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The “Christian Financial Radio Network” hosts geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington to debate the issue of global atmospheric spraying programs.  The host, like many in our population, has many preconceptions and very few facts.

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GeoEngineering Watch Interview w/ Dane Wigington

On today’s show we spoke for an hour with GeoEngineering expert Dane Wigington for the first time. (2nd hour of the program)

What if there were a monumental environmental threat that you didn’t even know was happening? What if you found out it is affecting your health and that of people you know and love? What if you knew it was such an enormous problem that it has the potential to destroy our crops and trees, the soil they are grown in, our entire water supply, and whole ecosystems – and that if you didn’t act, we could never turn back?

We are not talking about fracking, nuclear energy, or the oil industry. We’re not even talking about climate change.

What if it came into use in an insidious way, just as GMO foods have come into our food supply without our knowledge? What if it appeared to be harmless, but it wasn’t? And what if it were so cleverly woven into our culture that we didn’t even see it anymore? What if it were so masterfully stigmatized and wrapped in controversy that if you thought it strange or concerning, you’d be scorned or ignored?

It sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. It’s happening right above you, and it’s called “geoengineering”. Be sure and listen to our interview today with Dane by clicking the headphones above. Beware, what you are about to hear may be very disturbing. Also, you will hear my rabid co-host vehemently deny the existence of everything short of life and his own ego.

Dane proved himself a true gentleman, unflappable in his demeanor as Mr. Wiliams beat the air with every possible “anti-conspiracy” theory out there… most of which had absolutely nothing to do with the topic we were discussing. Every time I leaned forward to stop the barrage, Dane’s calm voice stilled the air waves. Truth mixed with evidence it turns out, is an incredibly heady elixir capable of soothing the most savage of beasts (almost).

Did today’s show turn me into a believer? Well, let’s say it convinced me of something I’ve suspected for a very long time, but that’s a story for another day. Enjoy the interview! (The actual interview with Dane Wigington and Wayne Jett starts at the beginning of the second hour and runs for 60 minutes so please feel free to fast forward through the first hour.)

11 Responses

  1. Hard interview, when you have to break the “I don’t know news.” You were really on topic. Interviewer was in a the “appeal to authority mode.” Which is always tough to deal with.

  2. Well said Dane. You carved, sliced and spat his pathetic reasoning out the window. You deserve a Gold Heart of honor for standing up and putting it out there. Where would humanity be without your courage to speak up

  3. Dane, tremendous interview. I encounter many of these same questions when I discuss this issue with people… You’re a true inspiration. Thanks.

  4. great job on the interview you had him sweating and raising his voice with nothing to do with chem trials always trying to sidestep the topic -again great Job, I hope and Pray to God this gets to the Right people and wakes them up, just look at crops forest and Our Health in general.yes God I Pray.

  5. Nice going, Dane. I knew when I heard his statement about “chemtrails”, you were in for a tough interview. You handled him well! Thanks for all you do.

  6. Mr. Williams came off as a real jerk in this interview. There were many times when I could barely stand to listen to him. He was totally nonsensical.

  7. great job on this interview dane! you totally schooled david wiliams. he was breathing heavy by the end of the interview. he had absolutely nothing credible to say and obviously didn’t want to hear the hard facts.

    at one point he was raising his voice over you about how there is more commercial air traffic in the sky, and it really didn’t have anything to due with the topic at hand lol.

    this was absolutely a great interview and i can’t wait to hear the next.

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