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This footage was taken in Sweden. More unnatural sky events, and people are so conditioned and distracted that they just think it’s ‘pretty’. Did no one study science and cloud formations in school? (I mean before they changed the textbooks.)

13 Responses

  1. Chemtrails day and night. A Moon that changes it’s face and an odd cigar shaped craft that disappeared before our eyes. Not to mention a Sun that seems more intense and somewhat whiter and lots of people with lung problems. Sometimes, I feel as though I’m going crazy, but a quick look at the Internet tells you the opposite. I’m glad we have the Internet.

    1. As far back as 2004 it was reported on mainstream morning news that the rates of lung cancer, in the first three months of that year had already surpassed the entire number of lung cancers reported in the following year, a huge, alarming increase and an obviously important story.  Yet the story sank like a stone to the bottom of the ocean never to be reported on again. We have had aluminum filled chemtrails fouling the air for over 20 years.  Naturally the rates of lung problems and cancer has skyrocketed.  Of course this info is not available on MSM.

  2. things are just as bad everywhere, I live in minnesota,u.s. On a clear day I can see billions of particles falling at ground level, at first thought it was light drizzel , not so

    1. Tonight I was outside and noticed in the light by my back porch, the same exact thing. My brother’s girlfriend actually came out and said “Is it snowing?” I thought it was a silly question considering it’s about 75 degrees outside, but if I would have seen it via video I would believe it. That’s how thick this stuff was. I couldn’t believe it. Does anyone know exactly what it is? Silver? A mixture of different things? Weird

    2. Also I forgot to mention, I put my hand out in hopes to “catch” whatever it was. I thought maybe possibly it was ash or something from a neighbor (we’re not allowed to burn here so not likely anyway) but when it sort of landed on my hand it was reflective, light reflected off of it. It was “sparkling”

  3. The elite of the world are slowly implementing the culling of mankind. This is why the Bible predicts all this. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are soon to ride. If you look at Matthew 24 the first half through verse 14. You’ll notice these are all things caused by man, or capable of men causing them. The rapture is soon, then wars and famine and earthquakes start in full. Three and a half years into the Tribulation then the Lord has his Holy Angels pour out the vials staarting right after the anti-christ goes into the Temple and declares himself God. Evil men will use Haarp, Chemtrails and ELF waves to kill man while they enrich them shelves all at the same time. If you don’t know Jesus ask for His forgiveness and confess him as Lord. The Days are short and eternity is long, choose wisely.

  4. Is I just me or as this been ramping up big time? Australia’s big blue skies are washed out full of fake shit….everyone s getting sick. Time is up dontcha think?

    1. This is one of those subjects I’ve been ignoring because of general overload. However, this summer I’ve been spending some time by the pool at my favorite resort and have become a chemtrail watcher. Skies start out nice and blue in the a.m. then the planes come with their trails, which do different things — some spread out quite a bit and become long whispy clouds. Ive seen little cumulous type clouds form where the trails intersect. This is over an Indian reservation that has sued the feds before for mining pollution. Think it would be good to make a solid case to the tribal council to start their education. Anybody want to help me put together a believable presentation for them? I haven’t gotten into the research materials, etc., but want to because this is really getting irritating! I have mentioned this to a couple of ppl at the resort and they looked at me like I was crazy, of course.

    2. Hey Un, There are several good presentations available on this site, that you are welcome to use. Flyers too. Glad to have you with us!

  5. Some incredible footage there, the colors are phenomenal. Amazing what happens when you get certain light reflecting through metallic particles.
    And to think we are breathing these next to invisible particles in??? No wonder peoples lungs are glowing with that harsh, dry cough.
    Thanks to the likes of Dane and the team behind this website (and of course many others, globally)maybe one day REAL SOON, we can see an end to this agenda.

  6. That is some of the strangest looking chemcloud formations I’ve seen. I’ve got some pretty disgusting photos and video of sunsets here in southern Ontario the last few months but those ones are pretty damning and obvious. People certainly are sleeping.

    1. I live on the coast in Oregon. Right on the Nehalem Bay on the Pacific ocean. I have hundreds of pictures from recent skies that blows my mind. The thing that blows my mind even more is NOONE notices!

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