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By Jon Aretakis

For the first time in modern history, our planet and most of the species on it are in grave danger of an earth-shattering decline. Most people are in complete denial of this catastrophic fact. Geoengineering is driving Mother Earth toward an extinction event. If the chemical spraying in our skies and deforestation goes on, glaciers and permafrost will continue to melt; greater amounts of methane and carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere; temperatures will continue to increase, and an extinction event will occur.

Still, people go about their lives like nothing is wrong because people have been traumatized by violence. Violence on TV is accepted as normal and even funny. Clearly, people have been conditioned not to feel their true emotions. One of the biggest problems people have absolutely failed to understand is how negative suppressed emotions can attach to the pleasure principle in the human psyche and cause negative-pleasure.

It’s not hard to notice. It takes many forms including: war, rape culture, BDSM, poverty, sexism, racism, hate crimes, political corruption, geoengineering and genetically modified food. People hurt themselves, other people, animals and the environment because they have been conditioned not to feel their own emotional pain. When people do not feel their own emotional pain, they hurt other people. People accept that living in a violent society is normal. It is not normal. Violence is being used to manipulate people and keep them in a state of denial. Violence is being used to suppress people’s emotions because people void of emotion are easily controlled.

We know violence leads to trauma, and trauma leads to apathy. Alice Miller, a well known psychotherapist, described the process in her book For Your Own Good.  German children in the 1920s and 1930s became accustomed to physical and emotional abuse. They routinely experienced violence in their homes and on their streets. Miller points out that the people of Germany during the time of the holocaust could be in the presence of concentration camps and remain apathetic. As a result of collective trauma and negative-pleasure almost six million Jewish people were murdered.


When children are abused two events take place inside their subconscious. They attach pleasure to the abusive negative event as a defensive measure to make it tolerable and then they shut down emotionally. When the children become adults the suppressed negative emotions are attached to their pleasure principle and take the form of negative-pleasure. Negative-pleasure is the origin of destructiveness, otherwise known as evil.

The same process that caused the holocaust is taking place right now on a global scale. The goal of a small, filthy rich, extremely apathetic group of people is to reduce the global population by 90 percent. It’s not a secret. They erected a monument in Georgia called the Georgia Guidestones that clearly explains their intentions, and geoengineering and genetically modified food are obviously two methods they are using to accomplish their goal.

Most people on the planet have some degree of negative-pleasure embedded in their psyche because they live in a violent society and have been conditioned not to feel. The people, however, who are behind the geo-engineering and food/seed modification have far more negative-pleasure than the average person. They feel nothing for the common people, and the only way they can keep from feeling their own emotional pain is by hurting other people. It is known as the third stage of active cruelty, and it is one of most severe types of evil. The common people are allowing the sickest among them to rule them.

Negative-pleasures are never worth the price people pay for them. They will always lead to suffering and unhappiness because a conflicting current has been formed. The conflicting, suppressed, emotional current will cause individuals to be angry, depressed, spiteful and generally unhappy, and on the collective level negative-pleasure can wipe out large amounts of the population.

negative pleasure

Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them”. We also cannot solve our problems with the same suppressed emotions that created them. Water rises to its own level, just like people. If we want to change the existing problems, the only way to do it is to ascend to a higher level of awareness. If people do not feel, they cannot rise. When water rises chaos ensues for a short period of time. That chaos will hopefully take the form of people feeling their own emotional pain because if they don’t acknowledge and discover their true feelings, they cannot solve the collective problem violence, trauma and apathy have created. Eva Pierrakos said, “What exists in the microcosm of the human soul also exists in the macrocosm. Every inner drama is a reflection of every outer drama.”

If people do not learn to acknowledge and deal with unfelt emotions, chaos will continue to manifest outwardly, and the seas will rise. People will know hell on Earth because all of the glaciers will have melted. We must learn to replace apathy with empathy for ourselves, other people, animals and the environment or a catastrophic disaster is going to occur.

People must learn to activate their feminine principle. It is being suppressed by design. We must care for each other. If we do not care, we cannot rise to a higher level of awareness. We cannot be free, and the apathetic people in power know it. That is why the feminine principle is being suppressed. The war on terror is really the war on Terra, the feminine principle. The people in power also use symbols to keep the common people suppressed. For example, obelisks, obvious phallic symbols, are used to suppress the feminine principle. They are found all over Mother Earth, especially in places of power.

If we do not change, years from now a much smaller population of common people living on an Earth that resembles a cesspool might just look back on us and ask, “Why didn’t they feel?”

3 Responses

  1. Yes well written, thank you. I think I understand what you mean for negative pleasures, and I could’t agree more, we need to rise our level of consciousness,get out of this state of numbness by remaining in the present,with an open mind and heart, trusting our ability to shade off all our fears. Keep the light shining effortlessly, with faith, create that connection with mother earth, vibrate as one big heart. There there is no space for doubt. 🙂

  2. Great article, and well to the point! Unfortunately, there is more hatred and anger all around us from everywhere. It may be obvious to some, but again, not to others. Like so many other crucial things that “we” would think would be obvious. Basic’s such as LOOKING UP, then realizing what you are seeing are NOT natural clouds. There are too many governmental interferences within our lives. We all need to become more aware, and more knowledgeable of what is going on around us. Get involved, before it is too late!

  3. What a very well written, astute, deep, and beneficial article written by Jon! Take heed world – these words ring of truth. The research is all there to be found on the Internet and this article does a great job of pointing out where to go! Stand up and say something! Your children’s and mankind’s future is at stake!

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