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So many people still apathetic about aerosol spraying. Some groups still deny that geoengineering is going on. Dane met with 3 media agencies in past week. Meeting with food coops. The Charged Aerosol Release Program. Sticking to science terms is helpful. Whales loaded with aluminum. Fuel additives being used in commercial jets in addition to military aircraft. Some plumes only coming from bypass air; cannot be an artifact of combustion. How to get involved.

5 Responses

  1. Another good show with DANE. Here in W.V   the spraying goes on every day, I try to tell people yet  some people just do not want to see the truth.I am trying to get the word out here more.I did a litmus test after a rain storm here, and it came back in the red meaning its acidid .I have tried to get the locall media here to do  a story on geoengineering  yet they refuse too.  Let me know dane what else i can do to help you in this cause ……

  2. Of course they are cowards the people who say that there is no EVIDENCE enough .Of course they are just worried with their pay check or their pensions or their  careers and many also worried about the  famous  official  stated idea of "credibility" …What do they need more ?fake clouds from spraying around their faces ,noses and right in front of their eyes that they would have to use gas masks ? what evidence more should be needed for them to document or talk about this issue if it is a secret program made by governments with no public consent ? I´m not surprised about 911 issue being  hidden  by social media as hell …when this people are seeing these planes coming and going and with no knowledge or certainity about the reasons why they are doing it everyday and they simple don´t care ???when people seem to forget that planes were always used for the most horrible crimes in human history …and people  simple trust in their governments lies, desinformation,denial  or silence about this issue and they still trusting in the system as a baby trusts in his mom ? i think everything is already  said about the mentality that is ruled by these criminals on Power so they don´t need to worry much about it …seems like mom is saying to us that things  are as they are for our own good and that children should not ask certain kind of questions cause mom and dad just want our own good and safety(?)…

    I hate airplanes now! when i saw in youtube that black plane hiting one of the towers of WTC i just saw that big dark and silver plane as the symbol of death ,in slow motion seemed like death coming to all those people and then these planes are coming to us …what  BIG "thing" are they preparing to us now? (these criminal governments of the world )

    What secret program had EVIDENCE at naked eye(in fact in this case  this one have-look up if you still have eyes yet) or any oficial document assuming it to be happening? Are journalists stupid? are scientists stupid? No ,you are right ,they are COWARDS!

    Thanks for your tireless efforts and excelent  work Dane .You are my hero! and thanks to Bija here also ! (nice to hear her voice)and thanks to all the people in this fight and in this site that i admire a lot!

  3. There seems to be every indication that not only are people becoming more aware of GeoEngineering and Climate issues but they are also becoming receptive to going public with their beliefs and taking action. I’ve believed for some time now that the fear of ridicule and being labeled and dismissed as a conspiracy theorist was influencing the general publics inability to recognize and acknowledge the changes in nature. I just read an article in the OC Register that the ongoing drought conditions in CA are not only alarming to the public but the majority register water shortages (climate impact on drought conditions) as more serious than the economy. Of course they are directly connected. People will as Dane has said be forced to recognize the climate/geoengineering issues when it directly impacts them.

    Listening to todays program, it seems that more newbies are calling in and getting airtime. The gentleman who spoke to Dane about creating a structure to the movement (with clear cut leadership) indicates we are moving into the next phase. I think Dane needs to keep doing what he does best (web presence, watch radio program etc.). His message is definitely getting through world wide. Simply amazing considering the amount of money being spent on the denier movement. I’ve been listening to radio shows on YT and recently heard a program out of Ireland (recorded end of 2014) which discussed the SRM spraying going on in that country.

    I would also agree with the caller. It will take a unified movement to push through change and to engage the masses into an effective movement. This is a good time to start setting up the foundation for that movement. I hope todays caller follows up with updates. The public has been indoctrinated into a herd mentality and will need leadership, organization and guidance to work together effectively.

    1. Katherine.  Good post and true.  The community information site I am building is local and many of my neighbors know me.  I too thought of being considered a conspiracy theorist, kook etc.  It didn't last for long.  We all have to make an effort to get this information out there and I believe it is working.  My site.  http://www.logtownlookout.com

      Once again, thanx for your post.

  4. I am building a community information web site and just recently added a GeoEngineerring page.  I will be adding more content soon.  Just my way to help get the information out there.  Thanx for all of your efforts. 


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