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Setting up a better system; reaching more people by rebroadcasting on a major northern California radio station. Largest event taking place in northern California. Greece fails as the environment collapses. Fallout from fires. Loss of 75% global biomass. Global plankton down 50% to 60%. Global wildlife down two-thirds. If the spraying stopped today, what would happen? How to get involved.

9 Responses

  1. The truth is that those in Power continue to "play their violins"and we still "dance" at the sound of their "music"in this sinking "Titanic" that is our world / planet. We need to change our relationship(of fear ,subservience etc) with our world leaders ,big corporations and money or not a thing will change in this world never. look at Greece!look at  the power of money !Greece got isolated when prime minister Tsipras tried to not dance at  "the sound of the same music" we all  "dance" in the world . … the fear for a financial collapse is always ahead of any other unavoidable  decisions needed to be taken sooner or later ,it is just the policies of gaining time and leaving the hardest decisions to the end or for when there´s no escape or other solution (when probably is already too late ) ,the same happens with the halt of geoengineering …One day they will be forced to stop by our declining/ collapsing world !Meanwhile politicians and economists  continue to talk about economical growth , industrialization , pensions etc. as if the planet resources were infinite .Totally Insane! no matter if we have 5 years ,10 or 20 this civilization have their days already counted and the collective blindness is governments  first goal in their agenda !Even the "doomsday" seed bank  in svalbard (norway-Artic) is in the "hands" of the same People you talk about :Rockefellers,Bill Gates,Monsanto etc.I saw this link in global research and it´s amazing all the connections between all these giant corporations :     http://www.globalresearch.ca/doomsday-seed-vault-in-the-arctic-2/23503


  2. July 10, 2015

    Today, as heard at KQED 88.5 FM in the S.F. Bay Area, on National Propaganda Radio, er, NPR, "they" were quoting folks at NOAA who are saying that we have a very strong El Nino pattern developing in the Pacific Ocean, stronger than last year's certainly, and we may even need to brace ourselves this winter for lots and lots and lots of water– let's wait and see.  If this is some kind of Announcement From On High, let's everyone get water catchment and storage systems in place, because we'll probably go back to Business As Usual, at least until Gyorgy Schwartz, er, "George SOROS," can fly all his minions out here to swoop up all the farm land for pennies on the dollar, just like He did in the Midwest after all the terrible flooding, then plant everything up with Monsanto (translated: "My Saint…" Lucifer, perhaps?) generated aluminum-resistant seeds.  Wonder how that will go over in the land of nuts and granola– probably just like a lead balloon.  We Californians should be prepared ahead of this possible outcome and "OUT" Schwartz (that's his real name) & Co.  Haven't we all had quite more than ENOUGH of his insane "color revolutions" and other manipulative scheming maneuvers by now?? 

  3. Hello Dane and the lot of ya! Yesterday was pretty harsh in illinois one of the worst ones ive seen for a while (maybe due to constant cloud cover..) So i came a little unglued on FB, but with purpose  and disclosure, and i did not get a bad response (who knows the reasoning of this, but its good, furthermore almost no males paid much mind to it, interesting), I will paste the post. I was blatant in the sky so i took the oppurtinity, Zack and i are in this fight together nd in the same town.Beenfreinds since gradeschool, anway here it is hope you check it out and hopefully it will raise your spirits for a moment!.. fyi, its a lot. I started with something i discovered recently that may somehow turn on a light relating to them, and get them to spread word…

    take a few to read through this! I did the research myself, and i challenge you to do the same. I'm putting "chemtrails" to rest after i explain even Canton has the capacity to release chemicals among its people. I got this from Cantonillinois.org.. They have been spraying us with this since 2003, now how does one avoid droplets they cant detect with senses? they don't. We absorb this stuff weather you like it or not, and nobody seems to care. They claim it is harmless yet this goes on thru-out the whole city, this stuff doesn't instantly hit the ground, it moves in the air. I called the num below and asked, they replied, ' they pull a machine mounted on a trailor through the town that sprays'. The ledger claims the town is well aware of this, but since you or i had no idea, its obvious it was a twist on the truth. This is from a Canton city meeting..JEAN-MARIE KAUTH- MOSQUITO SPRAYING
    Jean-Marie discussed the hazards of mosquito spraying. Jean-Marie’s daughter died from what
    is believed to be from the chemicals used during mosquito spraying.
    There is a misconception that if a pesticide is registered with the EPA, it is EPA approved.
    However, pesticides are not approved by the EPA; they are registered, and registration does
    not necessarily mean that a pesticide is safe. On the contrary, the EPA cautions that pesticides
    by their nature are inherently toxic and can severely affect children’s health. Further discussion
    took place regarding the hazards of mosquito spraying…….
    Find the lies for yourself, this is from the ledger….The City of Canton will begin spraying in their effort to reduce the mosquito population. This is a proactive approach and no cause for alarm, according to city officials.
    The spraying will begin at dusk Monday, June 30, and will follow the garbage route schedule. Due to the July 4th holiday on Friday, that route will be sprayed along with Thursday’s on July 3.
    The spray is administered by an ULV (ultra low volume) machine which puts out fine droplets of Natural Pyrethrin, an adulticide with a low level of toxicity that is proven to be a safe and effective way towards elimination of many pests, including mosquitoes. The city does recommend that even with the low toxicity, that residents avoid direct contact with the spray.
    For more information on the product used and spraying schedule, contact the Public Works Department at 309/647-5022. In case you don't know. proactive means to take action in attemp to prevent a plausible outcome. so there is not and has not been a problem, but they feel necessary to spray for 12 years consecutive.. ok.. So this is real, and so is geoengineering, tired of the bs rumors ill look it up for you…a simple google search tells all, they dont even hide,I PLEAD YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG, I DARE YOU, cause youll only find the truth..from my google search-"Climate engineering, also referred to as geoengineering, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climatic system. See planetary engineering. Climate engineering with the aim of reducing global warming has two categories of technologies- carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation" direct quote from googles explanation. management.http://www.google.com/imgres… is the link to the pic google recently updated along with the quote from the search above. For real you all need to know what IS REALLY GOING ON, with enough people we can do something.And if you still dont give a fuck, go togeoengineeringwatch.org.. I hope i did the right thing by taking it to the book, kind of couldnt help it, hopefully it will brighten your day to know not one person challanged it. We can only hope this is because they can't deny it to themselves.

    1. Also Dane, I was wondering if and how one would be able to hear your broadcast here in IL, Thank you for starting this wave!

  4. The immediate problem is going to be like pulling out a nasty, toxic, poisonous, invasive, stinking GMO-modified weed– you need to have support in place before you start yanking and hacking it out by the roots, i.e., a much more enlightened military that actually understands what's going on, who should understand by now, after over sixty years of this insanity, just how homicidal maniacs are at the root suicidal maniacs.  To spell out, the continuing actions of a mindless, heartless, cowed and mute military in going along to get along with their "superiors" is in fact already affecting them as it destroys their (yours and mine too) life support system, the planet itself.  I don't think that everyone in the rank-and-file is that stupid.

    But humans are only good at solving short-term problems, and the much longer-term problem is how we are going to start raising kids on Earth to be aware, mindful, care-ful and able not only to take the truth but tell and live the truth.  The first commandment really needs to read THOU SHALT NOT DAMAGE OR DESTROY THE PLANET ON WHICH THOU LIVEST AND FROM WHICH THOU RECEIVEST LIFE.  ALL of the "sky god" religions have completely lost track of this most fundamental sacred truth and have been perpetrating a several-thousand-years brainwashing program attempting to hide it, but when you don't, there are predictably sure consequences.  It is changing but the animal needs faster legs, we have "too little to late" especially from Christianity, and you have to go to the indigenous peoples to find the old wisdom which is actually always up-to-date.  The current "religion" of Western Industrial Civilization is "Science," we've put our faith in the "scientists," the priests and ministers, and their "holy trinity" consists of Money, Power and Control.

    Great work, Dane.  We hope to see posted soon the information about the new radio show (times and call letters).  I'm sure the new venture would be in line to get quite a bit of funding if there's also a way to donate towards the cause online, crowd-source funding efforts, etc.  I have a feeling that opening up these channels will be like opening up a significant crack that you've talked about. 

  5. Thank you Dane for all you do! 
    violence isn't needed to beat these people. it is a willingness to say NO. a willingness to stand firm and refuse to cooperate. a willingness to resist and stop working for it. stop feeding it. stop obeying it. stop taking money from it.   a person cannot defeat it by becoming it. 
    what we need is cleverness. imagination and ingenuity.
     Violence is the hallmark of those who spray us and those who drop bombs on the heads of others. it takes little to no intelligence. it is brutality. it is the same mentality of those who think dropping toxic waste on the globe is a way to ''save'' it. time to stop repeating the same mistakes expecting different results. learn another way to exist. 
    Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.–Thoreau 
    ''Wars will be stopped only when soldiers refuse to fight, when workers refuse to load weapons onto ships and aircraft'' –Arundhati Roy
    This chemical warfare will only end when soldiers and others refuse to cooperate with it. refuse to do it. refuse to make the chemicals. refuse to load them. refuse to fly the planes. i hope that day comes soon or there won't be much left. 

  6. July 7, 2015:  Nearly non-stop spraying here in the north Bay today– weird wispy mare's tails, with lots of fog just over Bolinas Ridge/Mt. Tamalpais.  The grit is very, very fine and gets into everything– I have had to replace all the windows and doors in my 1948 house in order to live here comfortably and I'm still not completely convinced I can stay here overnight without being startled awake and have to go to the ER for lack of ability to breathe– is it any wonder that anyone so affected (yes, it affects me many other ways as well, health as well as pocketbook) would also be carrying a very heavy load of rage against the people perpetrating this heinous crime?? 

    YES, we need to get the military on "our" side– as if they somehow officially no longer do not– well we know that's backwards, because that means that the military is not protecting the real interests of the American people (and would the latter actually include military personnel??)  Rhetoric aside:  So, if the military is innocent of knowledge as to what these programs are actually doing, then WHO is lying to them (their superiors), and whom do THEY (The Liars) take their "marching orders" from, because I think we all need to know who that would be, exactly– chemical company sales reps?  The Federation of American Scientists? Ken Caldeira?  David Keith? WHO is telling the top brass of the military that they need to spray us and it's necessary for "national security," or whatever– ?  These are just questions.  But questions look for answers.  Exposing the truth (finding the real answers) is The Thing.

    1. Hello Dennie, military personel certainly know what they are involved with, but they are being told the programs are for the overall good which could not be further from the truth. There are of course many in the military that know exactly what they are doing and why, these types need to be put on trial. As for the rest, we must awaken them to what they are a part of.

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