Keep up the good work spreading the message ♡♥♡

  45. Damn thats great!
    And I love the licence plate too,,what an effective way to get people to take notice when there stuck in traffic. 
    Nobody believes me when I tell about geoengineering, they just  call me a conspiracy theorist or something. 
    Even when it is right above their head's they can't or wont see it. 
    Shannon your story strikes a cord with me as I love the snow too but in recent years we have hardly had any snow here in England and I think the weather is changing. 
    Unless  we do something about it NOW then will our kids ever have the same experiences we did growing up?
    Chemtrails, geongineering, call it what you want, Children don't deserve to be poisoned by this kind of insanity, we need to take a stand. 
    Keep on fighting and doing what you can, Shannon and Dane.

    1. Glad to see that someone here in the UK, is noticing these trails. I live in Newcastle, and have been watching them now for 3 years! I find it unbelievable that no one is noticing! I try to educate the few I would trust, not to think I am a nutcase, and thankfully word is spreading. They are intent on covering the sun, and bringing temperatures down by 3 degrees. They also work at night! Keep up the good work, and spread the word!

    2. Stephen and Karen – I'm here in the UK I too (as posted earlier above) but can't find a UK site where we can share our views. Discovering Geoengineering is literally life changing as you have to re-think everything you thought you believed and felt was right and true about the world.  It is also a lonely process and I've yet to meet anyone who believes me, even thought the evidence is right up above them.  I am also labelled a conspiracy theorist and told to 'get out more' as I clearly have too much time on my hands to watch the sky!!  Thanks to Dane and the people who share their views here (who could not be LESS typical of conspiracy theorists – just nice people who love the planet and notice that nature around them is changing) I can sometimes cope with this horror.  Glad to know there are a few UK people who are awake out there 🙂 

  46. Thank you Shannon for sharing with us.  Really authentic story! Excellent License Plate activism!

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