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A system of lies from top to bottom. The biosphere is dying. Anybody noticing engineered temperatures? Climate engineering heats the earth. Aerosol spraying is happening, we have the lab tests. Talk to people with solid information. How to get involved.

12 Responses

  1. Not sure where to post this… I am worried that the 14 March show is not here in the archives, if indeed that show took place.  Is everyone well there? 

    1. Thanks very much for the link, Katherine!  The show was great, as always.  The monkey-with-its-hand-caught-in-the-jar is a brilliant analogy.  I am stunned by the number of "preparedness" websites focusing on how to protect one's wealth.  As Chief Seattle (I think) said, one day we are going to have to face the truth that we can't eat money (or gold).

      We are being sprayed intensely here in Norway.  The sun is fiercely hot, and yet it's a silvery, hazy, moon-like globe with indistinguishable edge.  I remember when, if the sun was hot, it was yellow.  The average temperature has been 1-4 Celsius over the mean for all of the past 12 months – and that mean is for the last 2,5 decades, which have themselves been roughly 2C warmer than historical temperatures. 

      Unfortunately, most Norwegians are heavily conditioned to trust their leaders, to worry only about their appearance, and to look down on non-Norwegians.  Hard to make an impact here. 

    2. Hi Penny nice to connect with you. I hope we are not out of line having a one on one discussion on this site. I was born in Minnesota of Scandinavian descent (predominantly Norwegian ancestry). I grew up with an appreciation of nature, lakes and trees. For many years, I lived in LA and would spend time hiking, visiting the tidal pools at Point Loma (San Diego area) and would go up the coast to the Big Sur area to camp and hike. I also enjoyed sailing. I began to notice that the tidal pools had fewer organisms. When I first moved to LA the sea birds were plentiful and would follow the beach goers. By 2012 I noticed there were very few birds and one day I found a Sea Gull struggling on the beach. I took the bird to a shelter in Malibu and the vet told me they were being overrun with wildlife that were malnourished. I called back the next day and the bird had died. We had incidences of mass die-offs of fish (in LA) that were of great concern to me a year or two earlier. I began reading about Ocean Acidification, Dead Zones, Climate Change effects on Glacier retreat playing out in real time and the sixth extinction event.

      I am a little embarrassed as someone who would look up at the skies and spent quite a bit of times outdoors to admit I was unaware of GeoEngineering for a very long time. Once I stumbled onto an interview with Dane (think I first heard him speak on a Global Research interview) the pieces all started to fall into place. Now that I am aware of SRM, I understand why the clouds look so strange. Yes I have noticed that the appearance of the sun has changed and even on days with a cool breeze the solar heat is very warm on the skin. I always wear hats and try to protect my skin but there is no escape from whatever is being sprayed on us.

      I am considered by ny family to be a straight shooter not prone to obsessions with conspiracy theorys. My profession is technical based. When I gathered the data/materials and presented this to my family they were receptive but uncertain about the time table. Unfortunately, the IPCC continues to underestimate the severity of the conditions.

      I agree with Danes assessment that GeoEngineering is exacerbating the situation. I do believe AMEG is presenting data that reveals the situation is dire. I have wondered, why is AMEG discounting GeoEngineering? I have been screening Paul Beckwith updates and believes he is well aware of GeoEngineering but his primary focus is on cooling down the Artic. For this reason, he supports geoengineering as an option in dealing with the loss of sea ice in the Artic. I think AMEG and McPherson know this is going on but see geoengineering as a necessary evil. AMEG know when we have a blue ocean event we are on the pathway to a runaway greenhouse event.

      I think Dane is right. GeoEngineering is part of the equation, that if stopped, could allow the Earth’s natural systems to begin to respond. This will not “fix” the situation we are beyond that but it might allow more areas of the planet to remain hospitable for life.

    3. Hi Katherine,

      I hope no offense was taken in my characterization of Norwegian culture!  The same phenomenon exists in the US, of course, and the problem here is predominantly among the younger generation(s).  Interestingly, after WWII, Norway abandoned its traditional education system in favor of that used in the US.  Education has such a huge impact on willingness to think.  When I decided to homeschool my children, many people asked, worriedly, "But what about socialization?"  I didn't admit it, but the type of socialization acquired in schools was the main reason I didn't enroll them!

      Like you, I have always been a sky-gazer, and while I knew that the clouds I was seeing weren't natural, for years I was too worried about climate change to go looking for other crises.  I got to this website by learning about HAARP.  Funny how it all interconnects, and yet gets presented as bits and pieces.  The wonder of this site is that the whole, completed puzzle appears. 

      I am from Michigan originally, and am of Danish and other Scandinavian stock – and a lot of Scottish. 

    4. Hi Penny, I wasn’t offended. I appreciate the update on Norway. It points to a systemic worldwide problem. At some point, the education system here seemed to be ‘adjusted’ to limit critical thinking but I had no idea that Norway had adopted the USA education model. On a recent broadcast, Dane mentioned that he has taught his kids the core basics of critical thinking (words to that effect). Most people plop their kids in front of a TV and rely solely on the education system. It’s no wonder that people can’t see and do not question the obvious changes impacting the planet. If you’ve read the post by James regarding the NY tidal wave scenario, I absolutely believe 50% of the people would casually go about their daily business (disregard the warnings). I’m amazed the number is not higher. So many have the parrot syndrome. They simply repeat what they see and hear on TV and do not question the message.

      I feel fortunate to have an awareness and understanding of the issues. Seems a little strange to say this but knowing the scenarios of what appears to be on the horizon and being able to prioritize and appreciate friends and family has its benefits. It’s not in my nature to sit back, give up and do nothing. It gives me hope to know people are informed, communicating their questions and concerns and spreading the truth worldwide. Best regards to all.

  2. Gary in North Los Angeles !

    The spraying keeps intensifying in my location with different patterns being used, spreading from Long Beach, Ca , up through Ventura County, roughly 100 miles long.  My entire family has been sick for weeks and are worse on heavy, heavy, spray days…Migraines & headaches, nausea, and insistent respiratory congestion !…After sleeping in an air conditioned room all night, by morning there is some relief, but by late afternoon on a very heavy spray day like today, 03/13/15, I and others feel so,so, sick and ran down.  As I type this I fell nausea, burning eyes, and fatigue !.. This can not go on as we are suffocating !…How do we stop it ?…Even our doctors can not tell us why we feel so bad and sick !…..Can I Help, stop this insanity ?…Thank You, Gary / 818-433-6077

  3. I saw this article:


    And no matter how the desinformation might be(in order  to confuse us and to take out the responsability from their shoulders) i  don´t understand  how so many people still believe this to be just a conspiracy theory ?!…Seems that the "clues" are everywhere ,even on the desinformation articles like this one about Obama -"the rain maker" (maybe "the drought maker"?or "floods maker"? etc) and the geoengeneering issue!


  4. There was night spraying here in the east too Detroit Southern Suburbs), March 9th. Now today the whole sky is a very flat gray. 

  5. Wes, it was nice to hear you mention that this is not a black or white issue, it affects all of us the same no matter our skin color. Please continue sounding the alarm in your area.

  6. This is a PS to the below post:

    Today I would have called into the program to bring to attention a piece written by John Pilger in Feb.,re-published by PCR here:


    So Friday night, Anderson Cooper interviewed Anthony Bourdain ( the Parts Unknown – CNN chef) who happen to do one episode recently while having dinner with Boris Nemtsov. It was the perfect background to a setup. What are the chances..

    I recall the young Libyan woman Anderson interviewed several times by telephone during the take-down of Gaddafi. .It only took one courageous yet vulnerable young female voice on a 911 distress call to Anderson Cooper to get the America public on side.  

    Tonight Turner Classic Movies aired Dr. Strangelove. ​I'm sure they are laughing too..


  7. Occasionally I miss the radio program live, and download it later. Today was one of those days. Having just listened to the program, i'd like to submit this link. It dovetails with one of the themes of today's program. http://hilobrow.com/2012/04/30/mask/

    So we, all of us here awoke at some point to the shocking reality, that reality is something different than we dreamed. To our frustration, most of our neighbours are not awake. 

    I watched a short made-for-TV catastrophe video a few days ago, based on a futuristic tidal wave scenario. They claim 50% of the pop, say those ppl in NYC would not accept the fact that impending doom was 8 hrs away, and would carry on as usual until the last moment. I think I agree we can immediately strike 50% of the people on my street and yours as fitting that category. My experience indicates it probably more like 1 in 200 are not asleep.

    Dane is right, it's going to take a breakthrough moment, perhaps a country comes out into the open, but I doubt that will ever happen.

    So were is 'Anonymous'? We are legion, and we are being sprayed…

    Harrison Ford crashes an airplane, and the global media has a hay day.  So Harrison, where are you? When we need you to save the world… It would be so easy for you.

    Brief atmosphere report from my location. The aerosol trails continue almost every day. It goes on and on and on. There are 24 to 36 hr lapses, and we see a blue sky for some few hrs, maybe 12 hrs long in some stretches. I am now in my 6th yr of observation of the phenomena and it hasn't lessened. There are more trails in the sky today than 6 years ago. The clouds are streaming by as one huge perpetual cover, and its low to the ground. If you look into the dense cloud cover at sunset, you can always, i repeat ALWAYS see the phenomena occurring. We are living in a giant Petri dish.

    Lastly, i'm glad to see you whacked the AMEG group on the side of their head. A half-truth is a half-lie.

    All the best,


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