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California water issues, ebola outbreak, ISIS created by U.S. government, Fukushima not the main cause of ocean die-offs, creative things to help you make a difference.

One Response

  1. I am not sure what is happening exactly. it seems their SAG that they are dropping on us recently is drying out the soil, tree’s, springs, creeks more rapidly then i recall ever seeing before. I believe they are using a different mix. This mix drys whatever it touches. The moisture evaporates, goes up and makes clouds. Then the SAG planes come by the dozen dropping another mix to dry up the clouds.

    The tree’s are dying by the hundreds. flash killed with green grass around them. Some tree’s are dying with green leaves on them. the leaves are cripy. bright green as if they are alive but when you touch them they break and crumble. The tree completely dead.

    I don’t believe it is the drought. I believe it is something they are spraying. something new. They are hiding this change with the weather people accept as normal for august..hot and dry. people i talk to say it is normal…natural..nothing to be concerned about yet we know it to be a lie.

    I don’t understand how it is people can refuse to see what is before their eyes. i have had some older people say it has NEVER been this hot and dry before in their whole lives. The very next day, when i ask the same question they smile a sick smile and say ”it has always been this way….its normal…”…

    People don’t have to worry about zombies. Most people ARE ZOMBIES. i don’t get it. They act as if they are under hypnosis .

    I just wanted to relate that Dane. The mix has changed. it burns the skin as well. we had to be outside over the weekend and our skin felt crispy. like a sunburn without the redness. The grass, leaves, and trees are crispy.

    thank you for all you do Dane!

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