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Radical changes are coming for all of us. What is the “kill-them-all” mentality? How can anyone believe the official 9/11 story? Ignoring our current reality is no longer acceptable. Congressional staffers know the spraying is happening. Snow in San Diego while northern California in mid 90’s. Short trails are chemical aerosols too. Is toluene being sprayed? How to get involved.

6 Responses

  1. It's amazing to me how far behind the curve the medical community is.  They think you're "delusional along Axis I" if you come in complaining of symptoms that are those of classic acute barium poisoning (yup, that was me back in 2010).  Where WERE these guys when they gave the section on Toxicity and Poisoning at medical school?  Aren't the medical schools teaching that kind of stuff any more?  I think the physicians at Kaiser are the stoopidest of them all.

    We had heavy spraying here in the Bay Area last week, June 15-18, 2015, big white trails all over the place, then towards the end of the week I noticed that the sky looked orange-brown, a brown haze settled all over everything.  Then it got colder.  Today was clear mostly, with almost deep-blue skies, with just a light white haze, the fog is going away, there is no wind and it seems like it's going to be hot again tomorrow. 

    The SOONER we can STOP the insanity, the better.  The Ones Doing The Spraying NEED TO WAKE UP NOW.

  2. Listening to the caller who discussed the strawberry farmer story was encouraging. I thought I would share another story and discuss the difficulties in enlightening people of the issues.

    The other day I was in the clinic (check up) and engaged in small talk with a nurse. The first thing I notice about people is their communication style. She was overly outgoing (very friendly and talkative) and a little gossipy. When she brought up farming and the weather (it was overcast and had lightly rained that morning) I mentioned that having recently moved from the West Coast and the ongoing drought conditions, I was very conscious of the lush green countryside and appreciative of how much water there was in this part of the country. I went on to mention I had grown very concerned about climate change and had noticed (because the midwest was not as impacted by drought) that climate change issues didn’t seem to register here. I mentioned that I would hike and sail on the coast and that the sailors on live aboards had pointed out the changes that were happening now with marine life. I told her for more than a decade, I would regularly visit tide pools and was shocked by the reduction of life I was seeing there. I mentioned a die off event that had swamped one of the marinas with dead fish (tons of floating fish) and that when I started researching this it turned out this phenomenon was occurring worldwide. I asked her if she was aware that they had shut down all commercial fishing of sardine along the entire West Coast. She wasn’t. That it was estimated that 1 out of 3 pup seal were dead and the remaining populations were malnourished and struggling to survive. I didn’t mention that I had read it was now estimated up to 70% of the current pup population had died effectively wiping out an entire generation of seals.

    I then mentioned watching the documentary “Chasing Ice” and how glaciers were visible retreating (melting) world wide. She got serious and said our discussion was frightening her. I told her it frightened me too but because I was viewing and seeking out information to better understand what was going on with the climate it allowed me to make better life choices. She then told me her husband was watching documentaries and had voiced his concerns to her but she had been tuning him out because it was emotionally draining. I told her I sometimes found it draining too but realized it was better to sit in the drivers seat and have some control over the destination than to go along for the ride. I thanked her for having a serious discussion because it certainly wasn’t expected. She told me she had felt for a long time that something was not right with the world and that she was going to look into some of the things we discussed. I can’t be sure but I think the nurse will be much more receptive to discussing these matters with her husband.

    It’s sad to me that people are afraid to question the paradigm but they are. There are so many stories about friends and loved ones fighting and tuning one another out. I don’t think this has to be the end result in most relationships. I was concerned about this and spent months learning as much as possible, had a laptop loaded up with videos and documents to provide verifiable evidence and met one on one with family members. Because we understand the issues, we assume others should make an immediate shift and accept reality. I believe this is unrealistic. I think a better approach is to imagine you are teaching someone to play an instrument. Patience is needed. They need to learn how to read the notes (find reliable sources of information, understand the terminology) and how this corresponds to playing the instrument (register what they see going on with the science so that they can make sense of what is happening as conditions change).

    This was a long post but I felt compelled to write it because people seem to be frustrated and upset at being rejected for speaking the truth. Don’t give up. Learn to hone your skills. I am encouraged because I can see that there is an increasing amount of momentum and traction forming worldwide. Having people like Dane and Russ who provide good sources of information with regular updates is critical and effective. I’ve never called in but am excited to hear new listeners getting through on the radio program and telling their stories. This indicates to me that GeoEngineering Watch is making a significant impact. Not everyone can put together a good website or run a radio show but we can learn the facts, hand out fliers and engage people one on one.

  3. How to change this kind of mentality if people  still believes in the official story about 9/11 and  believes about all other oficial stories those in Power sale to them ?I think geoengineering in our skies is not only the white trails that people refer to,maybe the trails are  the more visible  but they spray black smoke or dust too and i can´t see  natural clouds as some people talks about cause i always see some kind of white haze near those clouds and even in a  looking clear blue sky the planes disappear and appear again sudenly like magic in that suposed "blue " clean  sky .I think we have an artificial invisible permanent spray cover in our sky everyday that in some parts of the sky is more intense than in others wich might  cover the planes making them invisible for some time .In my opinion we are totaly enginered in our clima and in our world. we live in a total lie about our world.

    Planes with short trails are so many in the morning like if they were small shining comets at the sunrise  and it looks very suspicious to me …very strange how "inofensive" contrails are many times near planes spraying big persistent trails and that are so many now and not a rare thing anymore

    I´ve seen a lot of internet sites where people  say these people ruling us are not humans but even if they were not the fact is that they die and rot like us so they are as mortals  as we are .To be a fair fight we would need our  own  TV station for us to be heard cause people create their own idols and "Gods" from nothing(even from the most brainless and empty people in the world) and just pay attention  to famous people talks …The power of social Media ,marketing and of Image  is too big and those in Power know it very well…or will we have to be submited forever to a mainstream Media  that also kind of rules us by helping to spread the lies of the criminals in Power and distracting us with the most futile issues?…if we want to be heard we need to use the same means  they have of spreading their propaganda or we will have no chance against such a well ochestrated distraction from reality that is our society and social Media. Everytime you inform ,they desinform with a mix of true and false statements to confuse people!…even scientists are submitted to those in Power and fear for a  career or a pension in this society where  Image and cheap talk is what counts and they prefer to call  what they see  in our skies as normal "contrails" or the "flying spagetti monster "  .And Unfortunatly no  MSM  reports this geoengineering issue in a serious and impartial way ,they also pretend to be blind  and that are  not seeing anything unusual  in our skies…unfortunatly Media in general is just one more tool of power structure!

    People believe more in Power structure  than  believe on reality in front of their eyes .People are so infinitly blind and stupid that as you ´ve said : they believe those in Power  are doing this for our own common  good .I´ve  talked with someone that "believed" in  geoengeneering already in our skies but that thinks they are protecting us from the sun and from global warming !people seem to not see or  to believe in   the whole  picture ,seems too odd to them …and they can´t realize the consequences and the expectable breaking point  sooner or later of a geoengineered world with its artificial clima .People in general have no idea about what geoengeneering really is and the wide number of things that can be donne with it  to even dream about the big impact of geoengeneering in our world and in  our lifes .I think People in the western world still look at people from other regions  already living the tragedies of a silent colapsing world and a desperate controling Power as very distant thing  from them! They can´t see that soon will be their time.Those in Power  are delaying  as they can  by sacrificing first  other countries with wars ( wars made by them).There can be anything more blind than people that think that those people of those countries are the real problem ? They were caught in a war because of the interests of just a few and they became the ones to blame ?How cinical our world is ? how cinical we all are? that´s because of this willfull Blindness that  9/11s and snowdens/manings  cases ,fukushimas ,terrorism  ,all kind of wars  etc. will be  happening right in front of our blind minds (not blind eyes) till the total colapse of our civilization …Why Army/police/populations   still obey their hypocrit leaders ?Why we all  still submiting to them ?We are very stupid i´m afraid! cause their Power comes from the energy and life that they suck from us everyday of our lifes !

    Sometimes i think they screwed all the planet and that now are trying to keep as much people as they can in silence and are preparing  for worst with their underground facilities .I don´t know how they pretend to keep these geoengeneering thing and planes on air forever ? or maybe  the colapse has already a date and hour scheduled once that they control everything including the weather  ? maybe "forever" means as long as the planet and all life on Earth can stand all the poison they are dumping on us !we are in the hands of the worst kind of liars and criminals and unfortunatly they seem to be too many in the most various diferent positions of our societies! and unfortunatly many people can´t make the connection between their health problems and these substances being sprayed everyday in our skies…




  4. In regards to the issue of people having nasal problems, or say they can't get rid of the "cold" they have had for months; EVERY time I hear someone mention this or the fact that they now have allergies, whether I know them or not I give them a flyer. It is a very easy entrance, I have to tell you, it's not a cold or allergies, look into this; hand them a flyer and walk away.

    I hand out flyers to people in the drive thru's, gas stations and anywhere I get the "look" that says I'm open. You get real good at picking out those who would be interested, just by making eye contact.

    Things are so far gone, everyone knows something is wrong; use that as an in to discuss or pass on info. EVERYONE knows something is wrong, whether or not they are aware of geoengineering; give them truth to connect to the "something".

    I am no longer afraid of passing on data, I speak with the absolute confidence of one who knows the truth. As crappy as it makes you feel, know that the truth is, it just is. No apologies, and absolutely NO FEAR. Speak as though your life depends on it, it does.

    Best, Dennis

  5. Rinse water that collects in the tray under my drying dishes, is putrid within a few days.

    It stinks too !   People continue to drink this toxic water.

    I have mentioned this to many people, and they just dissociate away.

    Even at our big health food store do not go near these issues.

    I share with someone there, every time I shop.


  6. We are being pounded here too on mid-East Coast of Australia.

    White dust, sticky, constantly dropping on everything.

    Even the water seems more chlorinated ( and what else ? ) than before. My disposable dish cloths fade within a couple of days.

    People insist on continuing to drink this water !

    Astounding !

    It is also so dry that nasal passages are constantly dry.

    Not usual even for Autumn.

    My hands in the tap water are totally dry too, and not responding to body lotion.

    This is all very 'not normal'.

    Meanwhile, Australian women are swooning over Prince Harry in Australia at present, hoping he will "fall" for them, and make them a princess, like Aussie's Norwegian Princess Mary.

    Men are mangled by PTSD, soldiers, police, all emergency workers. Not treated, though a very effective treatment, Energy Psychology exists.

    Or playing sports – amateur or watching professional.

    Or drinking and drugging and beating their wives.

    The men are suffering terribly and displacing it.

    The women are a mess too.

    Vanity – shopping, keeping up with the Jones', plastic surgery.

    Aussies, get a grip. You are capable of so much more than this.


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