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Eight dead doctors, 5 missing, what is the common connection. MSM distracting the public as usual. Presidential post only a prop in the play. Chinese currency devaluation continues. “Quantative Easing”: Just printing more money. Markets – including gold and silver – are completely manipulated. Weather warfare used to punish countries that don’t submit globally. Breaking Records: Temperatures 120 degrees in the middle east. ISIS funded by the U.S. Climate engineering is the single most important issue we face today. Dementia death rates soaring, connected to aluminum: a “hidden epidemic”. How to get involved.

4 Responses

  1. This Guy named Anonymous is telling you the truth. So the sooner you wake up the better off you will be. Hacker 's are there to protect you.
    From Covert Gov'ts Shitt!!!!
    do respect them!

  2. I would like to add that everybody should contact their dnr, forst service and all local governments, Be the buzzing in their ears.
    In wisconsin we have had a sticky residue fall on everything for 2months, sandy, and sticky.
    I was hoping it was fallout from all the fires out west and in canada. Hoping it isnt something new they are adding to their toxic mix.
    I also noticed this on all plants, as a black stain.
    The deer that I feed (20) should not be eating corn this time of year, all sorts of berries and clover everywhere here.
    They didnt eat corn this time of year in years past.
    Now standing in my yard waiting for me to come spread vorn. Weird they are choosing corn over berries and maple leaves, and whatnot.
    They dont seem to want the natural food .
    What is falling out of our skies lately.
    Would also point out the ALARMING DIE OFF OF TREES HERE.
    its verrrry apparent. Thin tops, small ugly leaves and allout death. 20% dead, 3 kinds wiped right out. One tree only ( white pine) is looking alright.
    Maple— thin and ugly
    Cherry— all dead or at 10% leaf cover
    Spruce—mannnnny old groth already gon, rest sickly
    Oak— the mighty oak is a frail shadow of its former self, 20-30 % of sickly leaves and no acorns
    You all get the picture
    As a 59yo outdoorsman, living in small town all my life I am scared shitless for u all.
    Its collapsing much faster then I would have thought and I wont mention all the missing bugs that are gone

  3. Speaking of that algea bloom, we are seeing the effects here in southeast alaska. Im trolling for salmon, trying to pay my bills and im barely paying for fuel. Southeast trollers this season are catching 1/4 of what normally is caught. A friend of mine that has lived in southeast his whole life (60 years) and has trolled for decades thinks that maybe most of the salmon havnt swam into the inside waters yet because the water off the coast is so warm. The pacific is warmer this year than in all recorded history, most likely in all human history, and so he hopes that maybe the salmon are staying off the coast in the warm water and will move in a couple weeks. We can only hope, or else the alaska economy and families will not make it and even worse, neither will our environment. Fish and game and everyone expected this season to be a great one, big catches and one for the record books. Instead its the worst anyone has seen, since the 70's. Seiners are making 1/5th of what they normally do. Its very weird. We will see what the next month brings. Thats all we have of our season. Im scared that if they dont come in this year and this continues, then the southeast environment and economy will collapse. Salmon is a staple here. They say thats why the big trees grow along our rivers, because of nutrients from rotting salmon. Our trees are 2nd to redwoods. Without salmon we are done. What do u think about the unprecedented  rising North Pacific temps and effects?

    good luck dane and keep up the fight!

  4. Can't let a great show like this one go uncommented upon.  Everyone in this struggle is an inspiration to me, and a comfort.  Dane, I think it is good that you are stressing the reasons for not using the term "chemtrails".  I probably fall into the slow learner category, but for a long time I thought that was just a matter of providing less-than-desirable search results.  It's difficult to correct someone whose heart is in the right place when they say "chemtrails", but obviously it needs to be done.

    As for the more covert spraying, that is the case here in Norway, but there is a significant difference still in the look of the skies.  Also, the fact that one can never see a clearly defined shadow, even on so-called sunny days, gives away the fact that there is spraying going on.

    Now I shall vent a little.  The heat wave that has been wreaking havoc across the world, including causing deaths in Europe, is moving north to Scandinavia now.  What does the Norwegian press say?  "Enjoy it while you can!"  As if it were not a symptom of deadly serious problems, as if it had not killed people, as if it were not the worst thing possible environmentally, as if there were no need to mention it in connection with an ice-free Arctic (they didn't).  Nope, just an excuse to rush out and have a beer in the park with buddies.  Aargh!

    I find it very difficult to get anyone here to care in the least about this issue – perhaps because I am not Norwegian, but I think, too, that many people are too busy enjoying the riches that oil-drilling has brought them.  But as the oil money dissipates, so too will the complacency.  So… on with the struggle!

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