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Are they spraying lithium? Green energy is not so green. Public officials know the spraying is happening. Are they really spraying coal ash? Particulates trap more heat than they deflect. US split between record highs and record lows. Vaccine issue being pushed hard on mainstream media, probably because of mandatory vaccine bill in California. Dirty rain leaving residue everywhere. Haze around streetlights is visible despite low humidity. How to get involved.

4 Responses

  1. This really makes me sick that the public our children us as a human race uave no say in this its genocide thank you dane so much for your great info and videos i live in tofield, alberta and it is unreal everyday on a constant basis they are spraying god it makes me upset i want to rebel or do somthing !!!!

  2. Yes,sometimes it seems like coal ash are being sprayed!I can´t understand why they are doing these endless programs ? the biosphere destruction by geoengeneering can be a weather manipulation with a even worst horror story behind it ? I can´t understand how they are using more fuel to planes or boats or cars to maintain all this logistic for these geoengeneering programs?… In a world where everybody talks about the peak oil,the economic colapse and the entire civilzation colapse based on fossil fuels it really makes me think the reason why of a desperat need for so many resources being used and chemicals being dumped in daily basis for so long periods of time? ,what big picture they are preparing themselves for or preparing for us,what are their plans?Are these their “silent wars” ?…are they planning for a big war besides the clima manipulation because of global warming? testing new weapons?Too much higher numbers of population for such scarce resources in the world was already an issue in 2010 as i could see in this interview:


    I like some interviews but i feel sorry that an huge factor for our current world colapsing situation(geoengeneering)is not even mentioned as if it was a a forbiden issue ,but it´s no surprise cause :who wants this issue to be known (as a practice for years) when our bioshere is totally colapsing?and specially when could be dangerous for those in charge to be revealed their names as the big criminals behind all the this “scene” ! In my opinion i don´t believe in inocence of humans in Power and i don´t think we could survive a civilization colapse to take a lesson from all of this ,specially when important things as geoengeneering still not being revealed to populations or are not taken in account by scientists as an equation that could save the planet if it was stoped…

    Did they(those in Power) really left things as it was since they know long ago the eminent envyronmental and industrial colapse ?or they´ve been working in “solutions”(for their own survival)that majoraty of the people are not even aware of or don´t even have a slicest clue?It for certain would be of their interest (and of their controled Media) to left us totally in the dark ,in total ignorance!…would they care about decimating anything if they already did so much harm to the planet and it never stoped them.
    so we are in the hands of a system that always finds the best way to control us …
    Unfortunatly the time is scarce but even if inteligent and honest people are trying to tell us the truth we (as humankind”) are about to face colectivily people stills not believing it and less they are able to imagine the big picture that they just cal conspiracy theories!…Good interview Dane!

  3. If i am not mistaken, i heard possibly 50 gigatons of methane have already been released from Laptev sea. Now just recently, in one of the articles, i have read that total methane content in the atmosphere is currently about 5 gigatons. Is it that large discrepancy, or does it break down so fast in the atmosphere, or does it fill atmosphere this fast? or am i missing something here all together?

    1. Hello Maciej, there are “official” reports on the total amount of methane in the atmosphere that are just disinformation put out for the purpose of downplaying the true magnitude of what is unfolding. It does in fact appear that a great deal of methane has already released, this does not bode well for life on Earth.

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