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The government has been spraying chemtrails for years, heavier all the time, yet they call the whole chemtrail hullabaloo “conspiracy theory”. We don’t do Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG), they insist. Get over it, they’re just contrails.

by Rand Clifford Intellihub.com May 1, 2013

It was Wednesday night, April 24, 2013, one day away from full moon. Under mostly clear skies, the brilliant waxing gibbous moon flew high toward the celestial meridian….

Here in Spokane, Washington, about 10:30 pm, two fresh chemtrails crisscrossed under the chin of the moon, creating a “skull and crossbones”—spectacular logo for chemtrailing. If only a skywriter had sprayed a headline to crown the scene, a certain motto…perhaps this line by Roger Waters from Pink Floyd’s The Wall:

“Mother should I trust the government?”

The government has been spraying chemtrails for years, heavier all the time, yet they call the whole chemtrail hullabaloo “conspiracy theory”. We don’t do Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG), they insist. Get over it, they’re just contrails.

So what about the Air Force training manual about chemtrails? [1]

Differences between contrails and chemtrails are dramatic. [2] And while all NATO countries are into chemtrailing, only Germany has admitted it—though they lie about what and why they are spraying.

Tacit justification for chemtrails is based on cooling Earth’s atmosphere by reflecting the sun’s energy. So what about nighttime chemtrails? The more you research chemtrail ingredients, the farther government designs blast beyond simple denial of spraying, into sinister crimes.

Perhaps a fair analogy of the simple denial: A federal agent is standing in front of you with a spray bottle, saying as he mists your face, “This is not happening. It’s conspiracy theory. Your face is not being misted. Trust me.” And there will always be people frightened by cognitive dissonance into convincing themselves that they are just getting sweaty…there’s a light drizzle…their face has reached the dew point….

Government by Contempt

Beneath the veil of sweet talk and tough love, utter contempt is the foundational sentiment Zionist-controlled politicians hold for the masses. Politicians not controlled by Zionists rarely get elected; those that stand up to the Israeli American Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) are usually unseated by AIPAC-funded stooges. And Zionist-controlled mainstream media (ZMM) manages public perceptions with such mastery to even hypnotize the masses into believing they are coming up with their own ideas.

Not to say ZMM always lies—they tell a lot of truth, backwards. For independent thinkers, gleaning truth from ZMM is easy, simply reverse whatever they say. If ZMM declares peace, that means war. If they say, “terrorists” they mean Mossad/FBI/CIA patsies. ZMM “news” is all agenda; Zionist-occupied US government is all about elite power. Ultimately, there are no laws, only power.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” – Amschel Bauer Mayer Rothschild – 1838

It’s popular to say that the US is the world’s “Superpower”. But the more a person understands designs of power, the more likely they are to realize that when it comes to power, the US is a colony of Israel.

Rothschild Zionism, Rothschild-controlled central banks (in every nation on Earth but Cuba, North Korea, and Iran), the “Federal Reserve System”, the “City of London”—such is where dominant power resides, at least in terms of psychopathic contrivance in a system hideous in light of humanity’s potential for decency, capacity for…humanity. At the very least, humans could do better than relentlessly allowing psychopaths to rule. Pathocracy, rule by people born without a conscience, it’s rule by people whose veneration for human life is generally encompassed by their own skin. Humanity has had millennia to figure out how to keep psychopaths from power. Abject failure in that regard has built up a situation where humanity faces extinction—or at least we face the threat of humanity becoming extinct, but not humans.

A rare step in the right direction: Absolutely ban from positions of higher power anyone clearly pursuing power. Complicated challenge, sure, but at least psychopaths have very reliable markers.

Power Elite

Contempt for the masses runs so deep in the elite largely because of what we commoners allow the elite to get away with. Is there no false-flag “terrorist attack” Americans will not swallow? Everything from 9/11…to the Boston Marathon with amputee actors wearing blown-off-leg prostheses. And besides not being shy about displaying their contempt, the elite seem to revel in being above the “law”. “Too big to fail” has metastasized to include, “too big to prosecute”.

The death grip on humanity of Rothschild-controlled central banking makes the “New World Order” seem inevitable. Many people consider the Georgia Guidestones’ message to be the written-in-stone Ten Commandments of the New World Order. [3]

“Commandment” number one of the Geogia Guidestones:

“Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”.

The inescapable question, or challenge, for the elite: How to exterminate over 90% of human population (roughly six billion people) without rendering Earth uninhabitable. The power elite’s death-and-destruction toolbox is loaded with such as Fukushima, nuclear war, climate disruption, full-spectrum pollution, GMOs, food additives, mass fluoridation, engineered diseases, vaccines…so many shock-and-awesome tools in just the toolbox top drawer. Chemtrail spraying is somewhat of a “Crescent Wrench”, a tool with enormous range of menace.

Researchers have identified many constituents of the witches’ brew routinely sprayed over us, a diabolical concoction containing:

Aluminum oxide particles, barium salts, barium titanates, ethylene dibromide, cadmium, methyl aluminum, desiccated human red blood cells, nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass, sub-micron particles (containing live biological matter), polymer fibers, unidentified bacteria, enterobacteria cloacal, enterobacteriaceae, mycoplasma, human white blood cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA), mold spores, bacilli and molds, yellow fungal mycotoxins, lead, mercury, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel, calcium, chromium, radioactive cesium, radioactive thorium, selenium, arsenic, titanium shards, silver, streptomyces, strontium, uranium….

In addition to adjustable menace, chemtrailing has apparently come up with its own signature disease. Morgellons. [4]

Zionist-occupied government is spending vast amounts of our money to spray us with witches’ brew, while the fed (Rothschild parasite disguised as part of the federal government) sprays the elite with fresh dollars charged to us at compound interest.

Natural predators take only what they need to survive, improving genetic integrity of their prey. Humanity’s psychopathic predators destroy what they need to survive.

Please consider the elite’s contempt for humanity in terms of what humanity might achieve if not being hounded by psychopaths. The elite subject humanity to continuous and vicious demonic predation, mutilation of mind, body and soul—then scorn humanity’s condition!

Doesn’t that seem…Satanic?

Some important questions during acceleration toward extinction of  humanity, perhaps, along with apparent answers:

Are chemtrails being sprayed over us day and night?  YES

Is chemtrailing considered conspiracy theory?  YES

Is the very term conspiracy theory a premier psyop?  YES

Do the masses have power the government/elite will do anything to keep from being focused—anything to keep public power from threatening elite power?  YES

Do you trust the government? ____





Rand Clifford lives in Spokane, Washington. His novels, CASTLING, TIMING, Priest Lake Cathedral, and many earlier essays are published by StarChief Press. Contact for Rand Clifford:  randoc@live.com

5 Responses

  1. clicked on the globalskywatch.com and it added a coma after the period which made it look like the website couldn’t be accessed or was down. i’ve clicked on numerous articles and have had issues with accessing the information. so anyone clicking on anything, if you have an issue accessing the site, try pulling up a new window manually and type in the site. namaste

  2. Very good article. They are spraying here every day and right now.I live in eastern Pa.south of the Pocono’s. I have seen them at night with a full moon and can see the colors in the chem clouds.If you wear polarized glasses during the day, you can see all the colors in the chem clouds when they pass infront of the sun. Tuesday May 7 the spraying was non stop all day long,one after another with little time in between. They even did circles here in the am and pm. I made a film and pics of this. It was by far the most I have ever seen since the first week in April, which at that time was the worst I have seen.I have been experienceing burning in my nose, small headaches, eyes feel bad in evening and think it is even affecting my ears.This past year the spraying has been ,so in your face, and a tremendous increase like never before.I have gone to my local state reps. office and have gotten no response what so ever!!! I am sick and tired of seeing and breathing this crap every day. Is there any kind of mask to wear when it’s really heavy out there?

    1. Hi Mike, The local officials are not going to be able to hide behind their denial tactics much longer. It’s getting out of control. If you go to Russ Tanners site globalskywatch.com He has some recommendations for a mask. You might ask him the same question. Hang in there and keep waking people up!

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