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The weather outside our own windowsill can be very convincing to many as an indicator of the overall global climate situation. Unfortunately the power structure and the climate engineers are well aware of this bias and have used this fact to their advantage. For the entire 2014 season most of the US West, and the planet as a whole, experienced far above normal temperatures while the eastern half of the North American continent remained cool, welcome to geoengineering. Why would the climate engineers fry half the country and chill the other half? For starters, it is a demonstration of the power they wield. In addition, it confuses and divides the population on the highly politicized issue of global warming. The completely engineered cool down in the Eastern US is incredibly anomalous as the GISS map below makes clear. The global elite controlled US media machine focuses media coverage primarily on the engineered cool down zones while largely ignoring the record heat, record forest fires, and methane releases happening around the globe.


The completely toxic cool down zones come at the cost of a completely contaminated planet and a worsened overall warming to the rest of the biosphere. What are the climate engineers trying to accomplish? As stated, there are likely many answers to this question. The bottom line is this, there is nothing benevolent in these programs, nothing. One goal is certainly to hide the full extent of damage already done to the planet, much of it from the very climate engineering programs in question. The more damage the geoengineers do, the more they ramp up the spraying in the desperate and destructive attempt to hide the damage already done. This is a vicious cycle that holds life on Earth in the balance. So what is really happening at the bottom of the world? The study below is the most recent on this subject. Though climate engineering and its horrifically negative effects are not mentioned (as is the case with all mainstream sources of information), the data from the ground is no less valid. Corporate media IS NOT trumpeting this data, in fact, they are doing much to hide it. This should be a clear indication of what they want the populations to believe, or not to believe. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Antarctic sea levels rise too fast as ice melts, freshwater increases in oceans – Tech Times

Source: Only Daily News

Sea levels in Antarctica are rising rapidly due to the decreased salinity of the sea as freshwater ice melts, a new study shows. (Photo : Nemadude)

Sea levels in Antarctica are rising even more rapidly than seas in the rest of the world, a new study shows. For the past 19 years, the oceans in Antarctica have been increasing in depth by 2 cm (a little less than one inch) a year more than the world-wide average for increasing sea depth of 6 cm a year.

The study was conducted by scientists from the University of Southampton in Southampton, England. The paper was published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

The research team used satellite technology to measure a very large area, over a million square kilometers (about 400,000 square feet).

The study found that the rapidly melting Antarctic ice was adding at least 350 gigatons (a gigaton is a billion tons) of fresh water to the oceans near it, diluting the salt. The team sent ships out to test the salt content in the oceans near the continent and found that this was true.

“Freshwater is less dense than salt water and so in regions where an excess of freshwater has accumulated we expect a localized rise in sea level,” said Craig Rye, lead author of the paper. Rye is a postgraduate research student at the University of Southampton.

The team also created computer programs that simulated the melting ice sheets in Antarctica. They found that the computer simulation also pointed to the Antarctic sea levels rising at a more rapid rate.

Rye said that this simulation supported the team’s idea that the rapid rise in water level in the Antarctic is caused by the addition of fresh water reducing the salinity of the ocean.

“The interaction between air, sea and ice in these seas is central to the stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and global sea levels, as well as other environmental processes, such as the generation of Antarctic bottom water, which cools and ventilates much of the global ocean abyss,” Rye said.

This research study was conducted with help from fellow researchers at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, England, and the British Antarctic Survey, which is dedicated to studying the Antarctic.

Another study published in August confirms that the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are thinning more rapidly than ever in the past twenty years. The U.N. has been meeting to determine ways to curb climate change before more irreversible damage is done to the Earth.

Source: Only Daily News

One Response

  1. Thanks for the post and all of your hard work. I hope you have time to relax from time to time? You’re doing a great service here but we humans need to take a break from time to time. There are still many beautiful aspects of life to enjoy.

    Off topic: I want to heighten awareness of the effects of chem spraying in my area (Oregon). I would like to test plant, soil, water and air samples. What do I ask the lab to test for and what size particles do they need to look for? Are there any labs I should stay away from?

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