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The military industrial complex has been completely out of control for so long that the consequences to life on Earth may soon be total. The US military leadership has virtually no regard for anything or anyone including its own soldiers. In the military's endless and insatiable quest to expand and control the entire planet and everyone on it, all is expendable. This includes the environment (even in its own country),  and the citizens of the United States which it claims to defend. Though climate engineering is the epitome of the military's assault against its own citizens and the biosphere, there are countless other examples which all have dire consequences. Finally, the population is beginning to wake up to the ongoing insanity.
Dane Wigington


Domestic Military Expansion Spreads Through The US, Ignites Dissent

By Dahr Jamail, Copyright, Truthout.org. Reprinted with permission


(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)

What if you lived in a country that allowed its Navy to fly the loudest aircraft in the world over your home day and night, generating sonic booms that rattled the windows of people living in a neighboring country, and test new weapons in areas that would knowingly harm, or possibly kill, humans and wildlife?

Welcome to the United States, which has a military with an increasing domestic expansion that may soon be coming to your town, city or national forest.

That the US military knowingly tested new weapons on US citizens (possibly in the thousands), wildlife or even its own soldiers is nothing new. Publicly available documents reveal how the US military has even released nerve gas in public areas, as well as farms, to see the effects on civilians and animals. This occurred during the 1960s, when the United States secretly tested both chemical and biological weapons on US soil, including releasing deadly nerve agents in Alaska and spraying bacteria over Hawaii.

Hence, the fact that in recent years the US Navy moved ahead with increasing its sonar testing (which is presently ongoing, off the coasts of California, Hawaii and the Gulf of Mexico), despite reams of evidence showing its extremely harmful impact on whales and dolphins, is but one example of the military's tendency to expand in any way it pleases, damn the consequences.

The US Department of Defenses' 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review minces no words when it comes to the Navy's expansion:

"Through an aggressive effort to reduce acquisition costs and temporary ship lay-ups, the Navy will modernize its fleets of surface ships, aircraft, and submarines to meet 21st century threats," its executive summary says. "We must ensure that the fleet is capable of operating in every region and across the full spectrum of conflict."

The "full spectrum of conflict" includes the now ever-expanding field of electromagnetic warfare training.

The Navy is already using the sea and airspace of literally every US coastal state for its training, and in many of them, its war gaming.

By way of example, the far northwest quadrant of the United States provides a clarifying example of what the Navy is doing, how government agencies tasked with protecting wild lands and wildlife are enabling and assisting its expansion, and how citizens are standing up to resist it.

In a country where military spending already accounts for 55 percent of all federal discretionary spending and military expenditures are greater than all the military spending of the next 10 largest countries combined, the Navy's domestic training footprint, along with other branches of the military, is growing ever-larger and taking on frightening new forms.

An Expanding Naval Footprint

The US Navy, along with the Air Force and Army, are currently engaged in and expanding their warfare-training exercises across the United States. Right now, however, the Navy's expansion appears to be the most pronounced, given the US military "pivot" toward building up its forces in the Asia-Pacific.

The Navy's warfare training expansion is to be particularly extensive along the West Coast states of California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska, but will also include Idaho. Trainings are set to expand across the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Warfare training regions and the 12 training ranges began to expand in 2007 in scope and size, as well as the amount of activity, according to Rosalind Peterson, a researcher and co-founder of California's Agriculture Defense Coalition, who has been tracking the Navy's training ranges since 2009.

"The Navy is conducting bombing and gunnery exercises, submarine warfare exercises, drones, missiles, and other 'live-fire' exercises in many of their ranges," Peterson told Truthout.

The Navy's Northwest Training and Testing Area includes undersea warfare centers, explosive ordnance disposal areas and vast amounts of air space for their warplanes. Their Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Area is equally massive.

2009 Navy document makes it very clear why their ranges are expanding, and how they intend to train:

Realistic training is the single greatest asset the military has in preparing and protecting Navy personnel … "Train As We Fight;" is not just a phrase. It is a statement of the absolute necessity to train the men and women in uniform for the precise conditions in which they may find themselves while protecting the nation. Realism requires access to areas and environments that closely match the locations where our Sailors may face.

According to the Navy, the purpose of its training expansion is to "conduct training and testing activities to ensure that the Navy meets its mission," which aims to "maintain, train, and equip combat ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas."

While the Navy has denied involvement, the fact that explosive ordnance disposal is part of its mission in its training areas, of which Washington State's Strait of Juan de Fuca is one, could explain "mysterious" loud explosions that vibrated floors and rattled windows in people's homes there recently.

But mysterious, loud undersea explosions that are possibly linked to the Navy's undersea warfare training exercises are mild in comparison to some other impacts of its training.

In 2009, US Senators Barbara Boxer, Olympia Snowe, Maria Cantwell, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley and Dianne Feinstein co-authored a letter to Dr. Jane Lubchenco, the undersecretary for oceans and atmosphere, regarding their concerns about the Navy's ongoing training expansion at that time.

The senators were alarmed that some of the naval exercises could "occur in the nation's most biologically sensitive marine habitats, including National Marine Sanctuaries and breeding habitat for the endangered North Atlantic whale," and were also concerned that the Navy "anticipates more than 2.3 million takes (significant disruptions in marine mammal foraging, breeding, and other essential behaviors) per year, or 11.7 million takes over the course of a five-year permit."

In another 2009 letter to the Navy, Senators Wyden and Merkley (both D-Oregon) cited environmental and economic concerns over the Navy's expanded warfare training off the Oregon coast, writing, "We are concerned that many of the Navy's training proposals, including underwater minefield testing, explosive ordinance use, expanded land and air-based exercises, and widespread sonar training in particular, pose substantial environmental and economic risks."

The Navy's expansion included exercises with guided missile submarines and unmanned aerial systems, along with the implementation of new air and sea surface targets, new electronic signal emitters and development of a "small-scale" underwater training minefield.

Similar to the letter penned earlier by the seven senators, the two Oregon senators brought attention to four specific areas of concern, including: "The potential for irreparable harm to the fisheries and the many related industries along the Oregon Coast, the significant impacts of sonar on marine mammals, the potential impacts on endangered species, and the potential release of a variety of hazardous materials into sensitive marine ecosystems."

Despite the broad extent of domestic military expansion, it is rare to see coverage of this growth in larger national media outlets.

"The Navy has taken the position that they can train anywhere they want, using any methods," Peterson said of the ongoing expansion, and added, "And they don't want this in the national news."

Instead, local news sources tend to cover the stories, like a recent article about a proposed naval pier expansion in Port Angeles, Washington, or a 2014 article in a Key West, Florida, paper about a Navy veteran who called the FBI on the Navy over its plans to expand training there, including 52,000 flight operations a year out of one of its airfields.

Carol Miller, founder of the nonprofit Peaceful Skies Coalition in New Mexico, began researching domestic military expansion when the Air Force tried to turn an area beside her community into "a realistic bombing initiative."

"We don't really have public lands in the US," Miller told Truthout. "We have military lands."

According to the Pentagon, between 1985 and 2012, the US military had completed at least 92 joint land use studies in preparation for expanding its domestic training, which proposed expansions in all but 16 US states.

There are scores of examples of massive training areas already in existence around the country.

The San Juan National Forest Training Area in Colorado is 633,011 acres, and Colville National Forest in Washington State, another training area, encompasses 550,000 acres.

Other recent expansions include 2014 plans for the Utah Test and Training Range having 700,000 acres added around the perimeter of a bombing range to create more ground and air space for F-35 pilots to test their aircrafts' missiles.

Miller told Truthout there are three key elements of US base expansions underway.

The first two, she said, encompass "new and expanded land bases, airspace and sea space; and military activities on public lands, tribal lands [and] culturally important indigenous sites…. The third is 'encroachment' planning, the least publicized and understood category, where the military basically dictates what activities can happen around military bases even on public and private land."

The Obama administration recently proposed an increased $534 billion Pentagon base budget plus $51 billion in war funds, as it urged Congress to end cuts it claimed "erode US military power."

Defense Department officials claim the increased military spending was needed to carry out the planned stationing of more forces in the Asia-Pacific, in response to "the rise of China."

Hazardous Materials

Miller told Truthout she is increasingly concerned about the types and amounts of hazardous materials the military is using in its training. She said that in New Mexico, the Air Force plans to expand the number of landing spots they have for their Osprey aircraft, which means they will use a polymer called TerraLOC, which military officials describe as "Gorilla Glue on steroids" to bind the dirt in their landing zones so that dust won't blow around when their aircraft land.

Miller, who worked in public health for 40 years, said, "They plan to treat the soil with a vinyl chloride polymer that they claim is 'organic.'"

She said the military already has 17 landing spots located in national forest lands in New Mexico and Colorado, but "they are applying for more."

Miller is concerned about the health and environmental impact of the military's use of vinyl chloride. "Clearly they are more concerned with the health of their aircraft … than the environment. Vinyl chloride workers have the highest liver cancer rates," she said.

Truthout previously reported on how the Navy's plans to conduct electromagnetic warfare training on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State would dramatically impact human health, as well as wildlife and the environment.

Another Truthout report included details about the Navy's warfare training's impact on wildlife in the region, which includes threatening already endangered species, as well as disrupting the bio-navigational abilities of over 1 billion birds that use the proposed training area as a migratory pathway.

According to the Navy's own so-called environmental impact statement (EIS) for its Northwest Training Range Complex, "In the Northwest Training Range Complex Study Area, hazardous materials would be used in the Pacific Northwest Operations Area, including specific offshore areas such as Warning Area W-237; inshore areas in Puget Sound where underwater detonation training occurs; and land areas designated for land-based explosives training." 

Other impacts include jet noise, explosions and the use of live weapons, among others.

A Bad Neighbor

The impact of the Navy's expansion does not end at US borders. Even members of the Canadian government are expressing their concern about the Navy's ever-growing footprint of militarism.

Canadian Minister of Parliament Elizabeth May recently sent a letter to US Ambassador Bruce Heyman, expressing her concerns about the proposed naval expansion of adding more Growler jets to the naval air base on Whidbey Island, just across the border from Canada, in order to use them in the proposed electromagnetic warfare training exercises.

"My constituents have raised concerns about considerable noise from the jets, which can be disruptive," May wrote in the letter, dated January 27, 2015. "They would like the residential impacts on nearby Canadian communities to be taken into account in evaluating the proposal … In addition, many are concerned that noise from the jets, as well as the sonar activity that would result from a proposed increase of acoustic surveillance devices in the region, may have adverse environmental impacts on marine life, including the endangered South Resident Orca whale population and Leatherback turtles."

Ian Jessop, of CFAX radio in Victoria, Canada, told Truthout, "We've had a lot of complaints here on southern Vancouver Island about the noise level from the warfare training program in Washington State."

Helene Harrison, in Shirley, British Columbia, a small town located on the Strait of Juan de Fuca where Navy Growler jets regularly fly, also expressed concern about the Navy's expansion plans.

"We are currently subjected to 'sonic booms' often on Thursdays which we've been told may come from USN jets and Whidbey Island, they shake/rattle our houses and windows which is a bit unsettling," she told Truthout. Harrison said she recently contacted her MP, Randall Garrison, to express her concerns, and to enquire whether these disruptions are a violation of international treaties and agreements.

The Public Method: Military Propaganda and Exceptionalism

Both Peterson and Miller were critical of the Navy's method of obtaining the permits necessary for conducting its warfare exercises, and of how the Navy treats the public who have questions about its practices.

Miller said that during a recent permitting process in her area, she followed Navy personnel around for 10 nights of public presentations around Colorado and New Mexico.

"They get a script, and they are not allowed to go off script during public meetings," she said. "They are polite and everybody shakes hands after the meetings, but I feel they are very mocking towards the public and they don't care what we say. Because base commanders only serve two years … they rotate, and they don't really care. They lie knowingly, and repeat that lie over and over."

Peterson spoke similarly of the way the Navy treats public inquiry.

"I learned that their scoping meetings are not meant for people to ask questions," she said of the Navy's public meetings. "They put up these little tables using Navy contractors who travel from state to state, and these are the guys who wrote all these EIS's [environmental impact statements], and this group was hired solely to sell these ideas to the public."

Peterson added that the Navy's plan for holding public meetings, which it is required to do as part of the permitting process, "has always been to hold their meetings in the most remote locations. Like up in Washington, they tried to do this in Forks. And they try to pack them full of Navy personnel or other supporters. So nobody with any authority in the Navy ever even attends these meetings."

The meeting she mentioned was one of the first the Navy was to hold regarding their plans for electromagnetic warfare training on the Olympic Peninsula. Forks is a small town of 3,500 in the far west of Washington State. A resident there saw a small public notice flier in the post office about the Navy's scoping meeting, and alerted people of the Navy's plans, forcing it to hold more meetings in some of the larger cities on the peninsula, where the public outcry continues to escalate.

Another way the military has facilitated its ongoing domestic expansion is by control of government officials.

"Your congressmen and senators in Washington State won't talk on the record, due to the Navy's huge presence in that state," Peterson said. "The Navy basically considers Washington to be a military town."

A case in point: a town hall meeting that US Rep. Derek Kilmer (D) held in Port Townsend, Washington, to address public outcry over the Navy's proposed electromagnetic warfare training.

Only one participant voiced support for the Navy's plans, while over 100 others in a standing-room-only meeting voiced their anger and opposition to the Navy's plans, which Kilmer acknowledged but responded obliquely, "The relationship between the Navy and the North Olympic Peninsula is longstanding and valuable."

Later in the discussion, he added, "We need to be sure that these people are adequately trained, adequately funded and given the best equipment possible. This is shared sacrifice."

Miller agrees with Peterson on the possibility that Kilmer is an example of a so-called representative becoming an apologist for the military, regardless of public opposition.

"I think Kilmer is playing people up there," Miller said. "He is on [the House] Appropriations [Committee], and has a lot of power. I've watched several of the public meetings, and he stands up there with the party line. He's not saying there is too much training, and this is an inappropriate location for the Navy to do what they want to do. He could stand up and fight this, but he's not."

Miller and Peterson's critique of Kilmer is not without basis. In the 2012 report Retaining and Expanding Military Missions [for Washington State], the acknowledgements section on page 7 reads, "In addition, we would like to acknowledge the attention provided to our process by Attorney General Rob McKenna, Governor-elect Jay Inslee, Representative- elect Denny Heck and Representative-elect Derek Kilmer."

A US Army War College paper from 1989, titled Military Training on Public Lands: Guidelines for Success, written by Michael King, details how the military has gone about obtaining support from public officials. It is a document that likely informs the current strategy of the military.

"Because many Americans have an increased awareness of environmental, social, and economic issues related to natural resource management," the paper says on page 4, "the military often faces adverse public reaction to conducting training on these lands. My purpose here is to discuss the issue of military training on public lands and to identify guidelines that military decision makers can apply to meet their training objectives …"

The document notes that by 1986 the Army alone already had access to 14.5 million acres of "non-Army, private, state and federal lands to conduct training and testing," 70 percent of which was national forest land.

It also mentions the Interdepartmental Agreement of 1988 between the secretaries of agriculture and defense, which affirmed a "longstanding policy that national forests can provide a variety of settings to conduct military training activities."

Poignantly, page 11 of the document outlines a strategy that is clearly still pivotal for the military:

Governor's offices, state conservation leaders, and elected officials should be considered participants in the decision-making process. The congressional delegations and their staffs should be consulted and informed of the proposals to enter into agreements with public land or large private landowners. Often the first place a concerned citizen or group turns to is their senators or representatives in Washington DC. [emphasis added]

Miller spoke of this portion of the document specifically.

"What has been most painful to me is the reaction of our congressional delegation," she said. "The War College document makes it clear they need to get to the congressional delegations first, because that is where people are going to come for help."

She went on to mention how Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) supported the F-35 warplane expansions in Vermont, and added, "We have no friends in the government on this. We have a massive military expansion across the US, but no government officials standing with us on this, or even listening to us."


Miller spoke of another method the military uses to combat dissent: It plants its own advocates in public conversations.
"There are trolls, and they are all paid," she said. "The town of Taos [New Mexico] had a meeting of 400 people on a proposed military land use expansion, and the only person who spoke in favor of the military training who was a retired general who we found out was still on the military payroll."

small newspaper on Whidbey Island, where the Navy's air base is located, has regularly run bellicose op-eds written by a retired member of the Navy, who regularly attacks those critical of the Navy's plans while writing under a pseudonym.

Miller and Peterson said this type of pro-military troll is common across the country.

Another comes in the form of trolls abusing comment sections on Facebook pages that oppose military expansionism.

For example, Protect Olympic Peninsula, a Facebook group that describes itself as "community members concerned with US Navy's proposal to develop electromagnetic warfare training in National Forest & surrounding areas," has received the following comments from Navy personnel on its Facebook page and by email:

December 20, 2014, Retired Navy chief issues a threat to the three people who responded to a misleading op-ed by Naval Air Station Whidbey Island commander: "I think the [letter writers] should be strapped into a GROWLER [warplane] and sent out to relieve a crew currently in combat over ISIS stronghold of their choice and allowed to demonstrate their superior knowledge and 'airmanship' and guts for the rest of us!"

December 22, 2014, via email from a Navy pilot: "Thanks for your expertise on how the military should work. The military is doing it's [sic] job fighting overseas terrorists and silly people at home. The Military doesn’t answer to you. It answers to elected civilians like the President – not every lunatic with an opinion. Navy is exempt from most of the environmental laws you speak of and for obvious reasons. Fighter jets are not and never will be a Prius. Nor do Navy fighter pilots drive Priuses. We consider them to be wimpy along with their owners. New Growlers coming starting in February. New facilities being built on Nas every week. We’re growing. Not shrinking. And we just bought more land around OLF [Outlying Landing Field]. COER [Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve, Whidbey Island] is about to lose their homes to eminent domain."

January 16, 2015, via email from a Navy pilot: "… we already own all the airspace, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about that … The Growlers fly there every single day from 6000 ft – 35,000 feet. Good news, we put up 2 new dart boards in the Officers' Club. Guess who's [sic] faces are on them – [two citizens named]. So congratulations, we through [sic] darts at your faces every single day over a beer. That's how much the Navy respects your group."

January 16, 2015, via email from a Navy pilot: "I assure you that you will be long gone before the Growlers are. Service life of the Growlers – 40-45 years. And man, we just built some beautiful new facilities on NAS Whidbey. WA is the absolute best state for military airspace. Wide open skies in unpopulated areas. You are not important. In fact, you scumbags are completely expendable."


Public outcry over this type of bellicose military expansionism is now growing.

In response to the Navy's plans to war-game on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State's commissioner of public lands, Peter Goldmark, sent a February 27, 2015, letter to the Navy informing them that the state would not allow them to use its forest roads for warfare training.

"Though we have not received a formal land use or lease application for this project, we feel that we are adequately informed to decide that we would not be interested in participating in this training exercise," Goldmark wrote.

Several environmental organizations and law firms, including the following, informed the Navy they opposed its environmental impact statement (which they found grossly inadequate and full of errors) for the Northwest Training and Testing range and called for a shift in policy: Animal Legal Defense Fund, Animal Welfare Institute, Center for Biological Diversity, Earthjustice, Environmental Protection Information Center, The Humane Society of the United States, InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council, Klamath Forest Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council, North Olympic Group, Washington Chapter, Sierra Club, Ocean Mammal Institute, Olympic Environmental Council, Orca Network, Surfrider Foundation, Mendocino Coast Chapter, and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation, among several others. The letter reads:

The DEIS [draft environmental impact statement], however, included a picture of unremitting and inadequately mitigated harm. More than 500,000 instances of marine mammal 'take' (significant behavioral disruptions and injury) over five years (from 2015 to 2020), including almost 275,000 instances of temporary hearing loss, and more than 600 instances of permanent hearing loss from the use of sonar and explosives … While these projections are shocking – and, we believe, still underestimate the harm to marine mammals from the Navy's activities – they confirm what stranding events have evidenced, scientists have studied, and the public has believed for years: Navy training and testing activities endanger whales and dolphins at intolerable levels.

The activities included in the Supplement add almost 415,000 instances (about 83,000/year for five years) of marine mammal take to this total – nearly doubling the total disclosed in the DEIS.

Miller told Truthout that in New Mexico, a broad coalition of renewable energy landowners had formed, which includes a large number of ranchers.

This is due to the fact that, according to Miller, the Air Force opposes solar because "they say it affects their radars, and they are against wind, because of their low altitude training."

Public resistance and pushback against US military expansionism is happening in MontanaCalifornia, across the Pacific, across the Olympic Peninsula, and across New Mexico, to name a few areas.

The West Coast Action Alliance that supports members-based organizations and citizen groups on the West Coast, from California to Canada, is growing rapidly.

The group Citizens of Ebey's Reserve on Whidbey Island has been pushing back against Navy jet noise and expansionism for years, and is becoming more vocal and gaining support.

Miller believes lack of information remains one of the biggest challenges for those who believe this domestic military expansion should not be allowed.

"These battles are being fought and the public has no idea this is going on," she said. "Unless you are in an impact area and are seeing it directly."

Miller warned that the military encroachment is happening on a national level and "is expanding," and that the expansion included the buffer areas around pre-existing military bases. It would, she said, even go so far as to limit the heights of buildings in certain cities such as Fairbanks, Alaska.

"But the public is going to be upset about the military dictating what is happening on private lands," she concluded. "And somehow that seems un-American… This is the largest land-takings in the last 200 years in the US."

Peterson has seen some successful court cases brought against the expansionism, but she has also seen courts that "often take the position that the military needs to practice, so anything they need to do is OK."

Like Miller, she sees lack of public information and awareness as an ongoing problem.

"This is where the public has no voice, and no chance really, because no one is seeing how much the Navy has expanded," she said.

Of course, dozens of groups already actively opposing the military expansionism would disagree with her – they are speaking out about the Navy's actions loud and clear.

At the time this article was published, the Navy had not responded to Truthout's requests for comments.

By Dahr JamailCopyright, Truthout.org. Reprinted with permission

15 Responses

  1. Getting closer and closer to fulfilling Agenda 21 objective. That is why more and more Military installments are popping up. Those Holiday Camps called FEMA Camps may not be a conspiracy after all. I hope all the Deniers enjoy them when they go for a Holiday on the Crazy Train. 
    Don't worry they even supply you with a Bed. It's called a Fema Camp Death Box, specially ordered from….
    New World Order…
    No special order needed to get one….
    Your own personal Box that comes in one size to fit all….
    To all that think this is Hoax, just maybe open your ears and eyes and see and listen what is happening around the Globe…
    There might be a slight Glimmer of Hope that you will Awaken to what is really going on.

  2. Glad to see more and more are getting the Picture. When I see magnetic signs on the back of vehicles that say Support Ou Troops, I think it should say this instead……

    "You All Are Being Duped"

    One sign I saw said, Save Our Troops with the Free Masons symbol under it. 

    One should look up Freemasonry Beliefs. You will be surprised at what you will find. I'm not against Military, Airforce or Navy. 

    I am against the corruption that is being dished out by all the complex's.

    Welcome aboard "The Crazy Train".

  3. just one more word for thought look up your Harvard your yalel Oxford and there are many more universities teach this Luciferian fellowship which also is very sorry Terry imperialistic want socialism new world order which means when religion when government and one military you also should check into yourPope Francis but they want to bring here I mean really check into his background that means you need to look up pedophilia human trafficking and Phoenician rituals not something they tell you in the mainstream media and they try to make him look good it is also been found that the Britian Royals Queen Elizabeth and Queen Phillips excuse me Prince Philip’s also Ben arrested for this quite some time back and have never been charged how does this relate to us once you start doing your research you will see how well we are tied to Britain Britain and the United States funded the Holocaust when you start researching you will find out as wellthe Knights Templer that some people think are great people research them they also were Venetian paganistic religion and again I don’t care what religion you subscribe to as long as you do not hurt people. I know this is a lot to digest but probably most of you know that thanks again for listening

  4. I would say there’s plenty we can do start remembering for the people by the
    people.congress so far has been dedicated to far more agendas then the American citizens so what does that mean that we have to take back our countryif we don’t like the Democratic and Republican parties just replace them let’s replace them with this group does not have our best interest at heart. So let’s replace them with somene else libertarians or a different type of conservative. I’m up for whatever are to be the people who are for us.but we definitely need to do our homework very in depth on each one of them and we need to be able to question them and we need to have things that are signed if they can’t fulfill simple things that we have asked even some of the larger ones we can give them a certain amount of time then we can get them out but it’s are right . we also need to know who these people are and there
    needs to be new laws that if you take money as a bribe of any sort it’s over for you that is something they also need to agree upon these people get greedy it becomes about money for profit not for American citizens.we also have ama in the pharma cartel those are also things that need to be dealt with Dish pushing drugs to make profit not to heal because it doesn’t heal there needs to be a responsibility and these doctors and the pharmacist there Hippocratic oath says to do no harm well you better start asking for all the ingredients in your medications look at every bottle that you buy over the counter I will tell you I was in the hospital twice for days each within 2 months I was told to take miralax the ingredients on miralax didn’t look atuntil way later is ethylene glycol which is antifreeze it is in majority of every thing we eat or are medications that we take anything propylene glycol is a derivative there is titanium there is aluminum this stuff should not be in our foods are brominated vegetable oils or bruminated anything it is a bleachcauses destruction within the human bodythey have set us up to fail innkeepers sickthe amount of cancer today is one person in the United States ever minute dies of cancer you’re telling me they can take a Gene a Part slice it put it back together completely understand the host cell structure and how it works throughout the body they can build major atomic bombs but they can’t find the cure for cancer well I can tell you look for your nature pathic doctors they already have one the ones that we are dealing with now or so called quacks your nature pathic doctor has more medical training than your regular medical doctor but he really can’t do anything because I am A doesn’t allow it and under his Hippocratic oath that he takes it is not to heal it is only to treat symptoms this has got to change we have got to make it happen best wishes if this is written a little sloppily it took me 2 hours because it did not want me to send this good luck to you all you need any help I am here we need to write our senators become involved in our local communities and our chapters we need to get the word out start writing letters make copies to come on people’s windows we need to do something the media that you find that will give you what you need is on line look for them these people are absolutely wonderful they will rip all of them apart and spare nothing the propaganda you see on TV is worthless once again good luck

    aid in corruption against humanity especially American citizens that is the next to treason a terrorist among us therefore that would be considered part of the patriot actthere to be removed and pounded and tortured just like they do any other american citizen they believe you’re done this hi time that we pull together so many are awake now. We them for what they are a large part of this propaganda that continues to be spread with a media doesn’t tell us anything you can look at Mr Rupert Murdoch you bought out Foxx TV and it first in the beginning there was no problem until the agenda started now the journalist alone no longer allowed to speak on his network or 21 other networks been purchased by the same global corporate people. I would recommend strongly that you research Mr Murdoch’s history his family history that tree goes way back into very treacherous times that Apple I’m sure doesn’t fall far from the tree. we’re talking to Haines British Australian Celtic Ireland . their belief system tends to be rich you crawl mystic

    to promote someone else’s agenda it is an act of treason and terror which
    would fall under the Patriot Act so that is a bill that needs to be signed. we
    have chem trails we have genetically modified food it has already been
    proven to be deadly toxins the original scientist put out a video and hoped it
    went viral. He apologized for what he had done and signing that document
    that would release that food into the public system but he said it was
    politically driven basically had

  5. Those despicable letters written on Facebook pages may well have been written by shills. Even though the military men and women are engaging in the reprehensible actions and are subscribing to an authoritarian structure and following their orders, I cannot see jet pilots posting such incriminating statements.

    But the one that calls public members "scumbags" and "expendable" is especially vile, no matter the source. But what makes it interesting is that it is they who are especially expendable inside the war machine. Henry Kissinger, who is essentially one of their bosses, says, "Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." That quote should be posted above every military base. I don't think the soldiers would like it one bit.

    Just imagine if you worked for a boss or organisation that considered you in this way. The military men and women have been indoctrinated well beyond pride and honour. What we don't see enough of is all the dissent that must be going on within the military forces. Though, the forces will have their way of clamping down on this and keeping the lid on that can of worms.

  6. As an avid surfer I moved to Hawaii in the mid eighties.  I was a civilian contractor and worked on military bases there.  Hawaii has a large amount of military bases for such a small land mass.  There are over ten bases on Oahu and three (Pearl, Hickham and Kaneohe) are High security. 

    On Oahu's North west tip is Kaena point and just below it is Mukua Valley.  A sacred spot to the Hawaiians with several Heiaus (religious areas)  The military uses this pristine valley for target practice (missals).  Afterwards they spray the valley with round up so they can go in and collect all the spent and unexploded ordnance (duds) . 

    In southern Ca.  San Clemente Island is used in the same way (target practice)  Anyone who lives within ten miles of Camp Pendelton (USMC) can hear the constant booms of shells going off, not to mention the constant overflight of helicopters.  The USMC can often be seen doing exercise workouts on Main Beach in downtown Laguna Beach.  They have 22 miles of oceanfront on Pendelton yet they drive twenty miles up the coast for morning jogs?  Must be the coffee they serve.


  7. Incredibly informative article here Dane. I am just blown away by breadth and depth of our problems as a society and a world. It is just never ending, the ways in which these sociopaths have and are wreaking havoc with our world…pretty bleak. It is always darkest before the storm, right? I still hold hope that we can overcome, although it gets harder by the day. God Bless us all!!!

  8. Great research, thanks very much for publishing this.

    I found out a lot about public land when I observed the Bureau of Land Management's BLM false assertion that there was not enough land to support the 40,000 mustangs.  It has become job security for the 11,000-odd employees of this agency.  They corral, feed, vaccinate and micromanage these beautiful beings., employing madmen to round them up by force with helicopters.  All job security.

    This small horn on the executive branch has 1/8 of the US land mass under its control.  Check it out, I kid you not.  Add to that the US Forest Service which manages another 1/8 of the US land mass – not to be confused with the US Park Service charged with administration of the choice national heritage.  The total amount of US land under federal control – nearly all of which is in the western states – comes to some 37%.  Aside from Indian Reservations, a minute fraction of this land, it is uninhabited by humans.  All discussion about land use is dominated by pseudoscience saying there is insufficient water for human habitation.  I beg to differ.  This rubbish prevails to support military occupation of an ill-settled US west.

    The BLM was created in 1946 out of what used to be the Land office – the entity which sold land to immigrants.  And we're not a socialized nation to the bone?

    I write about this because most of the US is uninhabited.  Less than 1% of the country is rpeopled by communities.  Huge swaths are dedicated to Monsanto sucklings forcing out family agriculture.  Yes cities are grossly overpopulated but the country itself is almost vacant.  It is a vast military range and they never hesitate to grab up more.

    FWIW all the humans on earth would fit in the state of Florida.  Overpopulation exists ad nauseum in cities.  But the US west is virtually unpopulated to reserve it for the military.

    We have driven across the west – nearly 400K miles on a trusty Toyota – and ever marvel at the undeveloped nature of areas flanking great robust rivers such as the Rio Grande.  We've driven all over Mexico too, and it is 99% vacant.  Trolls love to say only 11% of Mexican land is arable, but if you look at the fine print of the CIA factbok designating it as such, arable land is defined as previously farmed land.  The term has nothing to do with viability for agriculture.

    Hopefully there will swiftly ensue a divine housecleaning long foreseen.  Sever this villainous metastasis from the face of humanity which militarism has become.

    Thanks again for your great work, Dane.  Wish I could write with fire as I use to do.  Every time I try, I am overcome with feverish sweat.  Pretty sure we are targeted.  Pestered with microwave weapons.  Will continue to try.

    1. Hello Horsegirl, yes, I agree with you that the military industrial complex wants to controll everything, there is no questioin on this. California is the most populated state in the nation, and though there are wide open areas, there are still many people in the most ideal locations. Open space is not the only needed element for human habitation, resources are of course essential. None of the land is healthy any longer and the constant toxic climate engineering is making it all worse by the day. We must all stand together, we must all move the ball forward in this fight every single day.

    2. Such enlightening experiences and knowledge you're sharing here. Thank you for being so well informed and so passionate! 

    3. clear as day agenda 21…operation IndyGo SkyfAll…. vaccines…Big Pharma.. fluoride in water system..Emf silenced weapon system they want you Dead. Stopthecrime.net…

      oh lets not forget Fukushima that has killed the whole Pacific Ocean and everything living in it…its called genocide….

    4. clear as day agenda 21…operation IndyGo SkyfAll…. vaccines…Big Pharma.. fluoride in water system..Emf silenced weapon system they want you toDead. Stopthecrime.net…

      oh lets not forget Fukushima that has killed the whole Pacific Ocean and everything living in it…its called genocide….

  9. That was a very well written article. I've been posting about the NW Navy Wargames for some time, have followed the public meetings, and have seen the stonewalling that takes place via filmed video. It is maddening. 

    I do wonder how much time we have left? We are in times so serious, so bleak, so wrong, and the harm done (humans, animals and environment) is often in the form of irreparable injury, as in "the type of harm which no monetary compensation can cure or put conditions back the way they were."

    My blue sky this morning is now white… again. As always, I'll rise to fight in the most effective way I know how, and I know you all will do the same. We need insiders and whistleblowers to step forward and join us… in great numbers, right now, from all fields. 

  10. We were warned…Welcome aboard the crazy train running over the cliff.Go ahead and keep silent maybe it will go away and not affect you ,your family and every living organism on the planet. Enjoy your ride the bottom of the abyss and deny until you hit bottom. At that point "what does it matter?" Right?

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