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My most sincere gratitude to Sean and the SGT Report for helping to shine the light on the critical issue of global climate engineering. Sean is an extremely articulate and informed host which is so very helpful for getting out an effective message to listeners. If we all work together in the effort to expose the geoengineering insanity, we will then have a chance at stopping the incredibly dangerous atmospheric spraying programs. There is no other choice, this battle must be won. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

To read the article and/or listen to the show, click the SGT Report icon below:

SGT Report, Clickable


5 Responses

  1. I live in a small town [40K] north of Toronto, Ontario. Although I have not seen any goethermal trails in the last week or two — we were being besieged by them in August and September. Every morning we would go out to walk our dog — there they would be. And I have seen cloud formations I have never seen before……..

    Who would be doing this in Canada? The Canadian airforce? or Would the USA be doing it for the “benefit” of all us North Americans?

  2. Dane I love to listen to all your radio shows but this one I really felt like I received even more info. I liked the host and he has some intersting things on his site. Thanks!

  3. INCREDIBLE radio program. THANK YOU Dane and Sean. The information shared was beyond valuable- you are a formidable team. Great intelligence, common sense, and a deep sense of humanity carried thru the entire program. We all have our work cut out for us. I personally will try not to use the term ‘chemtrails’ again–Solar Radiation Management or Weather Modification it is from now on. Don’t want anything to do with the ‘conspiracy’ labels. This is BIG SCIENCE GONE WRONG and everyone should know about it.

  4. The madness must stop ! It’s really not up to you to play games with Mother Nature , you have no idea what the consequences might be . We have already drawn attention to earthquakes (admittedly minor ) in places where there has never been a risk of earthquakes in the past. People are also sick in different ways ,, allergies . difficulty breathing , itchy eyes , etc. But what I understood so far ignores you respectfully in this . That you ‘re up to this additionally stealth does not make things better . We ordinary people some know better than to try things that no one can have control over the wants and demands that you stop with these fabrications. Humans do not own the earth. Persist you with your experiments so take your pick and pack and move to another planet .

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