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In the short video below, the all out climate engineering assault is powerfully, alarmingly, and articulately documented. My most sincere thanks to Ron Johnson for this hard hitting video. We will not have tomorrow if we do not unite and act today. If we are to have any chance of salvaging what is left of our planet's life support processes, populations must be awakened, they must be mobilized, and they must stand against the insanity. What threat is so catastrophic and far reaching that it could actually awaken and unite the sleeping populations? The global climate engineering insanity. Of all the challenges we face, this is the issue that is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of a potential nuclear cataclysm.  Each of us must make every day count in the battle to expose the highly toxic spraying of our skies. We must ask ourselves what we can do each day to awaken others to this most dire issue. The video below is yet another tool that can be used in this battle. Again, my thanks to Ron Johnson for his presentation below.
Dane Wigington

49 Responses

  1. *****ThankYou*****
    Moved to Boise after
    27 years of living in San Diego. Loved Boise, but in the last two years the skies are filled with so much crap we always have cloudy days its so sad

  2. Don said he gets the following reaction when he tries to educate others about geo engineering: “The most common response is ” No, I don’t want to know!”.

    I mirror your words here. My sister lives in California and she is very well aware of the spraying there. But all she can manage out of her lips on this issue is…”I…can’t”. And that’s it. And I’m not going to get anything else out of her no matter how hard I try, and believe me I have tried. And she has a young daughter living in California too.

    This is something that needs to be exposed: Sheeple are real. They are people who refuse to look at the truth even though they are very aware of it and they refuse to take any kind of responsibility or action whatsoever.

    It is a heartbreaking and deeply disturbing phenomena.

  3. WHERE are they not spraying so much? I live in Arkansas. I contacted Tom Cotton’s office when he was a state representative (now a Senator) and was essentially laughed at by his aide. She said he served in the military for a number of years and if something was ‘going on’ like this, he would be the first to speak up about it and stop it. B.S. Mind control in action.

    1. Hello RC, get this aid on the record for her denial and then post her denial everywhere with her public email contact. We MUST expose such people so that the public can hold them accountable.

  4. Huge applause for this video!!! Thank you!!! The bigger the audience that we can get this heard by..the better. I wish it was aired nightly on ABC, NBC, or CBS

  5. My wife and I live in Yates County in the Finger Lakes region of central New York. We have been watching the Chemtrails in the sky’s above us. When we bring this to peoples attention they look at us like we have a third eye. And the responses we get from them is amazing.I will tell folk’s “you don’t have to take my word for it,research what you are seeing yourself”. The most common response is ” No, I don’t want to know!”. Then they will do their best to change the subject.It is scary when you realize how dumbed down the people have become. GOD HELP US!!

  6. I am in San Diego. This is so very sad. People will not listen or believe. I am mocked constantly and cannot find anyone of like mind to express my concern with. They are all more concerned with sports and silly or violent TV. I feel like a misfit. Thank you, Dane, for all of your hard work and your very informative website. I have been watching the skies for over a decade. Trees are dying. Plants and garden will not produce. Health is diminishing. Pray for the masses to awaken. I want to help but don’t know how.

    1. Hello Katie, go to the “activist suggestions” link and the “flaming arrows” link on the upper left of the geoengineeringwatch.org home page. Those that laugh and ridicule won’t be for much longer, wait and see. Don’t give up Katie, you are the sane one.

  7. Patti, I am in Wyoming County and work all throughout the southern Tier, have done so since 2002. You are right, most everyone you and I know think we are nuts and also confused about those contrails. This link here on Dane’s site are my photos:
    Anyone who cannot see for him/herself the deliberate rogue engineering occurring over our heads and in our faces is just not interested in knowing the facts.

    1. Laura …I just finally saw your article that you directed me to in your comment above. Thank you. I have only recently begun sharing my research via emails etc posting on Facebook. So many people in Chautauqua County are ill with lingering and unexplained causes; upper respiratory, coughing, general feeling of malaise. One person said they feel acidic even though they basically focus on an alkaline diet. Other than recommending greens esp cilantro what else can a person do to achieve pH balance when the spraying is as heavy as it has been in recent months? I do not like to recommend colloidal silver as that can have its own adverse side effects if not dosage is not administered correctly. Thank you. great article.

  8. Colloidal silver and other natural ‘medicines’ (herbal, homeopathic, etc.), various body and organ flushes and cleanses, a good acupuncture professional, juicing. Stop toxifying your body by consuming animal flesh. (vegan is better than vegetarian) Maybe move if you can. There are places where they don’t seem to spray as much. Good luck.

  9. I wish I could hack into the media system and spread this to the world! Sad to say I am not technically inclined. I have been seeing these exact patterns more frequently each day that goes by in the Virginia area. Not one person that I have talked to seems to know anything about it. THIS IS A NORM TO THEM! I know as a kid I never saw clouds like these. I am in tune with nature and this is outrageous! I wish I had something to add to this fine website! KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT EXPOSURE OF THE TRUTH!! Is there anything that we, the people who have our hands up, other than telling others, do anything to protect our insides and not look ridiculous wearing gas masks? If only Albert Einstein were alive, I’m sure he would have come up with a reverse osmosis for his home or the world on this matter. Someone please have an Einstein moment.

  10. I have been noticing chemtrails in Chautauqua County, western NY state for the past 7-8 years. Our rural farm property has criss cross bands of trails almost daily. We have been here for 27 years now. The weather, seasons have changed significantly. My neighbors think I’m going crazy when I point out the obvious changes and the odd talks across the sky. They think these are normal airplanes contrails from air traffic to v the buffalo airport.

    1. Hello Suzy, your article was excellent, thank you for your contribution to this critical fight.

  11. I can sympathize with you completely. I am in Pompano Beach, FL (south Florida). Since last May I have noticed the extremely heavy spraying here.
    I have respiratory problems from four previous cases of pneumonia (lived in NH). I feel weak, unable to breathe, keep thinking that I am dying even though there’s nothing wrong. I don’t feel like working (this from someone who loved their work & used to work 65 hours a week).
    I am trying a “Heavy Metal Cleanse” by RenewLife Co. which I don’t know if it will help but I am getting desperate too.
    It seems that no one wants to see what’s in front of their face. I don’t know any planes that can fly as the planes seem to be able to do here. The people I am afraid are so materialistic here, that they will not wake up until their health is completely gone.
    I, too, don’t know what to do.
    When I go to Central or South America, I can seem to breathe, and the spraying in many areas is minimal although we know it will spread. Take care and try not to be discouraged-easier said than done. Julie

  12. Within 2 months of heavy low alt. spraying that began in my area of SO Cal, I became ill. I had no clue about these subjects until suddenly I was bombarded with aerosols for 9 mos. straight from Oct. 2005-May 2006. THey dumped tons of particulates on my property that left behind a strange web-like substance that covered not only outdoor foliage, killing dozens of plants, but invaded my home and made me ill with many debilitating and strange symptoms. These web-like particulates were literally growing on the walls. Air filters I’d used for 10 yrs prior which normally took 3-4 mos to become dirty were suddenly completely filled with these web-like particulates in just 24 hours.
    It’s now 9 yrs later and my life has been destroyed. I can’t work, I can’t maintain a relationship, my family can’t understand how someone could be so sick for so long, and I’ve wasted 10’s of $1000’s on doctors who could care less. I am living proof with plenty of lab work but yet I cannot get anyone to do a damn thing. Any ideas?

  13. Inundated as video in Southwest, New Mexico. The last 2 days again horrible spraying. Satan’s helpers at work salivating over evil works. The black lines in front as (a shadow acts) of jets flying mostly east to west. Probably some form of laser I would think or HAARP tearing the ionosphere! The other flights are from Northeast to Southwest flying towards El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico border. To Linda Milam, I would say you are not crazy, so don’t look at self as that please. The crazies, or psychos are these lowlifes doing all evil. As Dane we just try to bring truth and light to reality surrounding us and expose evil for what it is with those we come in contact. Some will listen and others mock us. Until then as we can see they aren’t afraid, business as usual with sprays, so let us run good race! Will the masses ever wake up out of stupor? I opened up my eyes barely 13 years ago when crap was there from years before, hello?

  14. Accuweaher.com is falsifying the actual high temps. for Nikiski, Alaska. I should have made a copy of the screenshot when it said 43 degrees at 1;00 am. They posted the high as 39 degrees for the day.

  15. Thanks for the video Ron and Dane for posting it! This is Awesome Factual, I think that there’s a lot more of us out here that need to start making our own videos! Thanks for the ideas and for the Courage and Time that went into it! May the sleepers begin to awake, and Quickly!

  16. biggest problems in the world today : geoenginering , gmos, people using them to get money, power, deaths ,etc, the fact that the media lies about every thing under the sun ( and over it), wars and such , and again the media lying about who it’s caused by , and the worship of the military and world wide distractions (i.e. football games)

  17. It is currently 39 degrees in Nikiski, Alaska at midnight. Even more alarming it is 36 degrees in Nome, Alaska. I’m having a hard time believing that THEY are trying to preserve the arctic ice sheet. If THEY were, why would THEY be forcing all of this warm air into the arctic? It doesn’t make any sense, nothing makes sense anymore.

    1. Hello Steve, it’s a complex situation. At the moment, the climate engineers are more concerned about cooling the most populated regions of the Eastern US and thus making headlines and creating confusion and division as to the true state of the climate. If US mainstream media only covers the engineered cool-downs (and that is in fact the case) then the true bigger picture is not seen by the majority of the US population, that’s what they want most.

  18. Hi Paul in LA I’m in San Fran. We had lots of spraying here as well. Constant flow of jets and Chemtrails very bad air quality.

  19. Look up Los Angeles, today they are spraying non stop since noon, there have been at least 15 planes pass my home, the sky is filled with their poison, 7 trails still hovering over my house. The air is thick with chemicals. However I bet I can count on one hand the number of people in my neighborhood that even notice. We have to stop this. Tell everyone you know that their families, loved ones, children are going to die from these poisons. It makes me SICK to have to see this day in and day out. Thanks, Dane, for all you do. God Bless you all. Fight the good fight for our health and our country.

  20. Central Mendocino County, California has been under a blitzkrieg chemtrail assault since early this a.m. I first noticed the north to south trails over the Yolla Bolly mountains to the east of me. This places the spew trails to the west of the Central Valley. The west to east wind flow will create a huge raft of grunge for those folks. Meanwhile above me the jet have been very busy today. The morning hours displayed two ‘X marks the spot’ style. One was to the south probably west of Ukiah. The other X was to the north probably over Garberville. I have read that the X is used by satellites involved in the Geoengineering program to do coordinates for wind drifts and boundary demarcation. We would have had blue skies today but all day the skies have molested into a greasy looking smear.

    I have for some time been watching the pacific via intellicast. The entire storm producing region seems to be discombobulated. The former classic comma shaped storms from the Aleutians region are not prevailent as they once were. Rather there seems to be a hodge podge of pieces that don ‘t make a whole. The comma style storms would curl into California. No more. Warmer pacific air from the south is being pumped into Alaska. It is no surprise that the temps are way up there with no snow for this season. If some entity wanted to deliberately melt the arctic, this would likely be a way to achieve access to oil, gas, and ice free shipping lanes.

  21. Hey folks, thank you for this really important service!

  22. Cringe and complain all you want. People are still buying airline tickets, and not ONE AIRLINE COMPANY has been confronted with their complicity in destroying the environment and committing genocide.

    1.) You can’t put 40,000 aircraft into the sky every day without having an effect. Prove how wealthy and free you’ve become. Buy more airline tickets.

    2.) Air traffic controllers obviously know these flights are occuring, yet NOT ONE has stood up. Worried about your paychecks boys and girls?

    3.) It’s not that people “don’t notice” chemtrails. They are in active denial, because their portfolios are stuffed with petrochemical, aviation, and communications stock investments. You’d better like the taste of soy ink and paper, because that’s all you’ll have to eat pretty soon.

    “Only when the last tree has died,
the last river been poisoned,
and the last fish been caught, will we realize we cannot eat money.”

    – Cree Indian proverb –

  23. Shouldn’t the fact that it’s 43 degrees in Nikiski, Alaska at midnight be enough to force people to investigate it. We have NO FU@#ING snow for Christ’s sake! We should be up to our necks with it by now. I’m sick of people saying how nice the weather is when it’s constantly 20 to 40 degrees above normal. The positive feedback loops seem to be kicking in. Soon denial will not be an option.

  24. Looks to me like the elite have long ago declared WAR on those they consider beneath them,that being “we the people”. In such an undeclared war of deception “we the people” on the whole have no idea of the conspiracy and depth of their depravity. They intend to kill 90% or more of the entire planet’s human population. Talk about fools thinking they will be immune to what they are doing. If they are going underground when this goes down then we can seal them up and they can stay there and good riddance.
    Yes, the people need to wake up, but how? They are far too comfortable in their ignorance and happy being slaves to the system. Critical thinking by this generation just seems to be non-existent. Anyway, it is going to be very ugly, but, of course the planet will survive. Question is who will be left? Also, how can we get the message out that will be believed?

  25. I have been watching chemtrails since the early 90’s and that is also the time frame I got fibromyalgia. Is there any correlation between the chemtrail metals and chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia? I am going to be part of a medication research soon and am going to tell the physician conducting it about the chemtrails. Our skies in Illinois appear as the gray false skies and when they spray you can pick out the X’s over each individual town.

    Thank you Dane for your reports.

  26. The word for what we r doing to ourselves ~ at least what the uber psychopaths who run our world r doing to us & our once glorious planetary home ~ is OMNICIDE. .
    Say it three times OMNICIDE, OMNICIDE, OMNICIDE. ……………… . . . . .

  27. The data is there . . .
    The visual effects are there . . .
    The health effects are known . . .
    How do we unite?
    How do we get people off their ass?
    how many will die before they get it?

  28. Thank you, Dane! You are out there on the front lines carrying this torch. These people WILL HAVE to stop spraying our skies.

    I send you many blessings and encouragement to PLEASE KEEP UP WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You are helping thousands upon thousands of people! NOW, to just get the ones with their heads in the sand to LOOK UP!
    It is going VIRAL! Sharing now with Russ’ Forum.
    With so much gratitude to your many hours and finances you put into this work.

  29. Great video! Will pass it on.
    Short takes are the best. To the point and the urgency is there. Also having names and addresses on the video are great! Thanks Dane for putting Ron’s video here.

  30. Thanks for another great education film to share with some heavy sleepers.This is one of the best I have seen.Will put it to the test NOW.

  31. @Stephen Mallen That is EXACTLY what I keep putting out on Twitter hoping the young adults will start to understand what is happening. Chemtrail pictures are posted daily on Twitter and if they don’t catch on soon, all of us who know what is happening will be gone. There has to be a better way to show these young people.

  32. Once again Dane, thanks for the post. Wake up people we are in trouble and the spraying must stop or all life will! YOU COULD BE NEXT?

  33. I was born in the 40 and i have been trying since 1974 to get people to see that there is a peoblem in our government and we the little people were goong to be the last to know. Everything you said is true. I am not the only crazy person out there.

  34. short videos work best , especially for sharing… people just dont have the time, inclination, interest, attention to watch long ones. some do but really it is always better to get a short to the point 10 min or less to share with social media… then people actually click on it. i always tell them how long it is.. 4 min 7 min etc. and if it is more than 20 i hesitate to share… except for the board of supes testimony that i share all the time ..its about 38 min..

  35. I woke up to this 8 years ago, it is mind boggling how bad it has become.I now know the masses will believe anything they are told without question.

    They have forgotten that blue sky was normal, and now expect Grey skies, they have forgotten how to think for them selves……

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