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The current war against California. How to tell the difference between artificial and natural rain. Black Ice; The great meltdown. Ecosystem in freefall. Making a difference. How to get involved.

2 Responses

  1. i believe we are being gassed. the same as they did in vietnam with various vegetation killers for the plants and other chemicals for the people. have read a bit about something called ‘phosgene’ they once used in vietnam and world war 1 and 2. in light of the lung problems people are having it would not surprise me to find it in their chemical ‘rainbow’ they are spraying us with.

  2. I am angry being sprayed everyday like a cockroach. what gives these people the right to make the decision to poison us. I gave permission to no one to spray me. The air belongs to all of us .They should be held accountable

  3. Thank you Dane for hosting this show.
    It has been a struggle for me to cope with all of the disinformation that is out all over the internet. Recently, if you google Solar Radiation Management. All of these websites pop up about what will happen “If” geoengineering were to occur in our skies. It is amazing the denial that is occuring.
    Also, I thought it was very interesting here in Northern California this summer in response to the fires. It seemed that a fire would spark, (Bully fire and the Eiler fire specifically) and when it was getting very bad, rain would come and dump directly over the fire.
    Any thoughts?

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