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“White Bark Syndrome”. Mainstrea media disinformation a “circus of distraction”. The public does not know about the imploding world economic and ecological conditions. Impending environmental collapse caused by ongoing geoengineering programs. UV intensity burning leaves; people feeling the sun’s intensity. Food-fish population down as much as 90%. China GDP plummeting. China building ghost cities. Keeping the facade of economic health alive. How to get involved.

5 Responses

  1. Thank you Dane for the response. Does this radio station have a website where we can listen to the broadcast Live or is this an old fashioned terrestrial radio station? I live in SW Florida so If it's just over the air radio, I'll have to wait until you post the radio show on your website.

    1. Hello Rodster, I am still getting a feel for how KQMS operates, but the saturday show will be posted on geoengineeringwatch.org under the “radio” section later today if all goes well.

    1. Hello Rod, there should be a link to the new Saturday show which is completely different that Tuesday night show. You should be able to find the link on KQMS Redding Cal. 6am to 7am show “Global Alert News” I appologize that I do not yet have the link handy to attach.

  2. Re: Serviceperson who thinks: "If it's going on, the government must know what they're doing it and it must be for our own good." 

    I wonder what percentage of the total of military service people think this way?  My guess is that the results would show either a microcosm of the general population or, due to the demographic's need to follow totally insane orders, such as chem spraying and other such abuses of authority, it would be rather more than what we'd like to see. 

    Well, we have illegitimate parents who beat their children, and worse, rationalizing that doling out the abuse and certainly being on the receiving end of it is okay because "it's for their own good."  This is an example of child abuse turned right into Societal Stockholm Syndrome if I ever heard it. 

    I like to think about printing out those glossy flyers, then wall-paper a few church parking lots while everyone's in service on a Sunday– that'll wake 'em up and get 'em talking at coffee hour, or should!

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