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4 days ago I was doing my usual beat on the street and it was a great day!

I found an area where our city had to do some work on a red light signal which backed up traffic big time.

I was able to pass out many Geo Watch flyers and awakened a lot of people because of this.

At one point I had a nice couple wanting a flyer and the gentleman asked me at the same time “Does this have anything to do with HAARP?”

I replied, “Absolutely, it’s another piece of the giant puzzle.”

Then there were 2 air conditioning guys in a van that wanted a flyer and one of them asked,”What is this about?” It just so happened to be a ChemSky day so I pointed at the sky and said to them, do you see that milky white stuff that looks like clouds?

One of them said “yeah”.

I then told him, “Those are not natural clouds. Those are deadly made made chemicals being sprayed by jets.”

That’s when the other guy slapped his co-worker on the shoulder and said

“See, I told You Man!”

So I gave him a big thumbs up and told them “God Bless, my friends!”


I am having many great encounters with wonderful results every time!

If you try this you will realize that the positives always out weigh the negatives. That’s a fact.

Stay Safe and March on Geo Fighters!

Man On The Street.


9 Responses

  1. I totally agree.
    Some times I wonder if the sane are actually the insane ones.
    All the more reason to continue the fight!

  2. Whoa. Every time I talk Chemtrails, I get a glazed look, finger twirling by the ear, where is your tinfoil hat? response. So good onya! Maybe it’s just Australia, where people like to believe the best of things instead of the paranoia that Americans have rightfully become accustomed to. I have trouble getting people to “believe” global warming, here, as well. Even though we’ve had extreme weather, extincting species, bleaching coral, the lot.

  3. Great work Jason! Love your reports.. sounds like you are doing much good and having a nice time doing it. Making friends along the journey too- keep it up!

  4. I live in a small town and don’t have the guts to do what you do. I wish I did. But I have found another way to get the word out from watching free speech TV. Write on your money, look up, wake up, Google chem trails. Or anything to get peoples attention. Just think how many hands a dollar bill passes through. Keep up the good work! Thanks

    1. Great ideas Kim!
      Every bit helps.
      I was nervous at first, but it went away within a few mins. because people were honking, waving and giving me thumbs up!
      Right then I knew I was making a difference.
      We can and we will win this war.
      Bless you.

  5. It only takes “ONE” brave soul to wake up humanity. That is the biggest THREAT for the ruling ELITE!

    Thank you..

    1. One person can make a huge difference, I can agree with you on that Chris, but just think when millions upon millions will come together to demanded Geo Engineering to stop immediately! That’s going to really be something to celebrate about! I can see it now! A day marked on every calendar around the world!
      March on Geo Fighter!

    2. Chris,
      Have you noticed the ChemSky, but sometimes you don’t see chemtrails? It’s because the geo engineers have changed their tactics.
      They are now using what is being called Chem Bombs in conjunction with jets and ship on the water.
      Not like a bomb used in war with explosions.
      More like a roach bomb on steroids.
      Spread the word!
      God Bless you.

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