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Monday Night Live

Monday, June 24, 8:30pm ET 5:30pm PT

Dane Wigington & Clifford Carnicom


at Globalskywatch.com

Featuring two of the most recognizable experts on Geoengineering and Morgellons


One Response

  1. Hi Dane, just listened to your Saturday program with Russ Tanner and the rest. Wonderful program, so appreciative of your being available to us as the resource you are. If it wasn’t for you, we’d not know what was going on and would be in the dark, just like those who actually choose to be. I’ve spoken with you the last few weeks on Russ’ show on Monday nights during the question and answer period, as well as a couple Saturday shows.
    I wrote to Russ about your comments today regarding the US dollar as the world currency, and how if we could stop the US dollar from being the world currency, we could bankrupt the printing presses and stop the funding of HAARP, geoengineering programs, et al. Here is what I said….

    Russ….another remarkable show. I wanted to note, but you couldn’t take questions, that Dane made an incredibly important point, that until we get the US dollar removed as the world currency, we won’t have a chance at stopping the printing presses that are providing the literal dollar bills being used to fund such programs as HAARP, the geoengineering programs, and the rest. What is intensely important for people to understand is the concept of the ‘petrodollar’. The US through the years went to countries rich in oil and made agreements with them, especially Saudi Arabia, that if they insisted on only taking the US dollar as payment for the sale of their oil, regardless who was buying the oil, then the US would provide military, security, and intelligence support to those countries. If you think about that concept, if a country, say China, needed to buy oil from Saudi Arabia (or whoever else entered into such an agreement with the US), and they only had their own currency, they in order to buy the Saudi oil, they first had to go to a bank and exchange their currency for dollars, and then they bought oil using US dollars. What this allowed the US to get away with is being able to flood the world market with US dollars, like we are doing now, and not have to worry about inflation (inflation is when too much of a certain currency is literally out being used in the world….the more actual dollars there are, the less each dollar is worth, so it takes more dollars to buy things). When we went in to Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, one of our main missions was to stop them from getting away from the US dollar as the currency used to buy their oil. Even under Saddam Hussein, he agreed to only take payment in US dollars for oil purchases from countries. That kept everyone needing to have US dollars to buy oil. If they could use other currencies to buy oil, then the US dollar wouldn’t be needed so much and countries would instead use a more valuable currency. I’ve read, and I’ll post the articles when I can, that Iraq, under Hussein, was going to stop using the US dollar as the payment for their oil. That would have had tremendously bad consequences for the US dollar. We went in, not for oil itself, not to liberate the Iraqis, not to take out Hussein, but rather to prevent them from accepting other currencies for their oil, which Hussein had planned to do. Once we went in and destroyed that nation, and that’s all we did (I’ll be posting another post here about the massively horrifying things we did to the Iraqi people, especially using depleted uranium in our bombs that has left most of the country a radiated mess that is causing thousands of terrible deformities in the babies born in radiation….an absolutely unacceptable thing, on a scale we can’t comprehend, and our ‘leaders’, who are rather managers, get on the airwaves and tell the sheeple how well we did in Iraq and how things are getting ‘better over there’), they signed an agreement shortly after we ‘won’ the war, to continue accepting the US dollar as the only reserve currency in payment for their oil The same thing happened in Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan, and now Syria, and soon Iran. Those ‘wars’ aren’t about routing out those evil empires, but rather the desperate need for the US government to force those governments to only accept the US dollar as payment for their oil. This goes with what Dane said….the problem we now have is that because we’ve decimated those countries to the point they’ve capitulated and surrendered their control of their own oil, our printing presses can keep printing, without worry about putting too many US dollars out in the market and causing inflation, and these bastards can keep spending on HAARP, geoengineering, and all the other programs that are destroying the planet. We need to help and inspire other countries to stop using the US dollar as payment. Then, and only then, will their be a big enough drop in the need for US dollars, that will be enough to cripple the government and their printing presses. China and Russia are now working deals with other countries to accept non-US currencies. We have to wait and see what the US is willing to sacrifice to stop them from taking down our government. Thank you for the show today….this information is getting out, and is being absorbed by so many people. We will hit critical mass in all this that will stop this BS for good. It will take time, and there will be massive casualties along the way, but in the end, we’ll be able to get to the new paradigm your host today talked about. This is real, this is now, and I’m damn proud to be part of this movement. Thanks for putting together such amazing shows that inspire us.

    Thank you as well Dane for all you do. I am fired up to be part of solutions in all this. Though we have limited time and the prospects are grim, we have now choice but to do things to counter what is going on. I am doing some good things in all this and am glad to be able to somewhat rub elbows with people like you and Russ in being able to find those solutions.

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