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Places on Earth have higher UV than on Mars. CME may cause global extinction. Falsified data slanting temps colder then actual readings. Public officials acting cowardly. Tow the line or end up in a plane crash. How people stay in denial. What is the double collapse scenario? How to get involved.

3 Responses

  1. I love Dane’s clear concise way of explaining how the power structure rules with such violence and ignorance. I fear we are being exterminated. We are so far in debt we are now a BIG FAT LIABILITY to the rest of the planet – ie all indigenous peoples.

    Our bankers are evil and the devils must be busted. Usury is a debt trap and Canada/US caught. I surrender. I will pass out flyers. Love from Penticton,BC Canada.

  2. Hi Dane,
    JFK to 911 everything is a rich mans trick is a doc that should be linked to from your site.It shows the true evil that rules.
    I was in grade 8 when JFK died.A caller on Alex Jones
    said he was a block away from the shooting and said there
    was more than a dozen shots fired.He was in grade 6 at the

  3. One more time the topic made it to the German media:

    January 18th,2015:

    They referred to this English article:


    But they seem not to admit that things are going on for a couple of years already.

    My updated video channel for my German region:

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