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29 Responses

  1. Facebook – sky grafiti above toronto.

    I’m really scared, and scared to put my name to anything i have young children and I see so many things above me that I don’t understand. Take a look at the photos I’ve captured. I’m not even outside all that much… I don’t want to even think about how much I’m not witnessing!

  2. I have been taping Geoengineering over our lumber yard for a couple of years. Not as much lately, just didn’t want to be out in it looking up and breathing the crap. There might be something to the theory of undefined what ever involved, because of a couple unexplained objects that have shown up in my videos. A stationary orb in one, and moving in another. During one of these tapings, my audio did not record the clip, and it was a very interesting cottage cheese looking sky. Something other than myself turned it off. After reboot it worked again. Thanks for all your work on this, and if I may quote you, the most important issue of our time.
    I found a radar app that on a clear high pressure day actually shows the Geoengineering trail, like it’s raining. Thank You Scott for all your work, I followed your posts a week before and right up to Sandy, you called it before and as it happened right on. It’s sad that we find ourselves at this place in human history controlled by psychopaths who have no regard for human existence.

  3. When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added
    I get four emails with the same comment. Is there any way you can
    remove people from that service? Thank you!

  4. Most interesting comment about why the spraying is allowed when they, their friends and loved ones are breathing it too.

    I wonder …


  5. Hi Everyone…I’ve been monitoring the spraying in the U.K. for the last few years & the program has been noticeably ramped up here in the last 6 months…Dane, your site is tops but realistically, no, I don’t see a good outcome to this madness…Too much of the population here on Earth ( not just the elites ) is on a very low evolutionary curve, & it’s always been this way…the natural beauty of this planet is deceptive, humans are seriously flawed beings, as were our ancestral creators…their legacy of self-destructive violence continues because the majority of beings that incarnate on this planet is always of a low-caliber…at this point, I’ve come to terms with my situation , that I’ve incarnated here during an extinction- event stage ( best-case scenario I believe, a C.M.E. ) & I’m going to make the best of a bad situation…unawareness, ignorance, cognitive dissonance, it doesn’t matter to the Earth…Good luck to the planet, I’ve enjoyed it’s beauty…. …

    1. Those who enjoy destroying life and love have nothing to live for but only one thing. To enjoy watching your death. However keep in mind you will be a victim of your own demise. And when you die your slow painful death you will drink the same kool aid as everyone else.

      You might get a small moment of clarity. That being you know you have done the wrong thing and have destroyed many lives. You have destroyed mother earth. By that time it will be too late and you will be reincarnated eternally to suffer more than anyone has ever suffered.

  6. Day’s before the tornado , out here in north California ,we watched at least fifty north to south chemtrails put in our sky for ten hours ! I emailed the Ok governor after the disaster , nothing covered or said in any media about chemtrails ! My own take on this massive cover up , The globalists will burn us and tornado us into their Mega-regions as planned ! Agenda 21 . Just as they did with the Indians through starvation to reservation ! They can be stopped !

    1. Yes, it’s a dire topic r&c. I’m so glad you ended with your encouraging statement. We must move forward in fighting this. I believe they’re counting on our complacency.

  7. Recently I went to a town hall meeting with our state representative. At the end of the session, I spoke directly to him and said that I believe that our government is no longer a democracy or republic, but rather had become fascist – government and corporations working hand in hand. I’m even seeing it in print. He looked at me and said YES, that this was a good thing – that fascism had gotten a bad reputation after WWII – that the definition of fascism was the “binding”- “coming together” for a better system. Really? For whom?

  8. Hi Scott,

    In this article,


    you state in regards to Hurricane Sandy: “When the storm is over, the repair work begins. That will serve as a way to “soak” the economy. Instead of announcing spending for an economic stimulus, Congress will be paying for repairs and mopping up after the storm. “It’s all about the rebuilding,” said Stevens. “It’s all about spending the money afterwards.”

    I don’t really understand that line of thought. I don’t understand why the government would rather spend millions on “rebuilding” or repairing so much damage as opposed to millions to assist the economy. What is the difference to them if they’re spending it either way?

    Thanks much.

    1. Hello Sel,
      I can not seem to locate Scott’s mail address, I think you might try “weather wars” as Scott is not actually part of our site. That being said he is a friend and I believe I know what he meant. It must be of course remembered that the gov is not here for the common good. If they just “give” one place money for improvements, then all want their part. If they create or allow a disaster, no questions asked.
      I have been at hard research on the geoengineering issue for over a decade and fully agree with Scott on this point, Sandy was steered into that location, I would bet my bottom dollar on that.
      Hope this is of some help.

    2. Because the corporate side of the government or the corporate part of “corporate Fascism” profits. They own the companies that benefit from Government ( Tax payer)
      assistance that repairs the damaged property and structures.

    3. RESEARCH UN AGENDA 21, ‘Wildlands project’ aka
      Wilding project, a part of 21. Forcing people off coastlines of all kinds for future tourists traps like the EU did. Its about the money but more ‘planet control’ from the master manipulators who hate people but more than happy to use them as their puppets and slaves.

  9. WOnder if you’ve seen this: US weather satellite GOES-13 fails few days before start of Atlantic hurricane season. Last year, GOES-13 was offline for about five weeks and returned just in time to monitor Hurricane Sandy as it began to affect the East Coast. GOES-14 was kept in normal operations and used to monitor Superstorm Sandy in parallel with GOES-13 before GOES-14 returned to standby status. The site is below. Very interesting. Almost like they didn’t want anyone else to monitor what was building up there???

    thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2013/05/27/us-weather-satellite-goes-13-fails-few-days-before-start-of-atlantic-hurricane-season/?utm_source=dlvr.it …

  10. Wow- thanks to Scott for that excellent tutorial on chemtrailing and the weathermakers. One can definately see the haarp waves and rings that resemble sand bars left by ocean waves when tides go out. I am 50 yrs old and have never in my life until recently seen anything like that in the clouds. Great information… How can meteorologists act like nothing is going on when they deliver the weather reports on tv? I live in Ga.and have noticed that some seem uncomfortable and almost sheepish as they try and act like the absurd weather that is going on is normal! Has anyone in other states noticed this in their area also? At first I thought I was just imagining it, but they are stammering and stuttering and seem stilted and uncomfortable to me as they make their weather report deliveries. Its hard to imagine that they don’t know whats happening- if WE DO!…

    1. I’m in TN and Admin post said there has been black chemtrails here; I haven’t seen those yet, but I am seeing strange black stuff on the plants in my garden and elsewhere on our land. I just discovered this a few days ago and am greatly puzzled. I’ll stay on top of this and post anything I find out here.

    2. I’m going to take a guess that it’s probably mold or fungus Wolvenwood. We’ve had so much rain. And California is in a terrible drought. Look at the Nexrad water vapor satellite loop: http://weather.cod.edu/satrad/# click on Quick links – Water Vapor Loop Look at that spot over California. Strange.
      I haven’t seen fallout from the black trails and I haven’t seen black trails recently. Keep your eyes open though, you’ll see them. I saw a lot of them during the winter.
      Do you have pictures of the spots?

  11. Guys the answer to the long standing question…”Why would the culprits spray the people, and breath the same air” Which confuses us.
    I figured out the answer.
    Humans are not behind this. That is the big cover up.
    Earth is about to change ownership.
    And your storm watch is accurate. The Canadian skies have been blasted with spray. The storms have been unprecedented. And an interesting point is the wind in Central Ontario the wind (strong gusty) has not stopped blowing since the middle of February.

  12. I have pictures of some green powder that has blanketed the NY Long Island area. Nobody on the news seems to be talking about it but it sure doesn’t look like pollen because days after rain is has been caking up on the streets and in puddles of water. How do I get the pictures out to you?

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