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Duty To Warn: Changing The “War No More” Sentiment Of Armistice Day To The War-Glorifying

Duty To Warn Changing the “War No More” Sentiment of Armistice Day to the War-Glorifying Propaganda of Veterans Day By Gary G. Kohls, MD 11-11-17 99 years ago, on 11-11-1918, at precisely 11 am Paris time, a cease-fire (aka “truce” or “armistice”) was agreed to and signed by military negotiators from France, Britain and Germany. The terms of the truce ultimately resulted in the end of the “War to End All Wars” 7 months later when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919. Germany’s surrender to the Allies was regarded as the prudent thing to do after Kaiser Wilhelm’s tyrannical monarchy was overthrown by democratic socialist forces earlier in 1918. Erich Ludendorf, a classic example of Prussian militarism, was one of the German generals who first broached the idea of starting the negotiations that eventually led to Germany’s surrender.


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