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Weather channel avoids reporting real weather. Info Wars did piece Weather Channel protest in Atlanta with Greg Pallen, former Congressional Representative Cynthia Mckinney will be attending. RT not covering geoengineering because they accept money from the Ford Foundation. Spraying can't be hidden because they are blocking convection. Government know what they are spraying is highly toxic. We must reach critical mass as soon as possible. Trees not dropping their leaves because of chemical interference with natural plant cycles. How to get involved.

4 Responses

  1. Bonny said: “I think one way we can beat this is to find out who is running these operations and boycott anything they manufacture and anything else there involved in. You know, don’t let them make a profit off of anything.”

    I just wanted to thank you for your idea but my comment to this is…you can’t boycott a printing press. The mafia doesn’t really care what we buy in their world. They can and do print money on demand, and steal the rest in a myriad of other ways.

  2. Greetings…well, friends, what about the latest storm in the eastern seaboard? SO many people here are aware of the sky! AND, it seems that on the 22nd of January on, the sky is different here and the chemtrails are different. Artifacts, but no obvious trails, as before.

  3. Bonny Oneill….I love your comments and suggestions. These are excellent ideas..I agree with your thinking. Nothing that you have written here is difficult or undo-able. A comprehensive and accurate list of companies to boycott would be an excellent tool.

  4. I see you have over 15 million visitors to this sight. It seems that no matter how we go about combating these corporate run and owned satanists nothing ever happens. People are being payed off and threatened as you know. I think one way we can beat this is to find out who is running these operations and boycott anything they manufacture and anything else there involved in. You know, don’t let them make a profit off of anything. Also, let’s take these 15 million viewers and march on the capital. I just had a 120 ft Douglas fir cut down on my property because it flashed out for no reason. It cost me over $1000. Pretty soon others will die and I don’t have the money to have them cut down. But if we march on Washington, $1000 is worth the plane ticket to get there. Thanks for all you do. From Shasta County.

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