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When you look up in the skies you often see planes spraying something and it is NOT the normal “condensation” trails. No, it is something else. These trails don’t dissipate after a few minutes and they often cause the sky to become cloudy.

To discuss this we have Dane Wigington.

5 Responses

  1. I called the county mayor, here in Tenn., about all the planes spraying. He acted dumb founded and said something about maybe spraying for the power lines. About 40 minutes after I talked to him, I got a call from Homeland Security. They wanted to now about the planes I’ve been seeing. I told ’em what the guy told me, about spraying for the power lines. That was good enough for me…hell, i don’t even want to talk to these people. It’s what they want…to scare you into silence.

  2. the junk is inside the plants and fruit as well as it is in the soil and the rain. literally no food is untouched by their chemtrails. At least no food grown outdoors and watered. Their poison is in our water supply, it is in the ground waters–the springs, creeks, lakes, wells–nothing is untouched.

    washing is a good idea but it won’t remove the chemicals that the plants sucked up in their roots and built into their fruit. my trees are dying because the soil is poisoned. When it rains it brings the metals down to the soil. The trees suck up the metal in their thirst and start to die off immediately. Flash killed.

    I don’t believe it will take 20 years to kill off the planet completely. it won’t take another year. Trees and plants are dying at an alarming rate. The animals that must eat plants are dying as well. Sickening from eating grass that is laced with toxins and aluminum. We are at the saturation point right now i believe.

    I too am sick of it. The rulers do know what they are doing. make no mistake. they are not stupid. They are the ones ordering it to be done. They are completely insane in there belief in their own power. They will not willingly stop this insanity.

    if enough people figure it out and shame the pilots into stop dropping their payload on us…then maybe it will stop.

  3. When I work outdoors I where a mask. I don’t when I go places but I’m starting to think I should be. How many people notice after being outdoors that your head itches? I never use to have this, but I sure do now and I do not have dandruff. I’ve also noticed lately outdoors I can get that chemical taste in my mouth. I’ve heard others talk about this, but it has not happened to me until lately. I am so sick of geoengineering! This has to end and end soon. I’ve also noticed the drastic decline in birds, butterflies and insects this year. The list is even longer but that’s just a few. How can people in government be such idiots?!! Doesn’t Obama know what he is breathing in when he’s out playing golf? Don’t these people have a clue? Who’s in charge, who’s running the show? This has to stop! Make sure you are washing your fruits and veggies very very well. Mine are covered with “chemtrail dust”. It takes many many washings and I still see the tiny particles in the water. I get my flashlight and magnifying glass out and wow what a mess. So disgusting, everything is contaminated with this crap they spray.

  4. I’ve been keeping track of the following for some time now. It started out that prior to a weather change my skin would start itching, my nose would itch, I would cough sometimes and sneeze a lot. As time went along those symptoms have increased and become almost intolerable. And now the symptoms occur not only prior to the weather change but during, say, like when it’s raining. I believe it’s due to geoengineering and the chemtrails – whatever is being introduced chemically into our atmosphere. In addition, I believe that whoever is contributing to the artificial weather they are creating, they should be responsible in that I am now not able to enjoy life as I had before. They, whoever they are, have reduced my quality of life considerably and they need to be held responsible.

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