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Where are we?

We are literally the concerned citizens of planet Earth, from countless nations, and represent and reside from within orders of magnitude more cities of our world.  Undoubtedly, many of us reading this are residents of the United States of America – resident on Earth of one of the relatively recently formed fifty, United States.  We are people living in mountain chalets and cabins, farm houses on plains and terraced hills, beachside residents and desert dwellers.  We occupy barrios and urban centers, checkered swaths of suburbs, forests and high plain deserts, yurts on frozen plateaus, and stilted homes and huts in river basins.

We are distributed and individual, but collectively, we reside on this beautiful globe we call Earth, named for us some centuries ago and known as “terra” in Portuguese, “dünya” in Turkish, and “barde” in Dutch.  We are distributed and many, investigating the current status of geoengineering here at Geoengineering Watch – a community of concerned citizenry and engaged researchers, advocates, activists and truth seekers, digesting current geoengineering information and made equidistant through the web from Mozambique and Mongolia, Manhattan to Mexico City, Malibu to Mumbai.  We travel the 585 million miles together each year in Earth’s orbit.  This is some of the literal – “where we are” – in prose and alliteration, absorbing the data, perspectives, and information regarding the phenomena we refer to as geoengineering.

Teacher with Her Young Painting Students

This is our context.  But, where are we?

We travel the web and research in pursuit of truth and find a world just tripping the celestial starting line of 2014 embroiled in deep and profound concerns – a world in radical upheaval.  We survey the horizon and see never-ending signs of war and revolution, social unrest that never ceases, and radical injustice.  We bear witness as marine animals die en masse and wash ashore on our planet’s beaches.  Algae blooms take over and suffocate our seas.  We see videos of birds lying dead in the thousands, limp on the ground.  We read of collapsing populations of bees and butterflies, crickets, frogs, and salamanders – species extinction rates that are mind boggling and numbing.

We are a click away from data on nuclear fision of multiple simultaneous meltdowns of material being released into our oceans and atmosphere – being cleaned up by unqualified personnel “recruited” from the streets of Japan.  437 nuclear plants are used worldwide to boil water for energy.  We watch as neighbors walk our beaches using geiger counters to measure exposure rates.  We don’t need to be Einsteins to see the folly, but nonetheless, we have his input:

“The release of atomic power has changed everything except our way of thinking … the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. (1945)” Einstein’s regret is a matter of historical record.  The benefits are enticing, but the data and analysis says the worst is yet to come.

We watch as our friends struggle to breathe through asthma attacks, our children fight diabetes, and families everywhere know the battle with cancer.  Pharmaceuticals have become an ordinary part of diet for the relatively “rich” in the developed world, and  inconspicuous for those suffering the easiest water born illnesses to treat among the radically poor.  We regularly eat food that has been genetically modified in a laboratory through gene splicing and DNA manipulation – the requirement of labeling these foods as “GMO” remains in dispute.

This is our context.  But where are we?

We are reading, learning, researching and reflecting at  GeoengineeringWatch.Org.  We read of NOAA global statistics on record temperatures around our globe, perusing documented and catalogued data from decades of scientific data gathering.  We are presented with irrefutable evidence of global warming.  Reams of material and data with expert commentary is presented of unparalleled glacial melt, methane releases, polar ice caps receding and thinning, and ecosystem response mechanisms in full bloom.  Historic drought and flooding cascading across our planet Earth is reported regularly, and artificial weather patterns manifest with SRM, frequency and energy technology we refer to with the “disarming” acronym “HAARP,” and aircraft painting our skies in death plaid.

The Carnicom Institute releases new data, on “new biology,” and digital photos and video microscopy of nano sized particulate, “fibers” – some unknown and seemingly conclusive evidence of a bio-synthetic life-form that now is being identified in not only human blood, saliva, and other systemic observation, but manifest in carrots and potatoes, calf livers… and the environment.

So, our “research” has us tipping our chins to look up to the sky.  There is a great deal missing in terms of crystal clear horizons, dramatic clouds, and deep blue skies.  In their place we have never-ending haze covering our vistas, criss-crossing patterns of aircraft trailing, and endless catalogues of pictures and videos of airplanes dumping chemicals and nano particulate into our atmosphere – into our outlying breath, the air we breathe, the very thin layer we share with every other living system, and what we understand to be the only survivable zone for sustaining life in the entire Cosmos.

And yes, there are others.   There are “those,” over “there.”  There are those we refer to as “asleep” – residing in some sleepy destination we can no longer access.  There are those we refer to as “elite” – those that live in “another world” of transcendent wealth and secret societies of secret agendas.  There are those who chatter on and wonder about whether we are in “global cooling,” ostensibly because they have snow in their backyard and a ship got stuck in the ice near the South Pole.  Yes, there are others – apparently not “here” – not with us – somewhere else – consistently towing a line that everything is okay, we need not worry, or to do so does no good, or that every premise has an argument.  And those in this “place” seem to believe that a solution resides in our ability to suspend every conclusion within a counter argument.  “They,” are “there.”  Most of us have a difficult time finding this place – most of us “here” wonder how one gets “there.”  But, this is a distraction – an illusion – a false mirage of “another place” that is not where we are, and empty of much of the complexity we have “here.”

Media fuels the fire of debate, too often from over “there.”  Many “truth advocates” and warriors seem to be too easily confused by political persuasions and anchored tethers.  The machinery of spin and lies is relentless.  The complexity is difficult to digest, and the questions always outnumber the answers.

This is our context.  But, where are we?

We are here – on our planet Earth, within our respective nations.  We are reading the prose and data from where we reside, getting “caught up” on our collective chemtrail reality, aerosol spraying campaign and geoengineering status, at GeoengineeringWatch.Org.

There seems to be infinite levels of context.  But the question remains: where are we?




8 Responses

  1. Excellent poetic intro, depth of info, and summarizati-O.

    Thanks for a great informative read that I will share with others. People need to know what our government and “the others” in power are doing to mankind. Love your website, too! As a follower of Jesus Christ, I appreciate your research, time, and energy in sharing this information with the world.

  2. For JM, the author, may I say this is beautifully written and poignant. Where we are is the biosphere, along with muskox, phytoplankton, ladybugs, snails and turtles. Most of us seek to live our lives without causing exploitation or being exploited. There are a few others with much more grand agendas. Are they us?

    Overall, we have more in common than what divides us. That is our strength. It is sad to know what is causing so many ailments and deaths. So many will perish not understanding why. We can hope for Divine justice, and we can tell others what we know to be true. If enough people know, the collective consciousness may make the difference.

    Thank you for a special commentary.
    Peace, Love and Persistence to All.

  3. Where are we ? A rhetorical question for those of us who keep talking to ourselves.Correct question should be : ” Who can we talk to and who can help us put an end to this Scheisse ?”. Your minister, priest, rabbi, Teachers, policemen, storekeepers, businessmen, doctors, military people…….anyone who is unaware of this activity should be spoken to. Stop preaching to the choir and do some missionary work. Car dealers, Dentists and any other persons you come into contact with. Start with several contacts a day and go from there. Man should not play GOD. Tell everybody you meet about this abominable activity.

  4. OMG – how perfectly structured work! Indeed it makes the reader think for a while “where we are” – Scary and sad reality.

  5. Yes, lets answer that question. Where do the elite stand on this issue assuming they are aware of it. My guess is that it goes like this. Ok son, here is the scoop, the earth is warming much faster than we stupid ego maniac scientists expected based on our flawless super models we created from our super computers. We are sooooo smart aren’t we. Pat me on the back son and then yourself too that you were born into such a smart and intelligent family. Ok, so now we are faced with the issue of mass extinction in a very short time due to the melting methane, radiation contamination or what have you. As such, we need to spray the skies with these nan-particles in order to try and extend some of the life on the plant for a while. Now, we know that this stuff is toxic and will kill and mame lots of plants and animals and people will also get ill too including possibly you. But we have the money and we can live great until it all goes to crap and when it really really gets bad, we can live underground for a while longer. So son, what do you think about all that? Do you have any other suggestions? No DAD, just try and keep us alive and prosperous until its over. Ok son, I will do my best along with all my stupid and ignorant other wealthy elite buddies. Until the end. see you there. There is no outcome other than when it will hit and how fast the rate of acceleration occurs, which will be semi-logarithmic in nature because all the data shows it is already going as 10, 100, 1000, 5000, 7500, 10000 type pattern, etc. That is unless and until the major event would happen. That would probably be the best for everyone instead of Kunsters (sp) the long emergency or a slow and painful horror as the world is witnessing. This was my best take on the issue but always keep trying to help and always search for you inner GOD, you’ll need him to help the others.

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