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Very few have any idea of what is rapidly unfolding around us all. The corporate controlled main stream has very successfully fueled the inherent human propensity to ignore and deny alarming and uncomfortable truths. Populations as a whole have willingly embraced the mountain of lies that has been dished up to them. Public acceptance of spoon fed delusions and propaganda has to date kept the “loot, pillage, and plunder” party on Planet Earth going. This chapter is ending by the day as the biosphere responds to the centuries long all out war that has been waged against its life sustaining systems. The sixth great extinction to occur on Earth is now, this is an undeniable statistical fact. The scenario we collectively face is unlike previous events. This time around, if we remain on our current course, all life on our planet will be extinguished.

Below are key points from an extremely important research essay just posted by the “Arctic News” web site. I have extracted some of the most straightforward and dire disclosures of the essay below and have posted clarifying statements in red. The source link to the entire article is at the bottom of this page. For those that are willing, the full article is recommended reading. One thing to keep in mind, the scientists that produced this essay have not admitted to the ongoing global climate engineering that is likely the single greatest factor amongst the converging catastrophes that have let us to this very dark moment. This being said, there are countless other sources of anthropogenic destruction to our biosphere that many in the anti-geoengineering communities do not wish to face. This form of denial is no different than those who deny the climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org



Arctic Atmospheric Methane Global Warming Veil (Arctic News)


“Methane formed by organisms in the water becomes trapped in the fabric of water ice crystals when it freezes and is stable below about 300 meters depth in the Arctic Ocean and on the shallow East Arctic Siberian Shelf. There are such massive methane reserves below the Arctic Ocean floor, that they represent around 100 times the amount that is required to cause a Permian style major extinction event, should the subsea Arctic methane be released in a short period of time into the atmosphere (Light and Solana, 2012-2014, Carana 2012 – 2014). There are also giant reservoirs of mantle methane, originally sealed in by shallow methane hydrate plugs in fractures cutting the Arctic seafloor (Light 2014, Carana 2013).”

“If only a few percent of the subsea methane hydrate reserves in the Arctic Ocean (some 1000 billion tons of Carbon) is dissociated and the methane is released into the atmosphere, it will cause total deglaciation and a major extinction event (Light and Solana 2002). The energy necessary to produce these Arctic methane release rates is relatively small; it requires only about one thousandth of the heat energy input from the Gulf Stream to dissociate the methane hydrates. Furthermore, the energy necessary to produce these Arctic methane release rates represents less than one millionth of the global warming heat energy being added to the oceans, ice, land and atmosphere by human fossil fuel burning. Unfortunately for us, global warming has heated up the oceanic currents fed by the Gulf Stream flowing into the Arctic, causing massive destabilization of the subsea methane hydrates and fault seals and releasing increasing volumes of methane directly into the atmosphere. The total human induced global warming is equivalent to 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs detonating every second (Nuccitelli et al. 2012). Humanity has signed its death warrant and our final extinction will be carried out by Mother Earth within the next 30 to 40 years unless we immediately take extremely drastic action to entirely curb our carbon dioxide pollution, eliminate large quantities of methane from the subsea Arctic Ocean, seawater and atmosphere (down to ca 673 – 700 ppb) and revert completely to renewable energy.”

Geoengineering (which includes global ionosphere heaters AKA HAARP facilities) has radically altered upper level wind currents, this has altered ocean currents and thus has contributed to the warm sea water now flowing into the Arctic which in turn is thawing methane hydrate deposits on the sea floor. DW

horizon trails

“The whole northern hemisphere is now covered by a thickening atmospheric methane veil that is spreading southwards at about 1 km a day and it already totally envelopes the United States.”

The planet is already far warmer than people have been led to believe as UV readings and “official” temperature reading have been heavily falsified to the DOWN SIDE, not higher as people have been lead to believe. DW

“The giant pollution cloud over the United States and Canada has speeded up the Gulf Stream by three times since the 1940s. The Gulf Stream carries huge quantities of heat into the Arctic Ocean where it is destabilizing subsea methane hydrates releasing vast volumes of methane into the Arctic atmosphere.”

satellite clouds

Strong consideration should be given to the statement above taken from the research essay. The “giant pollution cloud” is primarily from the climate engineering programs of total insanity. The 24/7 spraying of heavy metal and chemical particulates has completely saturated the atmosphere. Astoundingly, the “climate science” community has yet to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Global geoengineering may have already helped to seal our collective fate. DW

“We have just got over 14 years of progressively worsening weather with extreme storms before we face the possibility of an Arctic methane induced 8°C atmospheric temperature rise with associated global deglaciation and extinction.”

IPCC 5 Will Ignore CO2 & Methane from Melting Permafrost, a Huge Carbon Source

 The entire “climate science” community has towed the line of lies in regard to their modeling, but not in the direction that most have chosen to believe. Virtually all the IPCC modeling falls radically short of revealing just how dire and immediate our situation is. The IPCC has not considered “feed back” loops (like methane release and ozone depletion) in any of their modeling. This fact means the modeling is all patently false and fictitious. The IPCC is in existence to hide the truth not to reveal it. By completely denying the ongoing geoengineering programs and the overall magnitude of what we face, the IPCC has done what the global power structure wanted them to do, keep populations from panicking. The power structure is buying time while they prepare for the coming total collapse of civilization as we know it. DW

“Quite clearly the global warming caused by pollution clouds pouring off the coast of the industrialized United States is generating a large air pressure differential, accelerating and heating the prevailing South Westerly Wind flow with its consequent wide ranging effects on the Gulf Stream seen as far north as the Central Arctic ”

 sky grid

Yet again the “pollution clouds” (largely from geoengineering sprayed particlates) are mentioned as a primary causal factor related to Arctic warming and catastrophic methane hydrate release. DW

graph ipcc“The heat necessary to liberate methane from the methane hydrates in the Arctic Ocean and cause runaway global warming, total deglaciation and extinction in 2052 represents only one thousandth of the total amount of heat being added to the Arctic ocean by the Gulf Stream.”

The 2052 date represents a linear projection of deglaciation and extinction, we are in a very  non linear equation which means the actual timeline is in all likelihood much sooner if we stay on the current course. DW

“I cannot emphasize more, how serious humanity’s predicament is and what we should try to do to prevent our certain final destruction and extinction in the next 30 to 40 years if we continue down the present path we are following .”

An appeal from one of the author scientists is above. Even this seemingly strong statement likely falls far short of the immediacy of what we face. DW

“Over very short time periods of a few days to a few months the atmospheric methane has a global warming potential from 1000 to 100 times that of carbon dioxide (Figure 2a. and 24)”

Again, the above mentioned factor is not considered in any of the “official” modeling from the IPCC, NOAA, NWS, or other “official” sources of future climate modeling. DW

“The United States must immediately declare an international emergency of the most extreme kind and call for a UN conference of world governments, gas and oil companies, banks, engineers and scientists to select the fastest and most efficient way to deal with the escalating Arctic methane eruption threat. We are already 3 and a half years passed August 2010 when massive subsea atmospheric emissions started in earnest in the Arctic. The next two and a half years are all we have left to try to put a break on the Arctic methane emissions before the heating effects and sea level rise caused by the loss of floating Arctic and global deglaciation and Arctic methane induced global warming will be completely unstoppable and humanity will be facing total extinction before the middle of this Century (2040-2050).”

wide trails

The critical warning above makes no mention of the ongoing global climate engineering, let alone calling for it to be halted. Even so, the warning should be headlines around the globe. Unfortunately it will be all too easily swept under the rug. Mainstream media is completely controlled and the population is sound asleep, at least for the time being. DW


“The excessive summer global warming of the Gulf Stream off the east coast of North America, is a direct result of the effects of eastward migrating pollution clouds pouring off the coast of the United States and Canada. This heat is transferred by the Gulf Stream directly to the most extreme methane eruption center (The Enrico Anomaly) in the Arctic at the methane hydrate rich, subsea end of the Eurasian Basin/Laptev Sea

We can look upon the globally heated Gulf Stream, as the North American greenhouse gas pollution hot line to climatic hell.”

sky grid

The statement above makes clear the role “stratospheric aerosol geoengineering” (SAG) and “solar radiation management” (SRM) has played in regard to the total planetary meltdown now underway. The primary goal of SAG is to fill the atmosphere with light scattering particle pollution. This has been done over decades as “global dimming” is now fully 22%. In the insane attempt to play God with the climate system, the geoengineers have perhaps sealed our fate. 

The horizon looks very dark at this moment in time, but knowing what we know, how can we not fight on with every bit of effort and focus we can muster? The more data we get, the more clearly the climate engineering programs are implicated in the fueling of the planetary extinction now fully underway. In addition to all the decimation from the atmospheric spraying listed above, these same programs are also literally poisoning every breath we take and every inch of the planet as a whole. What we face is nothing less than a fight for life on Earth. 

The single greatest leap we could make in the right direction at this late hour is to expose geoengineering, those behind the programs, and all those involved them. If we could do this, the dominos of the climate engineering cabal of insanity would fall. This would give the planet the chance it desperately needs, to respond in its own way to the damage that has been inflicted on it. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Source link for full research essay

Arctic Atmospheric Methane Global Warming Veil


18 Responses

  1. Reading the conclusion of this article about the methane veil, the authors get the political and economic solutions correct, however unlikely they are to happen. Then they go into the the description of Project Lucy/Alamo which will use lasers, bacteria and tungsten saturated skies to degrade the methane. A friend who knows a little physics says it will destroy the atmosphere and probably all life. So we have to destroy the atmosphere to save it? OMG I’ve been depressed for days since I learned about this. It’s not like me either, but I do just feel overwhelmed.

  2. great posts..umm should we go and sit on the planes like the guy in front of the tank in Tienanmen square..
    oh ya we’d have to get through some heavy secrecy and security to find them.
    Perhaps “courage”..first then a way will present itself.
    there are a few protest factions like anti Monsanto..if they/we.. united..and occupy..whatever would work..any ideas people?

  3. thank Dane..excellent article
    Gosh George Orwell was really right..we should see “Animal Farm” again.
    From recent ET research..it is important that we remain loving and kind..and hope they help us.
    Praying might be good at this juncture..all together..or individually..because as Einstein said “you can’t solve a problem with the same way of thinking that created it”
    There is so much loving kindness here.

  4. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, we are not just up against the realm of powerful and corrupt humans, but forces of darkness in the spirit realm (Ephesians 6:12). Daniel 2:44 makes it clear that we are in dire need of a greater ruling power (Gods kingdom)! That is exactly what Jesus taught us to pray for in Matthew 6:10. Awareness is only the start! No human can completely halt and reverse ALL the devestation and suffering brought upon this planet and all life that exists upon it. Still, awareness needs to be there, along with a humble willingness to acknowledge that we are in need of something greater than human rulership.

  5. Brandon asks “Where are the local effects of geoengineering?” If indeed Brandon you really don’t know the answer to your question then you are wasting your time on this site and maybe you ought to go back to watching Mickey Mouse cartoons where perhaps you just might be able to keep up with what’s going on.

  6. Southwest N.M. Super big rain clouds broken down to nothing with super heavy winds made and chemtrails running overhead clouds. They were evident with trails running east to west in wake of brewed up storm. Drought, well yeah???

  7. In the Pacific Northwest (including N. Cal) the local effects are the shutting down of the normal late spring/early summer weather pattern that brought us rains and especially t-storms. The drought is amazing this year with most springs and intermittent creeks being bone-dry. This will shut down agriculture big time.

  8. Just curious why none of the “scientists” that contribute to the your source link blog above, including Guy MacPherson, acknowledge that chemtrails are real and that global spraying has been done for years. They have to know about it. I look up almost everyday and there it is. It makes no sense.

  9. A newly discovered audio tape of JRR Tolkien speaking to a fan club “dinner with the hobbits”.Here is a sample.
    Twenty years have flowed down the long river,but never in my life will return for me.Ah years looking away I saw ages long past when trees still bloomed in a wide country.Alas all beginning to wither in the breath of cold hearted wizards.To know things they brake them and their lordship they establish through the fear of death.
    Youtube Alex Jones june 12 2014 3rd hour for more.

  10. Slowly, the public will realize what is going on. Slowly, the people will realize they have had too much faith in the so called representatives who claim to look after their interests. The faith of the people in existing institutions will evaporate, only to be replaced by another group of problem solvers who will make things ; even worse. Forget the so called problem solvers and look to yourself to be as honest and kind to others in your daily life. What is happening has a limited time frame and your personal integrity is all you really will be held accountable for. All heroes are UNSUNG. Our time here is brief; looks as if the planet’s time will follow suit. At your core…..you must adhere to the golden rule and let the cards fall where the may. Life IS good, and will prevail again in the future.

  11. Keep up the great work DW. What more disinformation could the American population get from sources like this http://www.npr.org/2014/06/10/319539712/bye-bye-to-the-home-of-a-favorite-internet-conspiracy-theory making the HAARP program appear to be something benevolent. Meanwhile, everyday we’re getting sprayed like rats, thinking that the news is the source for why the weather is so weird and not because of the ongoing experiments that have no oversight. People are being entertained into every issue being a “conspiracy” unless the news makes it factual. The news media is NO source for news anymore !!

  12. The author of the linked report lost this Old Indian when he declared our Mother Earth to be “the enemy,” and accused Her of “starting” a “war” on homo domesticus. It is in large measure this very “self”-obsessed attitude, and the crazy behaviors it informs, that have ushered the “civilized” peoples, in their muddled masses, to the very brink of “self”-inflicted extinction.

    Mr. Wigington, meantime, while commendable for his dogged efforts to ‘wake-up’ a functionally semi-comatose general population confined as inmates/peons within the “global’-gulag/shrinking-“economy” contraption (despite his sometimes admitted recognition of it being already much too late to prevent by any ‘political’ means most of the dire consequences of several thousand years of institutionalized rampant insanity), might perhaps instead consider the wisdom offered by The Gambler in the Kenny Rogers song of that title: “The best thing we can hope for is to die in our sleep.” Wittingly or not, the vast majority of the domesticated peoples are opting for what they evidently feel, at some elemental level, will prove to be “….the easy way out.” Bob Dylan sang about that cruel illusion in “Political World.”

  13. Although obvious to most, Governments don’t admit to heavy spraying… When did madness prevail over common sense? How sick/greedy our own government must be!

  14. what’s needed now is a simultaneous global ‘aha’ moment, then go about the task of healing and repair

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