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I follow the “weather patterns” and study what they are doing before they get to you as they move east from the west coast. The Coachella Valley and Palm Springs airport is a large Geoengineering base, I know this for a fact. They built a new control tower with Obama stimulus money and moved in all new control tower people a few months ago.

I see the jets take off and start spraying the toxic metallic nano particles that they hit with Nexrad micro waves to control the storms. They have 158 Nexrad towers across the country, it’s not about monitoring our weather with Nexrad microwave beams, and, what it is about is controlling our weather, plain and simple! (Nicola Tesla was way ahead of his time, and all any one knows of is Thomas Edison) The technology is there and they are using it big time on a massive scale.  I have witnessed it hundreds of times with my own eyes and have thousands of pictures to prove it.



Here is just one of the jets, that I caught turning on it’s sprayers. Picture 305

Picture 306

Picture 307

Picture 308

2 Responses

  1. I am fully aware of what is being done to me and anyone else who lives under the chemtrail curtain and am disgusted that our representatives we send to protect all of our rights as human beings are not as outraged as those of us who inhale whatever is sprayed on us daily.Surley whoever is launching the chemical attacks on us have family’s or children and must realize what they are doing is wrong.There has to be a collective way to stop this madness if you know please clue me in.

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