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Wars upon U.S. Food Productivity, Weighing Down infrastructure work/maintenance, the delay and collapse the work place, to continue the downward spiral of economic implosion. That is a shadow of the full Agenda that is being perpetrated upon us now. Here is Realtime and projected Maps, Forecasts, and recent events occurring during this now building event horizon… Starting with HAARP Maps and Its Forecast Intensification, and correlating Aerosol disbursal Forecasts…  

April 30, 2013 in Infowars


Here is a current map 2:00 p.m. 30/04/13: Showing Recent Earthquake activity…

Hum?…  As all conclusive data is over laid, we see activity where HAARP is Building.

Here is satellite imagery, time stamped, showing the currents in motion, building.

These are other types of data collection methods that show similar patterns…

Todays GeoEngineering Forecast Labeled ChemTrail Forecast it shows conductive Metals (Among other Disbursed Particulates) having been and being “laid down” in the upper atmosphere, with algorithmic projections of how they are moving both due to natural and steering methods created by and covertly run by Man….

Here is the online forecast for the coming storm and the recent heat wave…

Another blast of cold air will charge southward across the Plains this week, which will lead to more spring snow for Denver.

Denver had a high of 80 degrees, just 3 degrees shy of the 1948 record high for the date, on Monday. Temperatures will plummet behind a potent cold front Tuesday night into Wednesday.

In the future I will post realtime locations of the generic “HAARP” systems. Locations that when linked together act in symphonic rhythm with the orchestration of the massive sites heating the ionosphere and stratosphere creating a rebound of the frequency modulated, cycled wave energies. These are the tools of future war, it is, and will be “The Nuclear Age 2.0 Squared! This is the testing upon “We The People” a refinement for use in Eugenics! …


This is researched from multiple sources and assembled for your distillation. It is hopefully a catalyst which will enlarge the many peoples work which is being done for our survival. From weather creation and control, to mind control; this is being refined, using the earth and its life as a platform for control. That being the control of everything, and with that, over site of life and death! This is the goal of Tyranny, the aim of Globalization; it is EUGENICS!

For your consideration: Otter Walks on Two Feet…  Survive-All… 30/04/13

4 Responses

  1. What can I say, to busy to care? To unbelievable to be true? As I watched the main video in full then took my dogs for a walk, looking up at the sky, a wonderful day South of Seattle, WA, the trails are evident. Dispersed into a haze, and certainly not natural. Well most around me so far, are not too interested. To busy and interested in (other forms of entertainment) they say. This is not entertainment! I just emailed out a link to the main video presentation and a short comment to 20+ in my email list, hoping to get some to want to be involved. So, for serious persons in the Seattle area search me out, we will work together. Count me in
    Paul Fantin
    Seatac Wa

  2. Greetings, Apologies… There was no time to edit this article and “English” is not my first language… Excuses-excuses… If possible, I will edit the post? It came with an urgency; Generally, there is time to refine… This is not the best written as is, and it would be clarified if it could be edited. Please read between the lines,or know that I am not well versed in computerese, nor was there time to refine this research… Thank you all that helped connect the dots. I believe the essence and the proof lies in the History… It has come to pass, and the next R&D is to come; that is apparent… I am truly at a loss at how to cover all of the agenda that is in play. It is overwhelming, the layers, the redundancies, the time that we were in the dark, and are now playing catch-up. Maybe we should now be working toward negation of the permission to employ such “Technocratic” systems… There has to be a way to expose the Truth so as the “Silent Majority will no longer allow such experiments. Is there a future beyond the next few generations? For it to “Be”, we must work. Despite the inherent dangers… Dane Trail Blazer is on the front line, I hope to have his “Six”… Be well… Survive-All… Awareness is Preparedness… 05/05/13

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