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There are those in government agencies and media that would have us believe the threat posed by Earth's damaged life support systems is still far off. There are even those that completely deny there is anything wrong at all with the environment and the climate. Whatever the motive, agenda, or psychological defense behind such denial, it will very soon be impossible to ignore the catastrophic changes already occurring on our planet. These changes are accelerating by the day and will impact each and every one of us to a degree that is as of yet scarcely comprehended by the public as a whole. All forms of human activity that alter the biosphere or its ecosystems are forms of "geoengineering". Much of the public does not yet understand this. Even in the anti-geoengineering community many still do not want to accept the fact that any and all human activities that are destructive and damaging to the planet or the atmosphere are in a sense forms of "geoengineering" ? Of course, to intentionally attempt to engineer Earth's life support systems is the epitome of human insanity, but again, all forms of human caused damage to the planet or the climate systems must and does have extremely harmful effects. Industrialized society propelled by carbon fuel combustion was never sustainable and will  soon collapse. Rather than fearing this, collapse of the current completely destructive paradigm should be seen as a positive for life on Earth. If the current model of ecocide and genocide continues much longer, there will soon be nothing left to salvage. Our highest priority should be to expose and halt all climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare programs. Nuremberg type trials should then commence for all those who were responsible for these crimes of genocide and ecocide. If we can stop the climate engineering assault on our planet, it will be a quantum leap in the right direction. There will still be immense challenges to face, but if Earth is finally allowed to respond on its own to the damage done, we may yet have a chance to sustain life on our once thriving planet.
Dane Wigington


34 Responses

  1. Dear Dane, Hello. Thank you again and always for not giving up. I’m not giving up either, but I’m feeling somewhat scared, even though it’s unusual for me.

    That video portrays the Web of Life unraveling. Here in Anchorage it’s so humid,hot, so still. Almost like the calm before the storm. The geoengineers can barely get the temperature below 29 degrees, and we’ve only had about three inches of snow. The sky is so gray/blue metallic, and I’m having trouble seeing outside, because of the glare. Everything combined is so eerie.

    They’re not obviously flying so jets from the Joint Military Base nearby as they did in 2013, but we wake up to see trails. Sometimes at 7:00 p.m. they fire up so many jets at once, the roar is deafening for about fifteen minutes. So I think they’re flying at night. They perhaps mostly go out over the Pacific. The aerosol trials we see seem more subtle, but also seem to cause a larger effect, spreading out widely.

    I wish I could dismiss this feeling of forboding.

  2. Yes, we must take those responsible for this to trial. How & when can we organize to do this? There should be warrants served for their arrest as well as civil trials. Thank you for your suggestion, Earth Angel. Who else knows how we can take this a step further, from that of waking others up to taking aggressive action to stop all guilty parties, and have them make restitution for these transgressions? I am only one person, but already this year it has cost me almost $4k in medical bills, a direct result of spraying, forced me out of the country to recover, and I still have to pay taxes on property I bought for organic gardening & cannot use it for anything…cannot even go outside to enjoy it. This is crazy.

  3. No coincidences here. Global geoengineering including audible HAARP activity is now up there for all to see if they choose to see it. I work in a hospital and when I started there I was very hopeful to engage with what I thought would be an intellectually progressive environment where my knowledge of these things would bring a steady stream of revelation. It is not so.

    Specialisation has everyone hunkered down, excelling in their little corner of the picture, but the bigger picture doesn’t even exist for many of them. Some people, 3 or 4 so far, already working there know of what I am talking about, but most people just glaze over, or laugh, or look away or belittle me.

    Imagine getting angry at the post man because of some bad news received in a letter. That is what is happening to us, the ‘postmen’ of this news. But our duty is still to deliver it so that it may be read and dealt with, as it has to be and will be, in whatever fashion we create.

    It is the younger people who listen the most. They are the most open and many know the future is not good, though they are not exactly sure why. A rosy, certain future and a good, old age is not in their consciousness, not like the dreams the current older generations have been fed and drunk down, with all the other illusions.

    I point out the visible SRM and SAG in the skies and it is perplexing and doubtful to those I show it to. The views have become normal to the audience, but I will always point it out and some will listen. I tell of this site and more look it up. But it still remains a mystery in many ways, even to us, because we look for some ultimate explanation or answer.

    Geoengineering has grown, expanded and metastasised like the cancer it is. It was destined to happen because of our aberrant psychology and subscription to the animal nature. Can you imagine how with every new invention in science and technology that empaths create, the power hungry look at with slathering mouths? The achievement of flight helps to bring us together and to achieve much good, but how much destruction has been and is wielded because of its misuse?

    The resultant symptoms of all this could be our destruction. We must try to avert it and it is still possible to turn that tide. The psychopaths number is few, but we are many and must wake up to how we enable them through our ignorance.

  4. What is money? Money is the promissory note called satisfaction of desire. Money represents desires fulfilled. This is why people worship it. Desire is the fire of the human forge. The more money, the more potential desire. When I contemplate this horrible truth I can only say none of us are free as long as our very lives are tied to a piece of paper or credit which represent our collective desire. NO PRIVATE BANK SHOULD CONTROL OUR DESIRES AND THE AMOUNT OF DESIRE.

    I pray for a world where money no longer exists, all my days are spent chasing paper. My life is reduced to paper. I am absolutely sick of it. Until we get rid of money we are doomed to repeat this horrible experience of a hierarchical civilization. There is no real religion besides money. Everywhere is the worship of money, why? A WORLD BASED ON MONEY IS A WORLD WHERE REPTILES RULE BASKING IN THE WARMTH OF COLLECTED DESIRE IN BANKS AND OTHER INSTITUTION.

  5. Check out this program on H2 {history channel}.The title is “devils graveyard”.Dont let the name fool you.Its about using emp to get rid of aluminum.on the earth surface.

  6. Ray, There could be citizen arrests of the guilty and international tribunals held with Common Law Courts. See itccs.org and the work which is currently being done on these fronts by this group, albeit with trying criminals in the child trafficking rings. It is no stretch to think that some of the players in those crimes may well be involved in orchestrating the aerosol crimes against us all. Please check this out folks- this may be our BEST shot at prosecuting and stopping these evil madmen.

  7. Hello Dane: You stated: “All forms of human activity that alter the biosphere or its ecosystems are forms of “geoengineering”. Much of the public does not yet understand this. Even in the anti-geoengineering community many still do not want to accept the fact that any and all human activities that are destructive and damaging to the planet or the atmosphere are in a sense forms of “geoengineering” ?”

    Incredible isn’t it? It seems most humans have no concept of how ALL human activities are interlinked with surrounding habitat and environment. I don’t know how humans could’ve reduced themselves to such an inanimate and profoundly numb existence, but they seem to have accomplished it.

    I’ve spent most of my life watching in horror as people hack, chop, rummage, burn, pollute, and slaughter everything they touch. As if they have absolutely no correlation or connection to anything around them. They pray to nonexistent gods for help, and then pay extortion fees to insane scientists to up the terms of their own destruction. I don’t know how you can find the fortitude to continue presenting these fools with information. You’re certainly a better man than myself…

    I say: Nature is providing all the tools necessary for mankind’s well deserved extinction. Too bad the rest of the planet has to go along for this brief ride into hell. Earth was a nice place before pig-man showed up…

  8. I am trying to wake up people in Whittier California, the spraying is getting worst by the day,now there spraying at a lower altitude. most people that i talk to don’t believe that the government is doing this horrible crime. i will continue passing out flyers and recommending your website. Thanks dane for all your hard work may god protect you and your family.

  9. Thank you so much! As always, excellent post with the most relevant points.

    On the basis of numerous presentations/articles on the topic it seems to me that the primary concern is not the number of us breathing on the planet but the reckless overproduction, monopoly-sealing activities of big industries, their refusal to foster usage of clean/green energy, etc.
    Maybe we can emphasize more of the global corporations’ and banks’ role in this global destruction. Elites won’t let go of geoengenerring as the sort of “solution” they prefer to apply for the maladies that they have inflicted via weather-warfare projects and reckless industrial activities and by banning green solutions from academia and from actual realisation.

  10. “Nuremberg type trials should then commence for all those who were responsible for these crimes of genocide and ecocide.”

    I agree, but what power would convene such trials?

    1. Hello Ray, the people have this power if they would simply wake up, this includes people in the military who are being used as tools against their own fellow citizens. There is a handful of psychopaths at the very top pulling all the strings. Populations will be forced to wake as their former reality implodes.

  11. Great Post Freedom Ranger. Things are really bad here in Alaska too. December must be peak allergy season in Alaska. Try to get some sleep man!! Sweet dreams.

  12. I own a business, I pay a large power bill. I look on that bill and I kid you not 45% of that bill is a tax that is supposed to go to green energy projects. I call and I ask where are these green energy projects I have spent countless thousands on so my power can be green, over the last 10 years. They have no answer and transfer me endlessly. I have no problem paying more to develop green energy, the problem lies in the fact that these companies are taking our money and simply giving themselves executive bonuses. In my mind or eye it is not the people, people are infinitely willing to sacrifice infinitely to produce a better world, it is the people in power who don’t want that structure of sacrifice to ever change is what the problem is, they love scarcity they can make money off of scarcity. In one handful of sand is enough energy to meet the energy demands of planet Earth for an entire year. We should have green energy by now but countless trillions have been siphoned off into bonuses instead of real world projects, why would they kill the golden egg laying goose- the excuse that they need more money for green projects. They will never get rid of that excuse to ask for more money, it is the perfect ruse. Its like they have our mother hostage and keep asking for more money to keep her alive and promise to but never let her go. This I believe is the root of the problem and if the Roman Empire is an example ,they will wait until the Earth is broken beyond repair and beyond the ability of any collection of resources to fix it.

  13. December 18th 2014. It was so bad today, today was the worst day I have ever seen. I went for a walk with my dogs, the chemical fog was as thick as pea soup now I cant talk. This was in Boulder, what is going on? They are in a straight up panic or something, I dont know. I just have never seen this much spray (Boulder gets it as bad as any place I have seen), its like a car exhaust. I feel like our comments are a chronicle of the death of planet Earth, day by day.
    Utter insanity, It is so thick I can feel it when i breathe, taste it, smell it. Then to look at someone who is completely unaware and coughing, they say to me, “you know my allergies are acting up, they have been so bad” I try to explain its not allergies because its December and plants stopped pollinating 6 months ago. They just look at me so unattached from the natural world, indifferent, they are oblivious to how the vegetative kingdom reproduces. Its like I dont want to tell people anymore, it is so vast what is happening i fear it will simply short circuit a vast majority. I feel like I dont belong here in this Martian landscape anymore, I belong on Earth not some other planet wait this is Earth it just looks like another planet now. Here is what I do when they spray, with Every passing car I simply look at the sky and point. That is my resistance, that is how I communicate. I am going to order a military gas mask and do it to greater effect. Maybe people will put 2 and 2 together, why they feel so bad when they spray. I dont know, i just know I dont want to talk anymore. It hurts to talk, these chemicals hurt my throat so bad. I just love to be outside so much, i used to spend 6-8 hours outside a day now I can only spend an hour or so and then I have to detox. If I stay out longer I will get an inflammed heart, throbbing pulse,and other signs of heavy metal poisoning. This living nightmare the world has become, the only peace I have is in dreams. Last night I dreamt of the ocean of my youth and its blue skies and its massy golden sun, I was there, I remember, I felt it last night. Maybe tonight I will dream again, I dream more and more often of the Earth. O how I miss the Earth, she was my sanity, I didn’t realize that until they took her away from me.

  14. imagine the immense healing possibilities and ingenuity of the planet unhindered by the present psychotic global power structure…human nature is incompatible with government and authority

  15. Best wishes Dane,
    I know you wish we could wake up as one mind to stop this runaway train safely .I mean if all of us woke up to the fact that our planet is our air tank.I wished all of us loved our planet for each breath we take and for her total breathing self.Maybe at your next speaking event you could ask your audience to take
    a breath and hold it knowing that it is their last breath.Next ask the audience to breath and enjoy and love the fact that the earth gives us this gift. We can kill the living earth. We must learn to love her with all our might to save her.Can we learn to love her as much as our closest loved ones.Keep her in our mind each day. Take joy in our every breath and pray for her.

  16. Most who try to bring awareness about geoengineering have experienced negativity, but the other day I experienced the extreme when my brother, who claims to love me, put his fist through my glass coffee table after I told him how sick I was feeling due to the spraying and wished he wasn’t in denial about it. I compare these people to cancer cells that kill their host. I feel very discouraged but know that I can’t give up my fight, that’s what fighter cells do in our bodies until the last breath. Bless you Dane for your perseverance and your leadership in encouraging the rest of us. What would I do if I didn’t discover you, thank you!

  17. Someone sent me a video about common law court. Please type in “common law court-chemtrails…” that should get you to it. It’s kind of long but PLEASE watch it. Sounds hopeful to me. If this is as effective and legally binding as a regular court, as they say it is, and if enough people participate it seems like we could make something happen. Please let me know what you think. Also watch an interview of Kevin Annett (I think that’s how ya spell it) by Alfred Lambramont Webre. It’s about this very topic. Please leave comments.
    Your sister, Cathy

  18. I read on another site which had videos to go with claim, that they are teaching our kids in school that all the chemicals and chemtrails are “kinds” of clouds…I have read many things they are teaching the kids about today, and no longer wonder why they don’t listen to anyone but our govt now.

  19. How is it possible that so many people in the world choose to believe in their power structures than in the things happening in front of their eyes or how many people don´t even search for answers and just accept things as it is told to them?and they laugh …maybe of their own ignorance cause i didn´t need anyone to tell me that something was wrong since i notice these planes.People are stupid and want to reamain stupid . We don´t even need to look up cause if i am in the street or anywhere if i look at the horizon there they are the fake clouds in front of my eyes ,i just need to look forward to the sky. I don´t even know if we know what “Natural” is anymore!?or how natural weather was all these decades ago?… For me there´s no natural weather or a single natural cloud in the sky! some people still believe in some natural clouds but how(?)if some clouds suck that dark dust that they put in the sky along with the white substance?….To be honest i have no faith in human beings ,i think humans were not prepared to get the knowledge of certain things(or of the majoraty of things) ,maybe we have tranformed an Eden in hell .Maybe in the bible the knowledge was represented by the apple and the serpent represented the Evil that the knowledge might bring to us in wrong hands/human hands …sometimes we are forced to see teachings in the old scriptures even when we are not such big believers in God anymore!…and the truth is that if people can´t accept human activity as a cause of global warming or of a world colapse this give us very few hopes of a change in our “civilization” or in our “modus operandis” regarding our world ,if we can´t recognize the result/consequences of all our actions as a cause of the planet situation(including geoengennering ,but also desforestation,bad use of waters and soil,fracking ,nuclear use etc) then nothing in our world will be changed and we will continue doing the same things /the same mistakes .we are behaving like “drug” addicts and like any person with a problem of addiction we don´t admit or recognize that our daily actions are a problem.The problem is that The Power structures or the Elites don´t want a change and people just want their food on the table and to have fun. Humanity do nothing to change things ! why only in scandinavian countries they promote working near our homes or living near the job place? why so many people travelling everyday by car or train or plane etc to go to their jobs or to do their work ?to give Money to airplanes industry or companies,they don´t need it anymore cause they can earn plenty Money spraying us like bugs…why we never changed simple things long ago? …If we never changed simple things what makes us believe we would change anything at all till the colapse?…too many strange sounds ,i already saw strange lights and i just believe everything is conected ,my neighbour instead believed those lights were God and that were going to save her from dieing with cancer…but that were very tiny small blue lights (3 lights) and were around us like if they were alive …strange things happening these days that nobody believes and sometimes it´s better to not tell anyone or they just think we are crazy !…

  20. well this is interesting…. Dane said he got into this because as a solar professional he saw that there was not as much solar radiation… NOW … 12 years since he got in to this I am hearing about how solar systems are failing because there is not sufficient solar radiation. so I guess if the whole system crashes and the power goes off and we want to keep all the power plants from melting down… we need solar with gas generators or something…????nice for everything to crash but those power plants are the other huge threat to this earth.. and fukushima is still leaking, Chernobyl sarcophagus threatening to collapse..

  21. Nature is incredibly powerful. Mother Earth Has Great Unrest. There are so many canaries in the coal mine, it is difficult to wrap one’s mind and heart around it all. While it is only my personal theory, as the water mammals are so intelligent and no doubt, tapped in to Higher Intelligence, their beachings may be self sacrifices to warn humans. But there are other human-sourced possibilities as well including the ocean acidification and the warmth of the oceans. We can never know how many military electronic experiments are going on beneath our waters which just destroy their sensorium. This potential cause for beachings breaks my heart.

    We also can not know what part of the Powerful Destructive Weather is because of the effect of Warmed Oceans and Air on the overall system, and what part of it is Directly a Result of the Cataclysmic Ongoing Geoengineering. Any new cloud forms or new weather behavior patterns, it is my sense, are because of the Shredded Meteorological Systems caused by the Horrific Climate Engineering.

    As for the loud noises being heard across the world for the past few years, i have always felt that these sounds are products of HAARP and other radio frequencies intentionally focussed on the earth by the geoengineers. The loud booms people are hearing definitely make me wonder about the possibilities that these are being caused by Project Lucy (and i think Project Alamo?). As methane fills our atmosphere, the military has plans to “nuke” the methane to decompose it.

    Anyway, whatever the causes are, it aint good and Climate Engineering is a One Way Street to Assured Death for Humanity and Animal Life. I believe it, but it is still hard to believe we live in these times.

  22. Dane I would like to thank you for everything you do to expose this crime against humanity.
    The enemy of this world has blinded most of the people of this earth.
    I pray for this all to stop and people would wake up, remove the scales from their eyes.
    This is very serious stuff that is taking place in our skies.
    I see our skies where I live is about 75% artificial clouds. It’s absolutely a shocking that people remain to be ignorant of this truth.
    Man will always be man, destroying and manipulating the planet.
    Again Dane, thank you for all your doing to wake people up. I pray that through you people will wake up to the truth of reality on this planet. And I pray that those destroying this planet will be held responsible for this heinous crime against people of this planet.
    I ask and pray this in Jesus name! Amen

  23. I agree—the present war and materialistic-based systems that are in place must collapse and die off—before we can re-build with compassionate, non-materialistic, peace-based systems. Systems based on spiritual prosperity and recognition of the oneness of humanity are the only things that will save the world—instead of materialistic, war-based ideologies. Period.

  24. We have to be ready Zickster and do our best to open peoples eyes in being more observant of our surroundings with no fear or anxiety. The sh.. is hitting the fan and way too many people just totally not caring or just to ignorant and all to gullible of our so-called leaders and their lies. This has gone on for way too many years, and the time has come to expose them. Tyranny is tyranny. There is a much deeper battle going on in the spiritual realm we can not see in the carnal, so hold fast brother and let us put on our armor. We are fighting evil you know? This is our Freedom and our children’s and their children’s we are engaged in.

  25. Will earth even make it to 2050?
    I believe we are reaching the 7th time that the world as we know it could go through extinction.

    I think California & Nevada could be a ghost town in as soon as the next decade…
    Will there be a mass exodus to Oregon & Washington from those two states?
    Not enough water, poisoned air, poisoned earth. It is so sad.

    There was such beauty, such bounty, such grace. And 80% of men ruined it for the 20% who had awareness and cried out against such choices.

  26. I agree that we need to know what is the truth and I’m very thankful to you Dane for all of your work; in helping to educate us. Your website has helped many make the right decisions; based on knowing the truth. Adding a positive spin on any outcome would be up to the individual; and has nothing to do with the facts as they are now.

  27. well if the system collapse includes loss of power to nuke plants… that’s not very survivable is it? so we will have to figure out some way to stave off that scenario… portable solar systems rushed to every power plant in the world to keep the cooling going????? I want things to change too… but I also want the earth to survive. As a biologist I am not so confident that the earth will survive this onslaught. the first step as Dane says is to pull the plug on climate manipulation all over the world

  28. Brother Dane;
    Before we can begin a new paradigm of harmonious living with Earth and its environment we must shed our fear of the present system collapse and in fact welcome it. Without this first we have little hope as no current leaders anywhere are doing or saying anything to address the extinction we face.
    I request you say more on this point as I believe most would agree.
    Your Brother;

    1. Hello Zickster, For the record, I have no fear of collapse, but like you welcome the end of the current paradigm that is completely destructive in countless ways. This being said, people need to understand the gravity of what is unfolding.

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