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Anyone who can watch this and still say that we are not being sprayed, is sleeping pretty soundly.

33 Responses

  1. i live in Greensboro, NC. They have been spraying here for years. I actually started documenting he times and date, but would give up because it was everyday and even at night. We have Carolina blue skys here, but no more. They spray, then after a while the clouds start and then the milky haze. The weather changes after that, but now we are dry. I have been outside and something wet falls on me from the sky. I have also seen little piles of fine rust colored powder on my car and on the ground recently. I've called the govenors office, the NCEPA and bitched and nothing happens. I tell people "don't you see those trails in the sky". People need to stop looking at their phones and look up. I am feeling dizzy now for 3 wks. Don't know if it's related or not.

  2. Sunday, October 26, 2014 was traveling southbound on I-85 about 3:20 p.m., saw plane near the exit for Concord Mills & Raceway (Exit 48 I think). The plane was letting off a stream of white smoke like substance for a few minutes. They covered area just a bit north of Concord Mills Mall. I can’t imagine what they would have been letting out. There is no vegetation close by.

  3. Have been researching related information and have come upon a serious concern. As this aluminum dust is flammable (it is used in thermite) as testified by the increase in severity of forest fires, am afraid that we are being forced to inhale these particles so that they will permeate our lungs with this powder; that these particulates may be ‘ignited’ by energy weapons, causing suffocation or painful death by instant lung damage from burning aluminum. Or more sinister, used as blackmail against the populations to control behavior of peoples.

  4. Does anyone know if “Inform Of Consent” is a true law? If so, It’s time to lay down the law, kick their butts and take names!

    1. Thank you for the link. It makes total sense. I’m learning something new everyday. This might sound silly, but would you happen to know what’s the least amount of citizens that needs to sign a petition and/or law suits to get them shut down and for good. If we can’t get the millions upon millions to help do this. Just a thought.

  5. Why are they doing this? What is the perceived benefit and to whom? If ‘they’ are trying to get rid of the masses how do they imagine that they will be immune to the effects? In otherwords, is there some antidote to this poisoning that is being developed for the elite? And their food crops?

  6. I think that getting the big wine grape growers, and all of the Organic growers” involved in California would be a big boost. Power in numbers.

  7. MORE and more people WAKING UP! HOORAY!
    We are closer to truth than ever before and cannot give up now. Is is our responsibility…and legacy.
    Thanks for posting the pics, vids, comments and articles.
    ‘One small step for man ONE GIANT LEAP for SAVING MANKIND and the PLANET!’

    1. I heard that there is a law called “Inform Of Consent.”
      From what I heard they are suppose to inform the people and then ask for their consent. I wonder how that’s doing? I bet 99.9% would say hell no!

  8. it continues unabated..here in costa rica the clouds are trying to do their usual thing, but now, as never before, dry quiet lightning is the norm. the trails are allways evident and the silver -white cover is intact and a daily occurance. this has increased here exponetially since i began my “study” in nov 2012. rain is hard and concentrated whilre the sun at times shines over the hill. most people do not want to be bothered.. but… as dane so truely states…we are running out of time…and not to be the doomsday prophet…i think it needs to stop…yesterday!!

  9. As an airline pilot, I can vouge for the fact, correctly stated in the video, that we have nothing to do with this. We just fly our routes, the same as was done before the spraying begin. Many pilots are actually just as asleep as the majority of the sheeple. They will make the same arguments that you hear elsewhere, about them only being contrails. Others are very awake but most of them are afraid to speak up, as it is an unwritten rule that nothing good will become of one’s career, if one makes a fuss about it. I can’t speak for the military pilots. I assume they are mostly aware, but have their hands tied, as well.

  10. Wilma is right! Remember… “Power concedes nothing without a demand” We must be a very loud voice in this. I have been trying to get people to simply LOOK UP, for some time now. I am going to send this web address to all my friends. I would like to know more about the upcoming March.

  11. I have been a constant observer of the skies since the notion of chemtrails came to my attention just 4 months ago. I am amazed at how many persistent contrails cover the sky in Seattle, where we rarely experience a clear blue day as it is. No one seems to notice this, or think it’s worth investigating. I have tried to communicate with my local meteorologists, as well as a pilot I know, to try to see if, as observers of the sky and weather, this impacts them, or if they even notice these contrails which seem to change our skies. The few responses I’ve obtained have been adamant that it’s simply contrails, and that the notion of chemtrails is a nasty myth being spread by misinformeded people. I honestly feel confused at this point as I try to remember back to the past to what the skies were like years ago – when I wasn’t doing much obervation. Do we simply have so much more air traffic and this is normal, or are we being sprayed, and with what purpose? I am amazed at the people I’ve pointed out the trails to who just aren’t curious and don’t really care. It leaves me feeling like the crazy one they probably think I am.

    1. CE Rest assured – you are not the crazy one. The media has done a lot of work and invested billions of dollars to assure that people accept this heinous crime as ‘normal’. People are so conditioned to believe only what media tells them to believe. For billions of people, if it’s not presented on television, it isn’t real. It’s shocking, but true. You are not alone. Keep doing your best to get this information out in a credible manner. When people have hard data presented to them in a clear, unemotional manner, many do eventually listen. Hang in there!

  12. It baffles my head to see so many people are so blind to this G.V.(Global Vandalism), even blind Freddy would notice, by the taste in the air, the dryness in the mouth, the dy skin as though your hands have been playing in cement dust.
    Fantastic website, keep up the great work.

  13. …ok…I live withing one town of the man I think made this….regardless if it is him or not…this is REAL….let me say again…REAL…my Doc told me I needed more Vit D…so I began to take 10 min walks in back yard. I have bad health and get headaches easily so I wear good sunglasses…I then could look around…11am….12pm…1pm…3…5…6…8pm…wow how sick I was when I personally saw this…I got my nephew looking…my brother…my wife…all said UNREAL…I always carry my HD cam and have 100s of videos and pics…all ready to be put somewhere…I saw…with my eyes…a jet at 4-6000ft run out of whatever he was spraying….I saw a puff puff…4-5 times…no change in elavation, etc….the jet flew off…I have pics and video….over my home here in Concord I have video of 4 jets spraying….they stopped then turned around and headed away…I mean folks this is REAL and sad…if you saw my videos you would know…it is like seeing I guess a UFO…and for no news….none….none that I ever hear except for radio…infowars.com….others…I am tired….trust me….this is >>>>REAL.

  14. This is just nuts. Is my assumption that the UN is behind this? Is this an excutive order or is it actually voted on??

    1. Roan, There are trails leading back to the UN, and our own government, yes. I encourage you to look through our list of documents and patents and reach your own informed conclusion. Thanks for being concerned!

  15. Why are they keeping this quiet? I just don’t get it. Obviously, they are spraying us but why the secrecy?

  16. Great video. Thanks for posting it and being part of the solution by waking others up. You are correct in saying life would be preferable not knowing this truth. I often times envy those who just don’t see it. How much simpler life would be to keep our heads in the sand. Then I realize that there must be a reason why some of us are awake. We all have a purpose and perhaps ours is to grow in numbers together to bring an end to this genocide. It makes me sick to see what is being done to the planet and all it’s life, but I also trust that good will prevail and these scum will pay a very heavy price in the end.

    1. If people would only stick together as a whole (the human species, the race that we all are) then we the people with many voices can create change. The ones in power can be defeated if we stick together.

  17. Looks familiar. But I can still remember what contrails and real clouds should look like. No one can tell me this is contrails or the jet traffic has increased or whatever LAME answer they think with will BELIEVE?

    No one can tell me there is no spraying going on. These trails don’t even look like moisture. They look more like smoke. The sun never got blocked by contrails to this extent and it would not have made a greasy ring.

    I don’t know, I just can’t tell myself something isn’t there when it is so obvious.

    I have been searching for the truth my whole life. Looks like the spraying of our atmosphere is about as real as it gets (unfortunately)….

    I think I speak for all of us when I say I would rather live my life without this truth. This sucks.

    1. “I think I speak for all of us when I say I would rather live my life without this truth. This sucks.”

      Karen, this is precisely why so many ordinary people refuse to listen or look at the evidence. If they know and acknowledge they know, then they can’t continue to live their lives as reality. Inevitably, if they acknowledge the poison in the skies, they wind up having to expose themselves to loss of their jobs, loss of friends who are tied to the power structure, expulsion from the social circle of acceptable acquaintances. Many are unwilling to take the plunge, regardless of the consequences to their children and grandchildren, and themselves.

  18. omg i cant believe this i mean i believe it but 🙁 how can this be this has been going on for a loooonnnng time and no one knew of this before this is terrible i cant even watch it because it breaks my heart </3 and this goes on everyday many many times a day everyday all over the world what and who is doing this , and why cant it be stopped!!!????

    1. You’re not alone in feeling that way Francine. It’s devastating. We need to do all we can to wake people up. As long as people don’t know what’s going on, the spraying continues, unchecked.

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