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Climate engineering is not the only issue. Baltic dry index has crashed. We now have powerful allies in this fight. Jade Helm and mass vaccinations are compounding, but resistance is growing. Mainstream media may run stories to help relieve your emotions to keep you from becoming active. How to get involved.

One Response

  1. Great show! Thanks to all! If Nat Geo goes to CO and looks at the trees they will see the affects of beetle kill! The contrails between the breaks in the clouds! The French whatever he is stating the 500 days till climate chaos? Sen. Kerry was right next to him nodding his head? Sept. 23rd? CO backed out of jade helm? Big militry state this CO is? Dry bulk index has been drying up for some time now! I feel for the future of mankind! Man has not been kind! So I should say I am concerned for the human race! Life as I have known it has already changed! Not for the good! I do understand the lack of motivation to believe that insane issues face the human race! It might be to late to stop the insanity?! In my goofie opinion! GOD Bless!

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