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Facebook blocking "Likes" to hinder our working exposing geoengineering. Freak winter storms are completely engineered. Oceans at all-time warm temperatures. How to get involved.

5 Responses

  1. To help save those trees at least some of them take the foliage that is dry and still on them off. The tree will keep trying to save the old leaves exhausting the reserve energy it does have instead of putting out new leaves. May not save all the trees but better some than none.

    When we get this the spraying to stop, or even as mitigation efforts as we work to stop the spraying, does anyone in these circles have an idea of how to repair the damage going forward?

  2. I was told by a guy at my health food center that they are spraying Barium to soak up radiation leaking from the fermi nuclear plant. I am in SE Michigan about 10 to 15 miles away from the plant.

  3. Am listening to the radio show for the first time, and can't stop crying – tears of relief, that people care! 

    I wonder if you could discuss at some point (or can point me to previous discussions of) the phenomenon of rabid global-warming denial amongst those who admit to geoengineering.  My gut reaction is that they are intentionally trying to sow dissent, to divide and conquer even the few who have their eyes open… but maybe that is too cynical?  I would love to hear that I'm wrong!

    Millions of thanks for your work, all of you!

  4. Thank you, Bija for all that you are doing. Remember, WE are the sane ones. Hearing you on the show today was inspiring and gave me the push I needed to hand write http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org on close to 70 pizza boxes tonight at Charlie's pizza. I ran out of the two sided color glossies a few days ago, but a fresh sharpie on a white pizza box is effective and cheap. I want a couple thousand of these business card size when they are available. Never give up! 

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