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How does the power structure continue to baffle and confuse the US population as to the true state of the climate? By engineering the weather in a manner that creates the desired headlines at times that will create the most impact in regard to public perception. In the coming week the completely engineered "polar vortex" will return just in time to finish out 2014 and bring in 2015. The timing of this completely engineered event will deliver just the sort of headlines needed to continue the totally orchestrated bigger picture confusion that has been the hallmark of the American population in regard to the true state of the climate. My thanks to Roger Landry for outlining the climate engineering deception that is being used to mask an unfolding global cataclysm while at the same time actually contributing to the very cataclysm itself.
Dane Wigington

Polar Vortex Restarted: Methane & Eminent Catastrophe

Source: The Liberty Beacon, article by Roger Landry

Let us discuss catastrophe beyond anything except a full scale, all out, nuclear exchange … but just as deadly and final … And one that may have already been triggered to the ultimate detriment of all humanity!

There seems to be less and less normal, or naturally occurring, weather as we progress these days. A close look at satellite photos recently shows a massive proliferation of atmospheric spraying and HAARP influence off the Pacific coast of the US generating or initializing another Polar Vortex that will bring another extremely cold snap to the heartland of America, as well as off the eastern coast of the US with the intent of producing the same results in the UK and Europe.

The polar vortex will bring a short spell of severe cold to the central United States. This is being done as a psy-op, to convince the US congress, and the American people, that an “ice age is coming”. This is another delay tactic (like the IPCC), to guarantee the Arctic methane venting goes far enough, that it cannot be stopped. The actual truth, is that the world is heating VERY rapidly, and is passing the “tipping point” right now. So, the weather controllers, who are maintaining the “polar vortex”, are guilty of genocide, ecocide, and violation of Internationale law.

The problem is not only what is being perpetrated … but includes what it is intended to mask, cover up or hide from the masses. Extinction level events are unfolding on this planet as we speak with little to no notice by a vast majority of this planets population … Like cattle being herded ignorantly and blindly to the slaughter.

In the information presented in the above video, please take special notice of the result of intentionally pulling the super cold Arctic air south into central North America and Europe, in what is being described as a Polar Vortex. Warmer air floods in on the backside of this phenomenon to replaced the frigid air drawn away, thus facilitating unnatural increased temperatures in the polar region.

There is a serious need to look at what is developing in the Arctic and understand that loss of ice reflectivity has already set off one feedback loop, where open expanses of water are absorbing solar radiation and driving water temperatures higher. As they continue to climb, an inevitability has been set culminating in a thawing and releasing of massive quantities of methane. While it’s impossible to state a specific point when a runaway scenario could occur, it behooves us to wake up to a real danger right before our eyes … because there are already those stating “The Gun Has Been Fired”.

Dr. Guy McPherson pulls no punches as he updates us with the latest news regarding the “Methane Monster” evidently exploding in the Arctic and Northern regions. The “clathrate gun” has been fired he reports, and the methane clathrate melt levels seem to be increasing exponentially.

At unexpectedly high levels in the atmosphere, methane hydrate gas could exacerbate global temperature rise at such a highly accelerated rate as to create havoc to all life on the planet.

If this is truly unfolding as Dr. McPherson suggests, steps should be taken immediately to ameliorate emissions with the hopes of mitigating negative repercussions.

A great source and Contributor to The Liberty Beacon project, Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch, states “Ch4 (methane) is 20 x more potent (as a greenhouse gas) than Co2 over a 100 year time horizon, we don’t have that much time. Over a 10 year horizon Ch4 is 100 to 120 x more potent, over a 30 day to 60 day horizon it can be as much as 1000x worse than Co2. We are truly in free fall.”

The massive volume of Methane trapped at the bottom of frigid oceans in the form of frozen methane hydrates, does have the ability to end all life on this planet if released in enough volume and over a limited period of time. When the water temperature directly above the sea bed rises, methane hydrates dissolve and release the previously bound methane. This scenario portends that enormous amounts of this very powerful greenhouse gas will be released into the atmosphere resulting in utter, catastrophic and fatal damage to the biosphere … and humanity.

What becomes alarmingly obvious is the unusual and unnaturally warm temperatures that result from intentional manipulation via these polar vortexes in the very areas of this planet where methane is trapped. The release of this killer gas has already begun with atmospheric levels magnitudes above what used to be considered the norm, and some scientists project that if it continues to escape at the increasing rate that is already taking place … continued life on this planet could be all but impossible as soon as the next 20-40 years, with some stating this could actually initiate any time within the next few years … (above video)



trouble_bubbling_in_thearctic.jpeg.size_.xxlarge.letterbox-1Methane bubbles up from warming arctic waters

If you wish to leave a viable planet for your children or grandchildren, if (as some are already saying) it is not already too late, PLEASE do some personal research! This is the most important thing you will ever research because … The genocide of humanity, or the re-terraforming of earth may already have begun, and this my skeptical friends … is NOT a guess !!!

Sources and additional reading:


Vast methane ‘plumes’ seen in Arctic ocean as sea ice retreats

Climate news: Arctic seafloor methane release is double previous estimates, and why that matters

Scientists discover vast methane plumes escaping from Arctic seafloor

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist





13 Responses

  1. Ana, I understand your frustration. Never in my life have I been as frustrated as I am now and I am in my mid 70’s. This all seems so inevitible and past the point of no return and yet for our own sanity we have to keep spreading the word wherever and whenever we have the opportunity, knowing very well that we will most likely at least have a chance to say…”I tried to tell you….”

  2. Mark was spot on with his comments; the best we can do is to try to get more people to know what is happening. As to counter the actions of the elites, forget about it..it’s far too late !! They bought all the ‘useful idiots’ to silence all those who could make a difference !!!
    As I say and I do not care for what people think of me, as a catholic I know these to be the end times (not the end of the world), a time where a reign of the anti-christ is being built (NWO) and where a global financial collapse is on the way, followed by a WWIII, just like albert pike planned !! This conspiracy is luciferic, since it is being engineered by talmudic-cabalists , those who created the theory of evolution, wholeness, holism, collective consciousness and so forward !!!
    Nation are ruled by freemasonry and these are united around the world. What we see in international politics is just a theatre for public consumption, for making us believe the world is divided !!!
    If you dig deep into each conspiracy, you will find zionists at the root of every single of them or some bought puppets who sold their souls for money or fame !!! It’d be too extensive to name them all, but all work throught the united nations, who has as spiritual leaders paganists-theosophists-cabalists such as helena blavatsky, alice bailey, teilhard de chardin, robert muller, julious huxley or david spangler….when you read the books all these people write, you realize they were all luciferics cabalists who planned to destroy the world in order to reconstruct a new one based on the paganism of the cabala…therefore the need to spread holistic consciousness 9 a clever way to disguise a collective dictatorship, where a person doesn’t count, but the collective)

  3. One of the things I remember from Tom Friedman’s book, “Hot, Flat and Crowded”, is that there can be no effective remediation of global warming without action “orders of magnitude” above what humanity appears to be capable of. Only highly focused and organised action to reduce carbon on a scale impossibly huge.
    That world civilizations will never be able to coordinate such measures now seems certain. And when you add in the Elite’s disinformation campaigns and manipulations of the jet stream to confuse an already stupid american public, dumb-down and health issues from geoengineering, GMO’s and all the rest, we have no chance.
    Does anyone really truly think “we” can orchestrate effective action to combat global warming and/or geoengineering while the tundra is erupting countless billions of tons of methane in a runaway scenario that will likely kill us all?
    I will do my small part to support this website and Dane’s wonderful work and spread awareness of the grave issues at hand, but I must confess that I am in despair and fear for what the future holds for me, my children and grandchildren, for ALL OF HUMANITY AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL LIFEFORMS PLANT, FISH AND ANIMAL, ACROSS WHAT WAS ONCE A MOST SINGULARLY SUBLIME GARDEN OF LIFE IN THE VASTNESS OF INFINITE SPACE AND TIME.

  4. I live in southwestern N.H. They spray here almost daily!!! We almost never have a break anymore. The most spraying occurs in the early am. while ours sky’s are seemly clear, because most afternoons the sky clouds up. God help us!!! The sheeple just will not listen.

  5. Very good article ,one of the best i´ve read til now ! the photo and the vídeo very ilustrative also and thank you for a vídeo that had subtitles with my language so i could hear and read at the same time cause sometines i miss some parts when people talk rapidly or the sound is not so clear …
    About the message i think that people in the world are too dumb (sorry to tell this) to understand that something is going on when their skies are full of stripes that contrails never did before in their lifes and they continue to say that are contrails and laugh …i don´t know what people have in their brains but they still continue to try to make me believe that i´m the one that is wrong or crazy…i´m getting furious everytime i try to make them see and they start to make joke of me …I think there are many brain dead people and i feel i´m alone too many times …They don´t care or maybe they are too worried living their lifes …there are many people in internet talking about the colder weather and the “ice age coming” while the Artic sea is bubbling with methane release and while the sun is being Blocked out or covered everywhere in the world with aluminium particules etc. to reflect the sun to space (?)…

  6. Nice job Roger:)
    Yup – Methane exploding out of the arctic. From what I’ve read- lower level to mid level warming disrupts the Arctic polar vortex – well isn’t that a fair description of exactly what HAARP stratospheric heating is doing through daily geo- engineered climate forcing and solar radiation management?

  7. Treesarelife.. Had a clear day in Denver yesterday (the day before was stormy but you could see extreme chemtrails above real clouds in all the breaks) as well, though last night started extremely heavy sprays – clear again this morning. I try to tell at least a person a day to look up/educate themselves. I have friends in SF and Tahoe as well… talking to them about chemtrails is like talking to a bunch of toenails. The irony in all this, is that most of my friends out there have kids/grandkids. It kills me that I care more about their kids/life than they do.

  8. Hi Laura, I feel inadequate in the face of this. I just know we all have to do what we can. There will be no success if we don’t try so not trying is not an option. Dane, knows what is going on and is striving to bring to light the fight that we don’t know we have on our hands.

    Remember the speech by Powers Booth’s character, Senator Roarke, in the movie Sin City which he delivers to Bruce Wllis’ bed-ridden character? He talks about what real power is, saying real power doesn’t come from a gun, but comes from lies; that when you have everyone agreeing with what they know in their hearts aint true, then you got ’em by the balls!

    When I heard that succinct speech, i realised it was an analogy for our times and perhaps for all of history so far. We accept lies knowing they are lies. We are comfortable and something in our psyche allows us to tolerate lies if we don’t suffer obviously from them.

    Of course, Chairman Mao said power comes from the barrel of a gun and that is where we can see the US descending now, with the police there granted more and more power through immunity from proper prosecution when they are obviously stepping over legal boundaries.

    I keep thinking of how few people are in power and then I think of how many are the rest of us. There is a saying, “We don’t need them, they need us.” I don’t believe that, well, not all of it. I know we don’t need them, but if it comes to the crunch they will do without us. They have used and manipulated us for ages now and we have let them, but now there is debt that cannot be paid and brinkmanship in international war games is coming to a head.

    To the psychopathic elite we are dispensable. We cannot expect a change in the mind set of the psychopathic elite. It cannot be waited for. It will never happen. They too will go down with the sinking ship but only regretting the deeds they haven’t yet carried out.

    People’s resistance, recalcitrance, denial of this scenario cannot slow us down. We must keep making contact and risk their reactions, for in the long run those reactions don’t mean anything.

  9. Michael B…Thanks you so much for your courageous and determined response to this almost overwhelming video.

  10. How do we kick in a globally effective response to this event that might offset it even somewhat? The Powers That Be seem set on being able to have their cake and eat it too. We are still producing carbon like never before; the feed back loops are increasing, creating more and more feed back loops in a geometric increase.

    Geoengineering programs such as SRM/SAG are a weather weapon first and foremost and now have contributed to this Methane Expulsion effect. If we rely on the authorities to come to their senses and do the right thing, we are doomed. They obviously are intent on ‘staying the course’, thinking that it is worth it. Waging war and seeking profits is their mindset. Those in power have to be ousted if the rest of us are going to have any say and ability to take action at all.

    Again, we, the mass consumers of carbon-producing products, do not know we are sealing our own doom. We have been sold a product that we just drank down without thought or critical analysis. Each of us has to learn to be literate in economics, technology and, dare I say it, politics and not just the current paradigms but better alternatives to them. Otherwise we put all of our trust into nefarious hands.

    Back to my first question: How do we stop and/or reverse if at all this unfolding disaster? Firstly, halt SRM/SAG programs immediately; second, reduce carbon output; third, start carbon sequestering on as large a scale as possible;

    I imagine it will be best if these are all simultaneous, though there may be a more appropriate order to their installation. There will others I have not thought of and I hope other contributors can add to them.

    I am no expert or authority and so I am not sure as to the likelihood of the above mentioned approach nor its effectiveness. All I know is we have to try something. The enormity of the challenge seems overwhelming, but we got ourselves here so maybe we can pull back from the brink of the abyss with enough of the right effort.

    I live in Brisbane, Australia, and if there are other readers nearby I would like to meet up with you, either in person or by email, etc to discuss strategies of increasing awareness on this issue.

  11. After completely clear skies for the last couple of days the Chemtrails were back in full over San Fran today. I photographed what appeared to be a HARRP event as well. Beautiful visually but mostly deathly frightening!

    1. I too saw the HARRP event today, Northern California foothills. How can anyone think that those are normal clouds? They are in the sky’s again tonight. We never have a break from the insanity anymore. God help us all.

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