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Catastrophic flooding is occurring in country after country, now China is in the cross hairs. Rain for 41 days in a row has caused the loss of over 9000 homes . Record floods and record droughts are both being fueled by the absolutely constant spraying of our atmosphere from the ongoing climate engineering programs. The hydrological cycle has been completely derailed while the entire surface of the planet is continuously contaminated by the non stop geoengineering. The scenario we all face is extremely non linear, the climate chaos will accelerate ever more rapidly from here. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Nearly 9,000 More Homes Lost to Flooding as China’s 41-Day Deluge Continues

China Rains May 23China Rains June 23

(Side-by-side LANCE- MODIS satellite shots of China and Southeast Asia on May 23 (left frame) and June 23 (right frame) of 2014. Notice the massive swath of cloud and stormy weather covering much of the region? It’s been like this for 41 days, now.)

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It rained for 40 days and 40 nights? In the case of China, it’s 41 days and 41 nights and counting. A litany of previously abnormal storm events that, for too many parts of the world, have now become all too common.

Tempest after tempest wracks the atmosphere over China as moisture flooding off a super-heated Pacific Ocean keeps becoming entrained in a south-to-north flow that collides with an intense and unstable upper level storm track running a thousands-mile gauntlet between sprawling heat domes. To the southwest, one of these high pressure domes continues to establish over India and Bangladesh, squeezing monsoonal moisture into its periphery over southern China. These three storm generating and moisture injection patterns have combined and persisted since May 12th. With the result being episode-after-episode of catastrophic rainfall for China.

In the middle of May, a massive rain event emerging from this destructive weather pattern capsized 25,000 homes and forced more than half a million to flee. Over the past four days, a re-intensification of these brutish storms over six provinces once again resulted in nearly half a million evacuated and, this time, destroyed nearly 9,000 homes while damaging more than 60,000 others.

Already saturated grounds gave way to the recent bout of heavy rains triggering numerous landslides. In Jiangxi, inundation set off a school building collapse. In total, these events resulted in the loss of more than 26 souls. Heavy rains and hail also caused widespread damage to crops. In Hunan province alone, more than 127,000 hectares were destroyed.

Traffic Signs Submerged along a River in Lanxi

(River flooding in Lanxi, China submerges street lights and traffic signs. View more images of China flooding here.)

The worse may be yet to come as the rainy pattern continues to persist over much of China.

Storms Build With Global Warming, El Nino

Though historically vulnerable to flooding, China’s multi-river region has been treated to more and more severe events in recent years. Warm ocean waters associated with El Nino and human-caused climate change have triggered weather alterations spurring ever more intense periods of heavy rainfall during summer over much of Eastern China. The worst of these episodes occurred in conjunction with the monster 1998 El Nino and then record atmospheric heating resulting in both massive structural damage and a terrible human toll. In total, more than 5,000 souls were lost in an extreme flooding episode along the Yangtze River during that major atmospheric disturbance.

For 2014, a potentially strong El Nino developing in the Pacific is combining with record high global temperatures to spike severe weather risks yet again. In the case of China, the potential is for summer-long rains punctuated by a continuation of extreme episodes as the current flood pattern remains locked in place and gorges on an amped-up heat and moisture flow off the blazing Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Source: Robert Scribbler

6 Responses

  1. Hey Julie, hello from the land of ice and snow. Yes, now we have lightning strikes in winter in Canada; its new. And they will often occur solo – in the dead of winter, a quiet evening otherwise until one thunder clap splits the night, boom, and then no more. This is entirely a new phenomena in my experience. BTW, i didn’t know Australia had snow. (Ya, and skiing too!).

  2. In Victoria, Australia we have just had the heaviest rain storms, strong winds and massive dumps of snow.I know it’s supposed to be winter, but I have never heard of having thunderstorms in freezing cold temperatures. Yes, where I live in Wonthaggi(Gippsland) we had been sprayed 3 days in the last two weeks!!!!!

  3. Gwen you hear right. With an inside into the funeral business, I can tell you this has been going on for more than a decade.

  4. In central Ontario now, the rain comes in deluges like a tropical storm with high winds and tornadoes. Going back 40 years, a tornado was almost unheard of here, now we have them regularly; and there doesn’t even need to be a heat wave. Storm fronts which are a 1,000 km long move on through, obviously a jet stream phenomena. Winds at speeds of 240km/hr develop seemingly out of nowhere and in a few minutes damage and/or destroy hundreds of homes. We’re seeing a weekly rhythm to this new phenomena, just like we experienced last winter with the polar vortex. Its looking like spring and fall are the only two safe seasons now, with summer and winter full of violent weather. Yesterday I was pricing wind speed sensors on e-bay for a warning system, and getting a plan to survive house destruction.
    The times, they are a-changin’..

  5. Have not heard a peep of this on Sask’s news… just the upcoming enforced bicycle helmet law… because we are all just a bunch of 6 year olds that need protection bicycling to the park… I’m not sure we could comprehend 60 000 homes damaged.
    Insurance Companies surely must be a soon-to-be unviable enterprise. Speaking of big biz, I hear that CORPorations are starting to buy up mom & pop funeral homes. They are creating their own new cash cow! Crafty devils.
    Thanks for the REAL news.

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