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From staff reports
Updated:   02/24/2014 03:36:13 PM PST

Some reading this may recognize the phrase, “The sky is falling” from a folktale with origins that can be traced across continents and cultures and with many versions but that is best remembered in the United States from the children’s book Chicken Little or Henny Penny as it was known in Britain dating back to the early 19th century.Essentially Chicken Little is the story of a chicken or little chick who when an acorn falls on his head, concludes that the sky is falling and decides to warn the King. You might, depending on which version you read think Chicken Little though maybe well intended was obviously a misled and delusional whistleblower who unnecessarily stirred up hysteria among his ranks and consequently caused those who joined him to meet a sad and sorry end for being convinced that Chicken Little was right and something should be done.

In one version of the story, Chicken Little on his way to tell the King meets other animals along the way with catchy rhyming names like Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, Gander Lander and Turkey Lurkey but while on their fateful journey to tell the King, they run in to a fox who invites them to his lair and there, eats them all. Henceforth or should I say Hensforth, this children’s fable has come to symbolize a warning of what happens when you believe everything you’re told.

The term Chicken Little Syndrome was used derogatorily in the 1950s to refer to people who were thought to be unreasonably afraid and guilty of inciting fear without justification in those around them.

The story of Chicken Little is an ancient one in that it has appeared in many forms throughout history.

Twenty-five centuries ago Buddhist scriptures tell of Buddha referring to a particular religious practice that he thought of little merit as “like the noise the hare heard” and to illustrate described a hare when disturbed by a falling fruit, believing that signified the earth coming to an end. In the story the hare starts a stampede among the other animals until a lion halts them, investigates the cause of the panic and then restores calm. The fable is believed to teach the need for deductive reasoning and the value of investigation.

Regardless of what version of the story is told, one can’t escape the reasoning implied in that it is unwise based on a lack of credible information from what may be considered reliable sources, to jump to hasty conclusions. I’d further concur that it is also irrational and irresponsible to publicly proclaim what you believe to be true, especially when it may have a profound affect on others and when it is based solely on your own opinion and without evidence beyond your own personal experience.

When it comes to matters of consequence, I would not want to be perceived as Chicken Little but I would nonetheless not shrink from what I consider a civic duty, a moral obligation and public responsibility to share the research of scientists, climatologists and meteorologists who in increasingly great numbers point to a phenomena in our upper atmosphere that is not natural, that is man-made and deliberate and that is the result of actions taken by official agencies of government and military acting in concert to conduct experiments that have been classified as weather modification projects and referred to at scientific conferences as well as been documented in government sanctioned reports as Geo-engineering, a speculative field at best that is mostly denied by any official agency or department of government and that if backed to the wall, would take the defensible position of being in the interest of our national security and therefore not open to public inspection or scrutiny though these actions which involve the use of aerosol spraying in our skies, the result of which have been observed, tracked and laboratory tested to show evidence that the chemical agents in these aerosols released above us without disclosure and without our consent pose toxic and deleterious health affects to which we are unwittingly exposed.

If you have looked up and seen what has been stubbornly explained away by disinformation agents married to and loyal to these atmospheric aerosol spraying missions, you will have noticed that though any claims of the unusual are hastily dismissed as nothing out of the ordinary, there is in fact something going on that you simply cannot ignore and no amount of denial by anyone in any official capacity can concoct a convincing argument to the contrary no matter how they spin their yarn, that what you are witnessing is natural and normal.

Stand outside and watch as long lingering trails of what are clearly not jet contrails form grid-like patterns above Lake County and stretch from horizon to horizon, then eventually fade and leave behind a strange milky white haze behind which the sun appears to dim in a sky that just before these aberrations appeared and as we’ve previously become accustomed to here, were clear, crisp and bright blue.

Just yesterday Lake County was treated to another series of these events and those who witnessed it stood transfixed as a giant X as if sky written was painted by these trails as they crossed in the sky above us and it was more than odd, it was unmistakably eerie and I think to most, disturbing.

If you doubt for one moment that what I and millions of others around the globe are currently seeing and reporting is not unusual and not by any conventional means explicable and you will not believe even your own eyes and need further proof that something is very wrong, you might begin your search for more information by viewing the preponderance of research that’s been accumulated on the subject culminating in arguably hard to dispute evidence that we are indeed being subjected to stratosphere atmospheric aerosol spraying. Look up: www.geoengineeringwatch.org , then go out and look up.

X marks the spot.

Howard Glasser


4 Responses

  1. Hello; This Thursday I received a phone call telling me people in my area Southern part of New Mexico, USA were being asked for concerns in state and country by Congressman Steve Pearce. Anyways the first call taken was from a concerned woman regarding spraying of chemtrails (geo-engineering) and another question. The latter question was answered and the concern for geo-engineering was bypassed (side-stepped) as if never asked? Of course it was not debatable because he took over phone call as I listened on my end! I’m writing this Saturday morn. at 9:00 a.m watching our rain clouds coming in from west of us broken down to nothing, with the white powder looking sky left in wake, pretty messed up. These low lifes have our Lord to contend with one day (judgement day) for these evil works, no doubt. Try to make the best of this day, Peace…..and Hope….Thanks……….

  2. I like it how I try to look at this particular story on certain other postings as it try’s to shut me down from reading it. One not has to go far to look at all the videos that have been deleted on the Subject here. Of course the PTB don’t want you to watch them because there are certain things that they do not want people to see because it would expose them more then the already are. As far as the Military goes and telling their wives and children about what is happening here. Well Dream on because they won’t. Secret Stuff here and they are sworn to secrecy. And the Paycheck becomes a big part of the picture here. These people are more then Satinist’s alright. Phycopaths are what they are. They have no emotions or feelings of guilt of any sort for Participating in this. The military is designed to exterminate people. Case Closed there. All you have to do is look back in your History. And that is not that far back. Start from desert storm if you will or go as far back as Vietnam. This will not stop as long as there are Greedy selfrightious people around that want to rule and squeeze money out of everyone to fatten their taste buds. How much fattening do they want? Well there is never enough to satisfy their taste Bud’s.
    It really doesn’t matter what we all do to try and combat the situation at hand because I don’t think we can. Or Can We? Tell more people. If that doesn’t work well make a C.D. up about what is going on. Hand it out. I’m not saying you can do that, but if you can it is worth a try. Write some letters in different envelopes. Put Big Letters on the Envelope saying Rent Money, lottery tickets, important must read or something to that nature. If all else fails keep a 2 by 4 handy and hit the person over the Noggin to wake them up. Only Kidding. But You certainly feel like that some time because it is frustrating. I just keep informing people in the grocery stores as I am shopping and bring it to their attention through their Belly’s. You have to eat and sometimes that works by explaining about GMO’s in the food. Once the person is interested you can mention the Geo engineering stuff and how they are connected. If they are interested at that time you mention storms and devastations that result from it. I almost give up. But then I got that 2 by 4 out and looked at it. I said no. That is not going to be self induced. So everyday I make it a point to inform someone, somehow about what is happening out there. A good one also is…. Everyone talks about the Weather…then you can say this …. Oh the Man Made Weather you mean. That might get their attention. Either way Good Luck.

    Never Give Up

  3. Like the wife who discovers her husband in their bedroom with a strange female in bed with her husband and becomes upset. Her husband calmly tells her; ” There is nothing going on here honey; are you going to believe your eyes ,or believe Me ?. Go downstairs while I put my clothes on”. The hubris of these psychopaths and our politics is simply astounding.

  4. Good article Howard.
    I think most folk who are now convinced that we are being regularly sprayed with chemicals went through the ‘ignorance is bliss’ phase. I know I watched the spraying for a year before I had to stop ignoring it and began to investigate and photograph it.
    We are sprayed most days in Scotland with some days worse than others. The 10th Feb was one of the worst this year….


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