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Geoengineers can't hide the spraying much longer. Public does not care what those in power do. Dane's Facebook page reach suddenly dropped. Arctic Methane Emergency Group is reporting accurate date; numbers confirmed on the group. Brian Williams being punished but 3 of his collegues are dead now. High temperature records being broken all over the US; highs in the west, lows in the east. Ocean-iron fertilization causes algae blooms but acidifies the ocean. Weather Channel claiming ship tracks, but they aren't. Jellyfish flourishing in artificially-created ocean dead zones; everything else dying. Corexit made Gulf spill 52-times more toxic. How to get involved.

7 Responses

  1. Dane,thanx again for all the great info you constantly bring forward in this on going battle we all face.I have been dealing with some of the same health issues I am hearing others frequently talk about these days.Primarily respiratory related stuff which just makes me work harder to talk to more people such as the doctors I have come into contact with this last year, my dentist and anyone else I can plant seeds in.It is still very frustrating to me, especially when I am talking to people who should be intelligent enough to understand the basics of geoengineering yet as we have all seen- even these well educated people choose to dismiss common facts and ignore the truth. Has anyone thought about some kind of simple message or info to print on a t-shirt or sweat shirt to draw peoples attention? Something to get people to ask you what your message is about so they are drawn into the subject matter by curiosity or whatever?I am headed to a shop here where I live to get an ideas about cost.If anyone has any ideas “I am all ears”. Take Care Dane and as always may God watch over and protect us all.

  2. Dane I follow on youtube and on this site every day. However I live in North Carolina and I can not seem to get any information about what is going here. I know AND I see geo engineering happening here everyday. I am concerned and want to know what is going on with the freezing cold temps. in NC and now it is supposed to snow today. There has been a massive amount of spraying the past week. I wonder if this winter storm headed our way was created.

    1. Hello Leigh, all the “winter storms” over the Eastern US are being massivenly engineered, search “engineered snow storms” and start researching.

  3. Dane, your stamina and patience are astounding. I hope you got a break and could enjoy this weekend with your family.

    My theory is we are being sprayed with metals because we drink and eat too much. All the *recycled* aluminium cans and tin foil AND other industrial waste is being dumped on us. We had to drink fluoride so industry could save money and that sure pacified us easily.

    Do we need to REDUCE more than oil? I say we all go back to the homestead and make our own beer and wine in bottles that we wash and reuse. We can bring back glass blowing and grow hemp on our hills to replace our dying forests until we can get them growing again.

    Love from the Garden Of We-Eden in the Okanagan Valley of BC. Canada to you and your family and friends.

  4. This is the message i get everytime i´m going to post a comment and my comment simply disapears
    “ERROR: Unreadable CAPTCHA token file”

    …and i forgot to copy to paste again…i don´t know what´s wrong cause i think i put the right numbers and figures!

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