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By Jon Aretakis

Morality is not constructed by our species. A fundamental, latent, universal, structure exists and it has existed for a long time. It is up to the people to align with the truth, not for the truth to align with the people. If the common people do not learn to align with truth, they will live in illusion and be controlled by those who understand the difference between the two. Understanding why Mother Earth and the common people are being sprayed with deadly chemicals hinges on an awareness of occult knowledge. The word occult has acquired a dark connotation, but the true definition of the word simply means hidden. Hidden knowledge creates an illusionary power differential that gives the people with the concealed information the ability to falsely control the masses because common people do not understand natural law. Most people fail to realize that words, symbols and myths have meaning that manifest reality. The outer is a reflection of the inner, and the bridge from the inner to the outer are actions, thoughts and emotions. If thoughts, actions and emotions are not aligned with natural law, the result is distortion. Geoengineering is the outer manifestation of an inner distortion.

new intellectual order

In the phrases, “the father, the son and the holy ghost” and “equality for all men” the feminine principle has been intentionally removed. These are just two examples. There are many more. As a result, the people spraying the chemicals and the common people who do nothing about it have something in common. They are missing their ability to care. They are also missing their intuitive sense. The distortion produces, quite naturally, a male dominated society. The removal of the feminine principle causes patriarchy, war and geoengineering because it breeds apathy. In order to understand how natural law is being distorted occult knowledge must be revealed. The American dollar bill is being used to distort natural law by suppressing the feminine principle and that keeps the common people stuck in illusion. On the back of a American dollar bill is a pyramid. At the base of the pyramid are the roman numerals MDCCLXXVI.

roman numbers pyramid

When added up the roman numerals equal 1776. The number does not represent the date of the signing of the declaration of independence. It is a reference to occult knowledge known as gematria that has been overtly hidden from the people in order to keep them in distortion and therefore controlled. In gematria math the number 1776 is calculated as 777. The two 7’s in the middle are left alone, and the 1 and 6 are added together. Adding the three 7’s together equals 21. Adding the 2 and the 1 together equals 3. In gematria math the numbers 1776, 777, 21 and 3 all mean the same thing. They represent perfection. They represent the yin and the yang. They represent the balance between the masculine and the feminine principles. They represent truth and truth is union.


The symbol of the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill is also important. Three points exist on the pyramid. If the nine roman numerals at the base of the pyramid are divided the by the divine number 3, three sets of three emerge. That demands three pyramids. Moving from left to right if each one of the roman numerals are dispersed across the points of the three pyramids, the top three points on the pyramids would be represented by the numbers 1000, 100 and 10. In gematria, zeros hold no value so they are dropped. That leaves a 1 on the top of each pyramid. The bottom three pyramids would be represented by the numbers 600, 60 and 6. Drop the zeros, and that leaves a 6 on the bottom of each pyramid.

the capstone

When the three 1’s on the top of the pyramid are added, the divine number 3 is the sum. Adding the three 6’s equals 18. Adding the 1 and the 8 equals 9, and 9 in gematria is the number that equals illusion. A duality has been born. An intentional distortion is in play. The number 9 has very special properties. If 9 is multiplied by any number in gematria it always equals 9. For example, 9 multiplied by 9 equals 81. 8 plus 1 equals 9. When 9 is multiplied by a completely arbitrary number like 1234567 the sum equals 11111103. Those numbers added together equal 9. No matter what is multiplied by 9 in gematria the result is always 9. That means when illusion is multiplied by anything, the result is always illusion. The only way to rise from illusion toward truth is to replace what has been removed, and that is our ability to care. That is the feminine principle.

the capstone 2

The bricks that make up the pyramid represent the people who keep the distortion in place. That includes everyone of us. The bricks are dried and hard and block the light of truth from reaching Mother Earth. The bricks symbolize being “hardened” into the five sense reality which represents base consciousness and the inability to free our minds from illusion. People, in truth, are more than their five senses. Two of the key senses missing are the intuitive sense and the ability care which are both feminine principles. People who care are not “hardened.”

The pyramid also represents the Star of David which is synonymous with the yin and yang. But the female triangle is taken out or “ghosted” on the back of the dollar bill.


When the planes fly over and disperse their deadly chemicals, it can be seen as suppression. The sun light is being suppressed; the common people are being suppressed; Mother nature is being suppressed. The spraying is the outer manifestation or reflection of an inner distortion. If we want to fix the distortion, we must learn to feel again. We must learn to care. The American dollar bill is used to suppress the feminine principle, keep the distortion in place and the common people in illusion. That way the common people can be controlled. One way people can combat geoengineering and the suppression of our true emotions is to lovingly evoke the feminine principle whenever they spend money.

For more information on hidden knowledge and Natural Law please Google Mark Passio. I would like to Thank Mark for teaching me everything I needed to know to make this article possible. This article is just a glimpse of the truth that has been overtly hidden from the common people. I encourage people to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. The truth does not have to align with you. You have to align with the truth, or you stay stuck in illusion and therefore suffering.



5 Responses

  1. Please save global economic.
    Published 22-2-1992 by m.s.mohamed ansari in india . 
    Written in English.
    About the Book
    Next BBC All press and media, Arabs leader, freemason, and G20 leader, FBI, CIA, IMF WHO, UN, POPE, ELECTRONIC VOTE ,,WHITEHOUSE, HOUSE OF COMMAND,HOUSE OF LORD, ,MICROSOFT, under control by CONGRESS, A TO Z .CONTROL BY QUEEN ELIZABETH . Still British rule the global 21 st century
    Royal budget and wedding cost. 10 generation total $ 57 trillion
    Each every politician rolling 8 years only
    But queen family enjoying 10 generation, world leader creation war
    GLOBAL ECONOMIC FALL REASON WAR. Improve economy only peace and prayer
    WAR cost total $ 3.5 TRILLION. Every poor human blood tear .please saves economic
    POVERTY FAMINE &Effected education many people suicide. Many people Drug addict
    Effected All liberal democracy. Billion of people tax pays.
    FDI INVESTOR &Joint ventured, effected global Federal Reserve
    Effected CNC manufacturer & energy power every one leader improve his own country thing big global economy
    Millions of people public and 8500 US military Death. and collision force wounded 35000. Material for not success. Only peace and prayer only success
    WHITE HOUSE +52, HOUSE OF COMMAND +62 = 114 PASSWORD.115 afraid all press and media BBC CNN. QUEENELIZABETH
    Please bring original HISTORY .Six thousand journalists are suppressing the truth of history but in one day it will come out…
    Now we are in 21st century there were times former journalist Exposed truth and sacrificed their precious life for the sake of truth, they unveiled the real history. Perhaps contradicting to their present power and money clouded their mind and our upcoming generation becomes a victim..
    .”every one Securing A better future global economic
    Effected press Freedom, Liberal democracy, Open emigration, free trade policy, Avoid Electronic Vote. All country Equal currency. Every one equal right
    We do not believe politicians as we used to, we do not believe the media, and whereas we believe each other
    Pragmatism has now fallen foul of the continuing power of the press. Monarch Queen Elizabeth ruling 1963, 12, Different UK Prime Minister 10, US President, SEVEN POPE 400 000 Honor 
    Who was made Big mistake Iraq war BUSH, or tony Blair, queen or, intelligence agency
    Every poor human blood tear .please saves economic
    Every one living, 60 TO 100 years Do something GOOD for every HUMAN 
    Economic improve 6 point, peace, and prayer, liberty, unity, friendly, simplicity
    Table of Contents

  2. I don’t understand your “case.” Please elaborate. As long as the feminine principle is collectively suppressed, a distortion must be the result. You are confusing the feminine principle with gender. There is a big difference. The world is filled with people, both women and men, that do not realize the power of their feminine principle. They do not even know it has been suppressed. Change occurs when more people balance by activating their feminine principle than those who don’t. People activate their feminine principle through care and intuition. Collectively, however, more people must realize and FEEL their suppressed pain resulting from the collective trauma our society creates due to the distortion caused by the suppression of the feminine principle or our society will remain sick. We are out of balance. Insecure men instigated the distortion. Women have a right to be angry but until we all realize and feel our hurt behind our anger, we can never heal. To heal we must forgive and feel our emotional pain. We must also learn to recognize (without judging) the conflicting emotional currents that dwell in all of us due to the distortion we were born within. 777 stands for our actions, our thoughts and our emotions in perfect balance. With the feminine principle suppressed our emotions are not in the equation, which clearly distorts our actions and thoughts. That is why the “Care principle” was intentionally removed. It keeps us all stuck and creates a power differential that gives control to a few. Only by coming together and balancing both female/male principles can we find the middle way, the way of balance and peace. What we have now is a dominate/submissive distortion as balance is unattainable on the collective until more people activate their feminine principle by learning and choosing to care and to use their intuition. We have to turn our emotions back on. Do you think war is natural? Do you think rape culture is natural? They are not. “Human nature” is not in play as the “human condition” due to the distortion of the feminine principle has made human nature unattainable. We have all been robbed of our nature and conditioned through distortion. Our true nature has been intentionally hidden. I encourage you to dig deeper into yourself and hidden knowledge.

  3. “When women are in charge, we’ll be living in grass huts.”
    Camille Paglia

    More and more women run the educational system, the health care system, and government.

    I rest my case.

  4. And thank you Jon for digesting these essentials and sharing them.

    Also thanks to the admins of this site to extend their scope in this direction.

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