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One Response

  1. How Small is our World compared to the Universe?
    There are 300 billion Solar systems in Our Milky way galaxy. There are 10000 billion billion galaxies in the Universe. So How small is our Sun and Earth?? How Small are we??? We have studies our ancestors up to single celled organisms.. up to DNA level. But how many do we know above us? If we tress up again we will found that the basic life created from magical mixing of H,C O and N molecule. From which single cells we all evolved.

    Still confused we have created our Creators.. The GOD whom none of us have seen.That is OK.Religion is required to keep society in control.There should be fear of GOD.But did they told us to fight among each other to destroy each other?

    Our Mother Nature is OLD and dying, we all are trying to extract last bit of resources what is left on Earth. Instead of trying to save our dying mother Nature. This beautiful World We are fighting with each other for the last bits. Like wild animals fight for last piece of meat. Please think about it. We and only we can save our World by saving each other not by killing each other. If tomorrow Pakistan is attacked , India should help Pakistan.. not fight against it. Then only we can survive the WW3. Each country should try to save its neighboring country. then only human being can survive. All country must spend money not for War but for saving this Dying Earth so that We can save this World for another 1000 years at least for coming 10 generations.


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