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It’s very hard to say how the whole situation with Ebola will go. It perhaps depends on what the power structure does with what is in all likelihood an engineered pathogen. Pressure is building on the entire structure of civilization from too many directions to go into. The global elite are now more dangerous than ever. As the gravity of the challenges that the human race is being forced to face becomes ever more visible to an increasingly tense public, the global elite may indeed play the Ebola card. Shouldn’t we consider the possibility that those in power may use the existing aerosol spraying programs to spread a pathogen like Ebola? Absolutely everyone is needed in the fight to expose the power structure and their crimes. If people have any sense of responsibility toward the common good, they need to educate themselves, help to educate others, and make their voices heard.
Dane Wigington

19 Responses

  1. I’m totally with you too, Erika. Well said! Its knowing there are increasingly growing numbers of us around the planet wondering these same things that keeps us sane and motivated. Thanks Dane, and others, for these blogs to help us pull together. Thanks also for all your great research and your courage in the face of such danger and insanity. Somehow we must pull this off and derail the CRAP that is going on! 🙂

  2. Amen Frieda..Who would have ever thought we would be living through anything like this?? My head is reeling every day just trying to comprehend what the hell is going on?!! I know I am not alone in this, we are ALL trying to make some sense of this insanity going on everywhere we look these days. I’m grateful to have brothers and sisters like you all out there- working with ‘every particle of our energies’, as you say Frieda, to combat this evil and derail it as much as possible!

  3. You and me both. I scare old ladies when I get started and I am 74. If I had a lifetime to live I don’t know if I could handle it. We are in the grips of a mighty evil. Religion probably has something to say about it but its all our doing. By being quiet and compliant with the rules and laws we have let ourselves in for a ship load of trouble. We must fight this thing with every particle of energy we have. SCARE THE OLD LADIES IF YOU HAVE TO. Its our duty to the planet. What was the old saying during the War of 1812? SPARE SOMETHING and PASS THE AMMUNITION !!!! Nothing like having a senior moment at the dramatic peak.lol help

  4. I always question?and am always a skeptic? until everything lines up in a way that is undeniable, and now can see clearly what is really going on. On so many issues we face= Geo-engineering, Genetically Modified Organisms, Tainted Vaccines, Main Stream Media Propaganda, Total Corruption of All Governments, Fake Wars, Ebola Scare, Yellowstone manipulation to erupt, Fukushima Disaster (that may have been man made) It’s so hard to really comprehend the Goal here? Where do these people who are controlling this effort going to live after they kill the masses and the livable environment Destroyed ? How will the Earth Recover from the Atrocities of these INHUMAN BEINGS. AND ARE THEY HUMAN? Never in a million years would I have thought I would be writing anything like this EVER. I am SANE and COHERENT and OUT OF MY MIND WITH CONCERN.

  5. I agree with GM above in that I’m not convinced this Ebola scare in Texas is not a False Flag event to keep people afraid and controllable.
    It would make sense for Ebola to be released into poor African countries and communities because the majority of people from developed countries wouldn’t give it a second thought, falsely believing that Ebola is an African disease. The movie ‘Outbreak’ basically showed Ebola to be an African disease which was carried to the USA by a ‘poached’ infected monkey. People see things like that in movies and take it as being a true possibility so don’t therefore bother to research it for themselves..
    I personally believe that the Elite are capable of anything and their psychopathic cohorts in the form of Gates et all, would have no qualms whatsoever of spreading something like Ebola via aerosol spraying, injecting mixed in with vaccines etc, etc.
    It has always intrigued me why indigenous populations of undeveloped countries would need to be vaccinated against diseases they have never heard of much less seen which are only common in developed countries! I just don’t see the point in ‘fixing’ something that isn’t broken!

  6. Could it be worst (ébola vírus becoming more transmissible )with chemtrails jet planes leaving this substances kind of clouds in the air or could it become more lethal by being mixed with this substances that we are breathing everyday?There is in Serra leoa chemtrails too?…i wonder !(if there was perhaphs not anymore with so many people dieing over there …)

  7. Please look into and google Collodial silver as a complete cure for Ebola. The FDA knows about this but will not let you know.

  8. Dane, I may as well go ahead and say it. I’m not convinced this guy in Dallas even has ebola. Maybe he’s the only one who believes he does. May be malaria or something else. All together it really smacks of a capstone event. Just saying.Maybe you have more insight.

  9. Dane,
    We need to focus on Bill Gates. He is instrumental in this process. He’s our local pseudo-illuminati. A want-a-be that is using his power to further the agenda of the elite. We must get to him and force him to stop using his money and power in ways that are harmful. He’s not fooling anyone here. I can see the money trail and it doesn’t involve the health and wellbeing of my children. I’m not too worried about myself, I’m extremely worried about my children. I do not want to see them die of this. I do not want to watch my neighbors and friends and people I don’t even know for that matter, lie dying in the streets. Bill Gates has positioned himself inside this biowarfare. Like I said , he’s local. I wish everyone good luck. Prepare and get your situation manageable for survival. Your lives will most likely change dramatically. God Bless.

  10. No way am I going to give up and roll over,will do all I can to protect my family.We have to remember basic rules of preventing contamination,washing and drying our hands for one. I recently had an accident and was in hospital for a bit and noticed the nurses not following the age old rule of washing hands between patients in fact never saw one nurse wash their hands.

  11. I believe times about up and its happening so fast! This country has all but abandoned god, its so sad its come to this and I pray that people wake up before its to late. God bless

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