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By j-norman  |  Posted: February 28, 2014

A RESEARCHER from Sherborne is calling for a halt to geoengineering.

Geoengineering is the science of modifying weather to moderate global warming, and doctoral researcher David Lim is among a growing number of scientists who believe the government is currently influencing the weather without public consent.

David’s recent talk, Increases in Extreme Weather, Food Prices and Illness: The Unspoken Connection, drew a large crowd to Trent Village Hall.

“I only expected 25 people at my talk, but I wasn’t prepared to see people standing against the walls trying to listen. In total, 85 people attended – it was a very encouraging response,” he said.

David showed video footage and photographs of aircraft leaving persistent contrails over Dorset, engineering patents, academic papers, political documents, rain water test results and NASA studies.

He explained that one method of geoengineering method involves spraying chemicals into the atmosphere from aircraft to reflect sunlight back out into space.

“Many locals were aware of persistent aeroplane contrails, but thought they were normal,” he explained.

“Having presented the basic concepts, circumstantial evidence and controversial perspectives surrounding climate change, I hope that others can now begin to start questioning what is happening above our heads,” he said.

“When you help people connect the dots with this body of research, they usually start to take notice. The negative health impacts associated with these chemicals usually hits home.”

David is co-founding The International Directive to Ban Geoengineering (www.idbg.org) and is seeking volunteers to lend assistance.

“I am actively seeking reliable volunteers to help me with our organisation in putting an end to weather modification and geoengineering,” he said.

David is also offering to repeat his talk for other communities who wish to explore the geoengineering issue. He can be contacted at d.v.lim@reading.ac.uk

3 Responses

  1. right on spread the awakening. Not stupid just uninformed…. I believe that to be…

  2. Who gave anyone the right to go into US airspace and distribute chemicals of any kind without knowledge or permission from the people.

    I do not understand why we do not have the right as free citizens to vote for our own form of self annihilation. This is truly an anti-christ government who has determined themselves to be God… big mistake

  3. Good for David Lim, and good for you too Jane, for
    writing the piece in the Blackmore Vale about the chemtrails. The quote from the RAF bloke was pungently sad, the “it’s all normal contrails, go back to sleep” usual disinformation. How do these buggers sleep at night, that’s what I’d like to know.
    Planet Earth needs many more like you two, and alot
    less like old Wing Commander Bafflespeak!

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