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Those who think America is spreading "freedom and democracy" around the world need to wake up and face reality. Our country (like so many others) is run by a ruthless criminal cabal that exists for the primary purpose of expanding the empire throughout the globe. Their quest for power includes the spraying of their own populations with highly toxic materials in order to manipulate the climate and thus control food supplies. The ongoing climate engineering is also a desperate and highly destructive attempt to hide the severity of damage already done to the climate system, much of this damage from the climate engineering itself. The "government" does not exist for the people, it exists for it's own ends, for it's own power and control. The fact that our governmental agencies are stocking up with unimaginable amounts of 40 caliber hollow point ammunition should be a shocking wake up call for a still sleeping population. Violently controlling populations is business as usual for the power structure that runs our government. Who are the people pulling the strings? The article below shines more light on the criminality of those in power, Henry Kissinger is a case in point. Kissinger said "control the food supply, and you will control the people". If we are to have any chance of altering our current course of certain demise, we must all stand up and make our voices heard now, every single day counts in the critical battle to wake the sleeping masses.
Dane Wigington


Why is Henry Kissinger Walking Around Free?

Source: Global Research, article by Andy Piascik

On September 11, 2013, hundreds of thousands of Chileans solemnly marked the 40th anniversary of their nation’s 9/11 terrorist event. It was on that date in 1973 that the Chilean military, armed with a generous supply of funds and weapons from the United States, and assisted by the CIA and other operatives, overthrew the democratically-elected government of the moderate socialist Salvador Allende. Sixteen years of repression, torture and death followed under the fascist Augusto Pinochet, while the flow of hefty profits to US multinationals – IT&T, Anaconda Copper and the like – resumed. Profits, along with concern that people in other nations might get ideas about independence, were the very reason for the coup and even the partial moves toward nationalization instituted by Allende could not be tolerated by the US business class.

Henry Kissinger was national security advisor and one of the principal architects – perhaps the principal architect – of the coup in Chile. US-instigated coups were nothing new in 1973, certainly not in Latin America, and Kissinger and his boss Richard Nixon were carrying on a violent tradition that spanned the breadth of the 20th century and continues in the 21st – see, for example, Venezuela in 2002 (failed) and Honduras in 2009 (successful). Where possible, such as in Guatemala in 1954 and Brazil in 1964, coups were the preferred method for dealing with popular insurgencies. In other instances, direct invasion by US forces such as happened on numerous occasions in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and many other places, was the fallback option.

The coup in Santiago occurred as US aggression in Indochina was finally winding down after more than a decade. From 1969 through 1973, it was Kissinger again, along with Nixon, who oversaw the slaughter in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. It is impossible to know with precision how many were killed during those four years; all the victims were considered enemies, including the vast majority who were non-combatants, and the US has never been much interested in calculating the deaths of enemies. Estimates of Indochinese killed by the US for the war as a whole start at four million and are likely more, perhaps far more. It can thus be reasonably extrapolated that probably more than a million, and certainly hundreds of thousands, were killed while Kissinger and Nixon were in power.

In addition, countless thousands of Indochinese have died in the years since from the affects of the massive doses of Agent Orange and other Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction unleashed by the US. Many of us here know (or, sadly, knew) soldiers who suffered from exposure to such chemicals; multiply their numbers by 1,000 or 10,000 or 50,000 – again, it’s impossible to know with accuracy – and we can begin to understand the impact on those who live in and on the land that was so thoroughly poisoned as a matter of US policy.

Studies by a variety of organizations including the United Nations also indicate that at least 25,000 people have died in Indochina since war’s end from unexploded US bombs that pocket the countryside, with an equivalent number maimed. As with Agent Orange, deaths and ruined lives from such explosions continue to this day. So 40 years on, the war quite literally goes on for the people of Indochina, and it is likely it will go on for decades more.

Near the end of his time in office, Kissinger and his new boss Gerald Ford pre-approved the Indonesian dictator Suharto’s invasion of East Timor in 1975, an illegal act of aggression again carried out with weapons made in and furnished by the US. Suharto had a long history as a bagman for US business interests; he ascended to power in a 1965 coup, also with decisive support and weapons from Washington, and undertook a year-long reign of terror in which security forces and the army killed more than a million people (Amnesty International, which rarely has much to say about the crimes of US imperialism, put the number at 1.5 million).

In addition to providing the essential on-the-ground support, Kissinger and Ford blocked efforts by the global community to stop the bloodshed when the terrible scale of Indonesian violence became known, something UN ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan openly bragged about. Again, the guiding principle of empire, one that Kissinger and his kind accept as naturally as breathing, is that independence cannot be allowed. That’s true even in a country as small as East Timor where investment opportunities are slight, for independence is contagious and can spread to places where far more is at stake, like resource-rich Indonesia. By the time the Indonesian occupation finally ended in 1999, 200,000 Timorese – 30 percent of the population – had been wiped out. Such is Kissinger’s legacy and it is a legacy well understood by residents of the global South no matter the denial, ignorance or obfuscation of the intelligentsia here.

If the United States is ever to become a democratic society, and if we are ever to enter the international community as a responsible party willing to wage peace instead of war, to foster cooperation and mutual aid rather than domination, we will have to account for the crimes of those who claim to act in our names like Kissinger. Our outrage at the crimes of murderous thugs who are official enemies like Pol Pot is not enough. A cabal of American mis-leaders from Kennedy on caused for far more Indochinese deaths than the Khmer Rouge, after all, and those responsible should be judged and treated accordingly.

The urgency of the task is underscored as US aggression proliferates at an alarming rate. Millions of people around the world, most notably in an invigorated Latin America, are working to end the “might makes right” ethos the US has lived by since its inception. The 99 percent of us here who have no vested interest in empire would do well to join them.

There are recent encouraging signs along those lines, with the successful prevention of a US attack on Syria particularly noteworthy. In addition, individuals from various levels of empire have had their lives disrupted to varying degrees. David Petraeus, for example, has been hounded by demonstrators since being hired by CUNY earlier this year to teach an honors course; in 2010, Dick Cheney had to cancel a planned trip to Canada because the clamor for his arrest had grown quite loud; long after his reign ended, Pinochet was arrested by order of a Spanish magistrate for human right violations and held in England for 18 months before being released because of health problems; and earlier this year, Efrain Rios Montt, one of Washington’s past henchmen in Guatemala, was convicted of genocide, though accomplices of his still in power have since intervened on his behalf to obstruct justice. And Condoleeza Rice was forced to cancel her commencement appearance at Rutgers this past spring because of student outrage over her involvement in war crimes.

More pressure is needed, and allies of the US engaged in war crimes like Paul Kagame should be dealt with as Pinochet was. More important perhaps for those of in the US is that we hound Rumsfeld, both Clintons, Rice, Albright and Powell, to name a few, for their crimes against humanity every time they show themselves in public just as Petraeus has been. That holds especially for our two most recent War-Criminals-in-Chief, Barack Bush and George W. Obama.

Andy Piascik is a long-time activist and award-winning author who writes for Z, Counterpunch and many other publications and websites. He can be reached at andypiascik@yahoo.com

Source: Global Research, article by Andy Piascik

7 Responses

  1. Now one can understand that certain leaders and agencies in America orchestrated 9/11. Someone suggested I look into 9/11 as he said it was an inside job. I put it off and said he was crazy. However I came upon a youtube clip on WT7 the 47 story building I think ignored in the NIST report. I immediately picked up something suspicious and continued to more youtube clips. Where ever I looked the evidence just continued to mount that it was an inside job. I was shocked in fact stunned. There are thousands of unanswered questions. I have since subscribed to AE911TRUTH's site. These are a group of over 2000 professional Architects and Engineers who are campaigning, and rightly so, for a reinvestigation of 9/11. If one looks at the evidence as one does one's own investigation it is very clear that it was an inside job. Average intelligence is more than enough to come to this conclusion.

    1. The Truth behind 9/11https://youtu.be/EVHstSrC1CQ
      You honestly think your going to find the truth through the mainstream?
      If you want to learn what is going on in the world today you have to watch this online documentary that has been banned in several countries:https://youtu.be/Vnu5uW9No8g
      Truth does not fear investigation.

  2. In the 60s and 70s no one much believed the leaders of our country could ever do such things.  Now we know the truth.  

      When Iran claims the US created ISIS, is Iran correct?  It is not beyond belief.  The CIA purposely creating enemies of the US? Not far removed from assignation  attempts, that have been admitted to.

      There is indeed a criminal cabal running the (western) world.  Probably something similar in the east, in China, Russia, etc.

    1. If they can lie about Hitler and we have all believed it; they can pretty much lie about anything!  
      Watch the you tube videos, 'Communism by the Back Door'  and 'Adolph Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told'  and your view of history will be totally changed.  What else have 'they'  lied about?

  3. Dear Andy,

    thank you! Our "politcians" – we call them politics-actors, have been bought, too. And the elections are manipulated, as we know. No one would really elect them. Last time we could prove it, but nothing happened. Yes, your "country" suppresses the whole world, and a lot of us just hate your people. But humans like you show that we are wrong. We should not hate you country, we should hate the might behind it. I will always try to remember that, even if we one day have to fight against your country again. There are human beings, not just enemies!

  4. This is such a volatile topic I strain to limit my response.

    For a long time I have felt there needs to be a list.  Names, addresses, who's ultimately responsible.  Not just generalized grumbling.  While we can do little at this moment, it seems in the long run that clarity about identities of those responsible could be a worthwhile thing.  I am so glad this article names names.  Very excellent work.  And thanks so much for the follow-up on the villains.

    To this end, consider Yellowstone supervolcano.  I was born and raised in one of the gateway towns to Yellowstone Park.  In just my few decades I have seen the region overrun with the wealthiest people on earth.  Above Cody, Wyoming you find the lodges of the Vanderbilts and the Whitneys.  Jackson is home both to Cheney and the elite Arabs responsible for big oil.  It is also where Goldman Sachs et al fly in Lear Jets to lunch.  Where the banksters have their meetings.

    Bozeman has become a hotbed of globalist focus.  Nearby you find Rumsfeld's ranch (Madison river), Kissinger's ranch (held by one James Johnson of the Bilderberg group outside Greycliff, MT – the crew who did security were a month wiring the place), Turner's buffalo range and Bill Gate's Armageddon hideout are up the Gallatin River where all kinds of such compounds for the elite are built.  I know this; the guys from my class have waxed rich building these places for media moguls, war criminals, movie stars et al. I know an art curator who was aware of the sale of art to Gates for his compound.  When the preznit met with the other two heads of North America in Mexico in 2009, he flew straight to Bozeman to meet with his handlers Ted and Bill et al.  That is when I learned that the job of oval office is to play carrier pigeon.

    Now what confounds is that the cabal should cluster around what is the most feared volcanic system on earth.  Is there any possibility – given the "toys" they have at their disposal such as HAARP, etc. – that they will not elect to "manage" Yellowstone?  I have long wondered if all the fracking – in addition to creating subterranean infrastructure – is not being done to vent Yellowstone.  I can't see this cabal elect proximity of within 100 miles of the volcano without messing with it.

    I think this is how it will wind up.  Not with destruction of the earth, but with nature teaming up with the conscious Divine to eliminate this vile cabal.  I mean Biblical.  A fiery ;place for their "eternal" remains (as ramped up by Kurzweil's witchcraft) to writhe forever for all generations to be appalled.  An everlasting example of what not to do.  Hope so.  Never thought I would end up being a person who hoped for that, but there is no rebuke for this arrogant killer bastion more fitting than eternal disgrace.

    One other aspect of Yellowstone (and I would bet they do mess with it) – the minute it goes off, all planes will be out of commission.  That includes the ones spraying our poor planet.  The chemscum would be wrapped up at once.

    I'm of hte faith that "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" will come to pass.  Yes there will be an eternally fiery testimony to all the evil this brood has committed.  BTW when I took classes at MIT I had the privilege of interviewing Jerome Wiesner, science advisor to Eisenhower and Kennedy.  Also author of the civil defense plan whereby everyone was trained to duck and cover in the '50's.  The man was a font of regret.  Recanted for over an hour, at the end of which he said to me that I had enough video to make him say anything.  He asked where I was from, and when I told him Montana, he got excited.  Said go back and tell them all they are ground zero.  This was about 1982, and Wiesner said 90% of all the nukes are in Montana.  Said for sure the state was at the center of world controversy.  

    Now my fellow Montanoids love to say "we'll get hit first and be out of our misery"  I say not necessarily.  If there is a "regime change" before nuclear war – and the rest of the world is mad enough – the first place boots will land is Montana, to disable the nukes.  Montana is currently said to have enough weapons to be the fourth largest nuclear power on earth (funny the cabal would come and cluster around their loathsome toys).  It is also the closest point to Russia/China traveling over the north pole, which is why they were stationed there (not lack of population, a point which is a load of hooey).  

    My vote is on the Lord to bring this rabble to a logical eternal disgrace.  

    This is not to deny that we need to bring attention to geoengineering.  Ity is imperative that we do.  Damage control where possible.

    It is just such a maddening joke.  People ask for a sign from Heaven.  Every day I awake to more satanic scrawl in the skies.  I have so much sympathy for everyone who reads/comments on Dane's site.  It is so infuriating that a Heavenly sign like this goes unnoticed.  

    Dane, God bless you and your family forever.  You are in the prayers of all who pray, very dear to us all.

  5. Wanted to call attention to this Harvard Med study from last year in case you hadn't seen it Dane, so parking it here. It found that pregnant women exposed to nanoparticles (or fine particulates) in the air were more prone to having autistic children… Another interesting discovery also was that the larger sized particles of pollution did not seem to have the same autism effect on the infants. I don't know if we have any solid information or if it's even possible to discern – when the nano particles were introduced or if the particulate size has significantly altered since the onset. And I suppose this is a result of the micro-smaller ones being able to cross the blood brain barrier. Here is the study:


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